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“Come here.”

Sawyer’s head turned to see that he was standing in the middle of the floor with his hands tucked into his pockets. She was determined to stay seated, but felt herself rising to her feet, moving to stand a few feet in front of him.

“Say that again. This time while looking me in the eyes.” Sawyer’s hand went to her hair, unconsciously twining a curl around her finger.

“I’m s—sorry.I never meant for anyone to be h—h—hurt.” It was hard to meet his eyes with a guilty conscience berating her.

“That’s better.” Kaden’s eyes studied her before he bent down to pick up the wet towel. Going into the bathroom, she saw him tossing it into the dirty clothes bin. He then leaned against the doorway.

“Tomorrow, we have one more concert before we take a week’s break at R.J.’s house. The security team is spending their resources trying to keep you contained, and are failing on keeping the fans and press out. It’s going to stop now, Sawyer. We are going to come to an agreement that’s going to keep everyone safe.”

“What do you mean? You’re going to let me go?” Hope lightened the dread in her chest.

“No.” Kaden’s voice softened, but not by much. “What I mean is, do we both agree that five thousand isn’t a drop in the bucket to what you actually need for you and your friend to disappear?”

She didn’t want to admit it, but he was right. Five thousand would maybe keep them hidden a couple of months if they were frugal and she wasn’t confident that with that amount of money they wouldn’t be found.


“Then to secure your cooperation, I’m willing to give you three hundred thousand dollars for three months of your time.”

Sawyer’s mouth dropped open; she didn’t know what to say.

“That should give us enough time to figure out what to do to fix the situation.” Kaden wasn’t going to let her go regardless of her answer; however, she was fully aware that they needed a large sum of money if they were going to be safe from Redman.

“I can’t leave Vida without making sure she’s safe.”

“Vida is safe. Alec has checked it out, and she went to a man named King for protection.”

Kaden was going to have to give her some more information if she was going to quit trying to escape.

“K—King?” Surprised, Sawyer didn’t know what to think. King was certainly strong enough to keep Vida protected. He was also undoubtedly more capable than the police. He operated on his own ethical standards. Neither Vida nor she knew King very well, but King had never tried to harm them. In fact, from what she had found out after her mother’s death, he had been keeping an eye on them for a very long time.

“Do you know him?”

“Not very well. He would come by the apartment building Vida and I lived in when we were kids. I never knew who he visited or why he was there. Mom told me one time that he controlled Queen City. It was only when I got older that I realized how.”

“Is your friend safe with him?”

King ran several strip clubs, dealt in prostitution and drugs. Sawyer wanted to say no, but a memory from her childhood had her changing her opinion.

“Yes. I don’t know why, but he feels he owes us a favor.”

Kaden’s gaze sharpened on her. Sawyer felt it without understanding his interest in King.

“I—I really don’t know why. When we were little, Vida and another friend of mine and me were playing. To make a long story short, some boys in our neighborhood started messing with us and threw a doll out into the road. Callie ran out after it and Vida chased after her. I managed to save both from being hit by a car. King told me afterward that he owed me. Not long afterward, he put a protection order out in the neighborhood that we weren’t to be touched.”

“Why did he owe you? For saving Callie or Vida? Was he related to either of them?”

“N—no, C—Callie didn’t even know who he was, while Vida was like me; we knew who he was because our mothers warned us how dangerous he could be.”

“Could Vida be connected to King? Maybe that’s why she went to him for help?”

“I doubt it. She would have told me.”

“Okay. So do you believe that Vida will be safe with King?”

“Yes.” She was reluctant to admit it, yet it was the truth.

“So will you stop your escape attempts now that you know Vida is safe?”

Unable to bear the scrutiny in his eyes, she turned away to sit on the side of the bed. It was a relief to know that Vida was safe.

“I can’t forget about those women kidnapped for the next three months.” How could he expect her to feel nothing for the women she had lain in a dark room with, hearing their cries for help every night?

She heard Kaden’s frustrated sigh before his words had her staring back at him in confusion. “Alec is taking care of it, Sawyer. That’s all I can tell you for now. You have to trust me. Did I let Rick take you and the other women? Haven’t I kept you safe? The other women who Rick sent to the hotel are safe and can’t be touched, either.”

Sawyer had no reason to trust him. He had held her locked up for several weeks. So how could she possibly depend on him? Yet she did. He hadn’t hurt her. In fact, his band and he had been hurt because of her. They were taking a chance to help her and possibly destroying their career that provided them with a very lucrative income. Surely they wouldn’t jeopardize their livelihood unless they thought they were doing the right thing.

This time it was Sawyer who sighed. She was out of options; she really didn’t have a choice in the matter. Either she could stay their hostage for the next three months or be a paid hostage with enough money to provide Vida and her the opportunity to start over without Redman finding them.

“Okay.” Sawyer had no other choice; she gave in to his blackmail.

“We have a deal?”

“We have a deal.” Sawyer felt as if she had just sold a part of herself she would never get back.

Chapter Eight

Sawyer stood backstage watching Mouth2Mouth perform on the monitor; they were mesmerizing. She had learned the hard way that watching them from a few feet away was overwhelming. She could understand the crowd’s response of shouts and trying to get closer to the stage, which the security had to keep heavily guarded in order to push them back.

Kaden was singing with Alyce on the stage. They were dancing in a way that looked more like humping to Sawyer, and the crowd was going nuts. Alyce’s ass was grinding back on Kaden’s dick as his arms circled her waist with his hands pressed flat on her stomach, pulling her back to him. How they could concentrate on the words to the song she didn’t know. The sexual tension was apparent between the two and everyone around them felt it. D-mon and Sin’s eyes were surveying the crowd and Sawyer wondered who they would pick for a quickie before the bus left the arena.

The encore over, the lights dimmed and the band exited the stage to applause that sounded throughout the whole arena.

“Let’s go,” Alec said as they passed at the same time that Sawyer spotted D-mon giving a motion of his hand toward a pretty woman still trying to get near the stage, letting the security guard know who he’d chosen.

Turning, she followed the band and Alec as they returned to the VIP room, which quickly filled with press and fans who were allowed admittance. Sawyer found an empty chair, making herself comfortable for the next hour. Kaden had told her that they would be staying on the bus tonight as they drove to R.J.’s home.

They would stay there for the week before resuming the concert tour. It had never felt less like spring to her. She hoped Vida was having a better time than she was, but doubted it, how much fun could it be watching women strip?