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“Feel better?”

“Yes. I don’t want to kill you anymore. I’ll settle for castrating you if it happens again.”

“That’s an easy fix; just behave, Sawyer. Take your safety as seriously as we do and quit fighting our protecting you. Your friend, Vida, obviously listened to Colton.”

“I promise I’ll be more careful, Kaden.”

* * *

When Sawyer heard the door opening, she turned, expecting Kaden; however, Vida stood in the doorway, grinning at her.



Both friends ran into each other’s arms, crying, and neither could talk for several minutes.

“Thank God, you’re safe. I’ve been so worried about you.” Vida looked her friend over carefully before hugging her close again.

“I’ve missed you so much.” Sawyer couldn’t stop crying as she stared at Vida, noticing the changes in her. They were as close as sisters and Sawyer saw that the unhappy memories that had always filled her eyes had been replaced with happiness.

They sat down on the couch, still holding each other’s hand. It was a habit they’d had since children when her mother would take them for walks in the park, making them hold onto each other’s hands. It had been traumatic the first few times they had went to the park after Callie’s death, each of them kept unconsciously searching for their missing friend’s hand.

“Are you all right?” Vida questioned her, lowering her voice.

Sawyer glanced up,seeing the room of the suite was filled to capacity. Kaden, the band, Alec—with two of his security guards who were wearing FBI vests—Colton—who still looked the same as when he had tattooed her—the bikers—Ice, Max and several others, wearing Predators’ jackets.

“I’m fine, but have you counted to see who has the biggest entourage?” Sawyer joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Vida laughed, brushing away her tears. “I don’t have to. I do. There’s more outside the door and downstairs.”

Sawyer smiled gratefully at the men for making sure Vida was safe.

“How did you get away from Rick?” Vida asked.

“Kaden rented me then wouldn’t give me back,” Sawyer answered, going on to tell her about her second kidnapping and how King had rescued her.

“He must have sent Ashley to warn me. She’s the reason I knew how to find you.”

“Why didn’t he just call and tell you himself?”

“No one has heard from him since the night the FBI raided the recording studio. He might have been afraid the police would arrest him.”

Sawyer shook her head. “King is too smart for the police to catch.” She ignored the frosty gazes of the FBI agents. “I think he’s gone after Digger.”

Vida nodded her head in agreement. “I agree. I hope he finds him. Digger is evil and deserves everything that King does to him. He killed a FBI agent that was a friend of mine.”

Sawyer didn’t tell her that wasn’t the worst of the sins that hell was waiting to make Digger pay for. She prayed every night for the women that Digger had kidnapped.

“Sawyer, do you know why Digger wants us?”

“He’s trying to find a connection between King and us.”

“But there isn’t one,” Vida protested then, seeing the look in Sawyer’s eyes, she asked, “Is there?”

“No, Vida, there’s no connection between King and us,” then she added softly, “but there was between him and Callie.”

“No, Sawyer, there wasn’t.” Vida stood up, jerking her hand away from her friend.

“King was Callie’s father,” Sawyer told her.

“No!” Vida started crying and Sawyer joined her. Discussing Callie was bringing back all the heartache they had never been able to leave behind.

“How could he just stand back and not do anything?” Vida cried.

“I don’t know, Vida. I really don’t. I know she was born during the time of his sister’s death. Maybe he thought he was protecting her. Instead, he left her in the hands of pure evil. Brenda makes Digger look like a choirboy. I told Digger about Callie, that she was a friend of ours, but I didn’t tell him that King was her father. I told him there wasn’t a connection that I knew about. I don’t think he believed me, though. His hatred of King has gone too far. He can’t back down now without taking King down, and he thinks King would try to save us.”

Vida and Sawyer both sat quietly, thinking.

“He would, wouldn’t he, Sawyer? He’d sacrifice himself for us.”

“Yes. He believes he owes us for saving Callie that day. King always pays his debts,” Sawyer answered.

“This is such a mess. What are we going to do now? King and Digger are both missing.” Vida and Sawyer stared at each other, unsure of what their next step should be. They’d always had a plan of action since they were kids.

“I can answer that question.” Kaden stepped forward, walking to the couch and sitting down beside Sawyer. “We have the hotel secure; you two can stay here until the band has to be at their next concert. Then, you two need to be moved to a safe house.”

Sawyer started to protest then remembered her promise about taking her safety more seriously. “Where?”

“I have a remote cabin that you both could stay in with Alec’s security guards. As soon as the tour is over, I can join you and we can decide where to go next.”

Vida and Sawyer both looked at each other as Colton walked over, sitting down next to Vida. “It’s a good idea, Vida. If you go back to Queen City, Digger won’t stop. If he’s finally made a move toward King, he won’t back down until one of them is dead. Digger’s operation is exposed; he has nothing to lose.”

Sawyer saw Vida’s nod of agreement. “Then I guess we’re all going to Kaden’s cabin.”

Looking at Kaden and the band, then at the rough appearance of the Predators, Sawyer thought the next few days were going to be interesting.

Chapter Twenty-three

“Where are you, Kaden? They’re holding the plane for you.” Grace’s voice sounded worried.

“I’m stuck in a meeting. R.J. is going to get me another plane tomorrow. You guys go ahead.” Tatiana motioned to him from where he was standing with R.J. and Briana. R.J. had convinced him to stay overnight and meet his family tomorrow due to the Christmas party he had thrown the band.

“Kaden, you are going to show, aren’t you? We miss you. Please, Kaden, it’s Christmas.”

“I said, I’ll be there in the morning.” His voice sounded sharp, but he made no effort to soften his tone. “Put Mom on and I’ll tell her myself.”


“Grace,” he mocked, “put Mom on.” The rustling of the phone could be heard then his mother’s voice came over the line.

“I’m stuck in a meeting. The plane is going to take you guys then come back for me.”

Silence was his only answer.

“Mom, I’ll be there in the morning before the kids open their presents.” Kaden lifted his glass of whiskey for another drink.

“Okay, Kaden. We’ll see you in the morning. I love you.” Resignation sounded in her voice.

“I’ll be there, Mom. I won’t let you down.” Kaden knew he was lying, planning on calling in the morning with another excuse.

“I know you won’t. I’ll see you in the morning.” The line disconnected with a final click.

Kaden sat up in the bed, sweat drenching his flesh as he ran his hand through his damp hair.

“Kaden, are you all right?” Sawyer’s sleepy voice sounded from the side of the bed. When they had gone to bed, she had been in his arms, but she always managed to slip away from him during the night. She couldn’t sleep pinned down by his weight.