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“That was quick,” Alec said, returning to her side.

“It was occupied.” His eyes narrowed on her before an amused smile played across his lips. His eyes searched the room before coming back to hers.

“I take it Sin was getting better acquainted with one of the locals?”

Sawyer gave a brief nod, twisting her hands together, and then looked away at his amusement and found her eyes caught by Kaden’s. The woman was still hanging onto him, but her smile appeared more forced.

“Let’s go,” Alec said, taking her arm. Sawyer didn’t argue, wanting to get away from the embarrassing situation and Kaden’s watchful eyes.

The hallway was busy with fans and workers moving around. Alec led her to a series of heavy doors before coming to a set of double steel doors where she recognized two of his men who opened them. Hurriedly, he maneuvered her through the crowd with determination, not letting any of the fans jostle her. Sawyer thought of jerking away and making a run for it, but almost as if he read her mind, his hand tightened on her arm, propelling her forward. Before she could come up with another plan, she found herself back on the bus.

“Do you want to sit in here or go back into the bedroom?”

At least he gave me a choice, she thought sarcastically, but not wanting to face Sin so soon after getting a bird’s eye view of his cock, she was ready to go back into the bedroom.

Without answering him, she moved toward the back of the bus, going inside the room. She heard the lock behind her when the door closed. Regretting not being able to think of a way to escape, she felt like a failure letting Vida down.

Hearing the door unlock then open later, she looked toward it, seeing Kaden come into the bedroom.

“The other shower is busy,” he explained his presence.

“Help yourself,” Sawyer said, waving her hand toward the bathroom.

His lips quirked at her giving him permission to use his own bathroom. She watched as he went to the closet and pulled out his bag, removing clothing before going into the bathroom. Sawyer then turned on the television to drown out the sound of him in the shower. Her imagination saw him removing his clothes and stepping into the surprisingly large shower.

Twining a lock of her hair around her finger, she forced herself to choose a program as she felt the bus begin to move. She didn’t ask where they were going next, because she knew it was taking her further and further away from Vida.

Sawyer’s eyes grew heavy and she lay down on her side, curling comfortably into the mattress. It was sometime later, when the bathroom door opened, that she was jerked awake.

“Do you need anything?”

“You could stop the bus and let me off,” she said, sitting up.

His lips tightened. “I was talking about something to eat or drink.”

“I know what you meant,” Sawyer snapped. “How long are you going to do this, Kaden? You’re holding me prisoner against my will. Eventually you’ll have to let me go, and then you and your entire band are going to go to jail,” she said angrily.

“I don’t think it’s too smart telling me that, do you?” Kaden crossed his arms over his chest, watching her reaction.

Sawyer forced herself not to let his attitude intimidate her. “Let me go, Kaden, and I won’t say a thing to the police. I promise.” Sawyer meant it; she just wanted her freedom. She would tell the police about the other women, but she would keep Kaden and his band out of it if he would let her go.

“Somehow, I just don’t believe you, Sawyer.” When she opened her mouth to explain, he cut her off. “Sawyer, I told you what Redman said. I’m keeping you for you and your friend’s safety.”

“I don’t need your help.” At his look of disbelief, she corrected herself. “I just want to get Vida and disappear.”

“How? You said you worked as a waitress; how are you just going to disappear from a group of men involved in a sex ring who want you dead?”

Sawyer winced at his blunt words.

“V—Vida and I have been saving. We have almost five thousand dollars...” She turned red. She was aware five thousand wasn’t a large sum of money to him, but it was a fortune to her and Vida.

“Five thousand isn’t going to be enough to hide you from men like Redman. They’ll have you in a week. This time, they’ll have your friend, Vida, also. It will take weeks, if not months, for the police to build a case. As soon as you tried to get a job when your money ran out, they would have you.”

She hadn’t thought of that, assuming that the police would make an immediate arrest. She had heard that it took time to gather evidence and prosecute criminals; however, she hadn’t thought about it in regards to her and Vida’s safety. She was going to have to start thinking smarter if they stood any chance of surviving.

Chapter Seven

Sawyer sat in the corner, watching another after party, and at the same time, wanting to scream in frustration as yet another woman slipped unnoticed into the room. How so many could sneak into the guarded room while she couldn’t slip out was working her nerves to a screaming point.

Being constantly monitored by Kaden and Alec, plus being on the bus, was bringing back the memories of her childhood where her over-protective mother had smothered her with attention after the death of her father.

It had been three weeks since she had begun being held prisoner by Kaden. At first, she’d tried to remain aloof from the band, but the individual band members were gradually wearing down her intentions. She was deathly afraid that they were weakening her resolve to escape.

Ax especially was sweet toward her, with a sense of humor that never failed to get a reluctant smile from her. He drove the other band members crazy with his pranks, and Sawyer especially enjoyed it when Kaden was the victim. He had locked Kaden inside his bed compartment with the sliding door this morning, and swore he didn’t remember where he had put the key.

She had sat at the kitchen table, smirking into her coffee as she wondered how he liked a dose of his own medicine when Alec had spoilt the fun by picking the lock and releasing a furious Kaden. He had gone for the prankster and wrestled him from one end of the bus to the other. At first she had thought that Ax would be the easy winner of the wrestling match with his larger, muscled frame, but Kaden had quickly changed her opinion. Kaden may be lean; however, he was a dirtier fighter.

Alec’s attention was diverted by a curvy brunette, who was flirting with him, while Kaden was surrounded by at least two women. Sin had disappeared for his concert hump, and D-mon, as usual, had his own personal fan club vying for his attention.

Sawyer nonchalantly got to her feet as if going to get a drink. Using the crowd as cover, she edged for the door. A number of women came in the door and Sawyer took the opportunity to slide through. She saw Alec’s men with their backs turned, trying to keep the large number of women back. This arena was larger than the previous ones, with more exits for the men to cover, and they were becoming overwhelmed.

Not hesitating, she used the forward momentum of a large group of women to slip into the crowd.

“Hey! Stop!” one of the security detail yelled.

Frantically, knowing she had been seen, she weaved through the crowd, which she now realized had a number of men. Seeing a group of males, she smiled and edged in between them, hoping their height would hide her while she figured out which direction to go. She saw Alec and D-mon rushed past and shrunk down.

One of the men was looking down at her curiously. Expecting him to question her, he gave her a wink and slung his arm over her shoulder. “Get to rowdy for you, sweet thing?”