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Her gaze went seductively upwards. “May I touch you?”

This time his voice was hoarse. “Yes.”

Sawyer reached out, touching his cock with the gentlest of touches as she stroked and explored the most intimate part of his body.

“Harder, Sawyer.” Her hand began stroking him with a firm grip as Kaden’s jaw tightened. She edged closer to him, opening her mouth to take him as deep as she felt comfortable, while her hand stroked and explored his heavy balls, and her tongue investigated every inch of him. She used her hand on his cock to control exactly how much she would take.

His hand burrowed into her hair as he began thrusting into her mouth with his cock. He was gentle with her as she became used to his length. Once he saw that she was having no trouble, he increased his thrusts, sliding more of himself inside.

Kaden’s hand left her hair and went to her breast, his hand finding her already beaded nipple. Pressing the tender nub between his fingers, the slight sting of pain had her hand leaving his cock to take his hand away from her breast. He didn’t let her hand move his, but he did stop pinching her breast and his other hand went to her hair, holding her steady as he slid another inch into her mouth. Her hand automatically went to return to his cock, but the pressure on her nipple increased.

Sawyer finally understood his message. Her hand dropped to her lap, letting Kaden have total control over the depth that he drove his cock into her mouth. She had to trust him, although it was hard to do. He was slightly rough, demanding more of her than she thought she could give him; however, when she relaxed and let him have the control he demanded, he eased the depth of his strokes, alternating so that she had ample opportunity to breathe.

Sawyer felt his cock lengthen just before he came. He didn’t slow, expecting her to take him. Her knees squeezed together as she sought to relieve the burning pressure between her own thighs.

When Kaden finished, he took a step back. “Thank you, Sawyer. I accept your apology.”

Sawyer felt a rush of pride that she had succeeded in pleasing Kaden. It was silly that her body responded to the dominance he exuded, but it did.

“It’s time to go to bed, Sawyer. Do you need to go to the bathroom?”

Sawyer nodded her head, disappointed that he wasn’t going to relieve her own frustrated desire. She hurriedly used the restroom before returning to the bedroom where Kaden was already in bed. Sawyer turned the light out before climbing in beside him. Her eyes watered; she was so on edge from being denied her own organism. Payback was a bitch, she thought. This time without the sarcasm.

His final lesson of the night was one she’d never forget. She had denied him the previous night, and Kaden believed the punishment should suit the crime. She had locked him out of her bedroom the previous night, denying his body an orgasm. He returned the same to her by not letting her have her own orgasm tonight.

His arm circled her waist, pulling her back to him, her ass pressed against his cock, letting her feel what she had been denied. He then held her close throughout the night. She tried to shift her body away from his, and each time, he reached out, trapping her close. Even in sleep, Kaden tried to keep her under his control, gradually Sawyer was able to slip a few inches away, falling into a light doze just as dawn covered the morning sky.

Chapter Fifteen

“We missed you for Thanksgiving, Kaden.” His mother’s voice held no recriminations for his failure to show.

“I missed you all, too, Mom. Tatiana’s family wanted to meet me with us just becoming engaged,” Kaden explained, sitting in the back of the limo with a pretty blonde by his side.

“I know, son. How’s she doing?” Kaden lifted the woman’s hand, placing it on his lap.

“She’s good. She decided to stay for a couple of weeks with her parents until we meet up at the cabin I rented us for Christmas. You guys getting ready? Remind Grace to bring everything the kids need. We’ll be miles away from the nearest store.”

“I’ll remind her. Kaden, there’s something you need to know…” His mother’s voice lowered. “Grace is expecting again and…”

“Jeez, Mom, hasn’t she ever heard of birth control?” Kaden adjusted his hips as the woman he picked up from a popular nightclub, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled his dick out with nimble fingers.

“Mom, I have to go. I have Sin and D-mon waiting for me. The two men sitting across from him bit back their laughter.


He disconnected the call as the woman slid his cock deep into her mouth. He sucked in a breath as her experienced tongue swirled against his cock.

“Anything important going on?” Sin questioned, his eyes not lifting from the woman’s mouth greedily sucking on Kaden’s cock.

“No, same old bullshit. My sister is pregnant again, and Mom is probably worried about her. Remind me to have R.J. send them some extra cash next month.” Kaden leaned his head back against the expensive leather, groaning.

“Come on, Kaden, don’t be so stingy.” Sin reached forward, maneuvering the woman until she was on the floor between the seats. D-mon reached down, sliding the short skirt she was wearing until her ass was exposed.

“Help yourself; I don’t mind sharing,” Kaden groaned.

Kaden turned off the water before stepping out of the shower. Drying off, he slung the towel towards the laundry basket before returning to the bedroom.

Sawyer was sleeping deeply. She had since he had let her roll away from his body. He had held her most of the night, waiting for her to fall asleep. It was only when he had loosened his hold, that she had managed to attain it.

He had left her body unfulfilled last night. She had been so primed he could have slid his dick into her with no foreplay. Her mind was fighting their attraction, but her body was more than willing to concede to his demands.

Her beautiful face looked tranquil in sleep, disguising the usually cautious way she watched him. He watched as her arm fell to her side, exposing the tattoo she had on the back of her wrist.


Sawyer reminded him of a fragile bird who constantly struggled against a gilded cage. Kaden had never seen anyone—male or female—so unaffected by wealth. The clothes that R.J. had purchased from a local discount store were the ones she constantly wore, ignoring the expensive ones in her closet. Even the extra cash she had that he had wanted to make sure she kept on her, she had donated to the less fortunate. The woman had no self-preservation instinct. Sawyer hated to be waited on and cared for, preferring to do it herself. The only thing he could see she enjoyed was fucking bath bombs.

Kaden sat down on the mattress beside her hip. He couldn’t tie her to him emotionally; she was too guarded for that. He wondered, not for the first time, if it was something from her past or her kidnapping by Redman that was responsible for her behavior. Sexually, he could reach her, but if he attempted to draw her emotionally closer, she shut him out. Sadly for her, he had no compunction using his more experienced skills against her. He wanted her that badly.

He lowered the sheet, exposing her body before sliding between her thighs. He eased his cock into her tight pussy as her thighs rose, clamping against his hips as he thrust in and out of her.

“Fuck me,” he whispered into her ear.

Her hips began thrusting back against him, giving them both what they needed. When her eyes sleepily opened, the clear, golden depths stared up at him, making no effort to hide her arousal.