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Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)

Tel.: (877) 55ACORN

Web site: http://www.acorn.org


Tel.: (877) BIONEER

Web site: http://www.bioneers.org

The Gamaliel Foundation

Tel.: (312) 357–2639

Web site: http://www.gamaliel.org

Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF)

Tel.: (312) 245–9211

Web site: http://www.industrialareasfoundation.org

National People’s Action (NPA)

Tel.: (312) 243–3038

Web site: http://www.npa-us.org

National Training and Information Center (NTIC)

Tel.: (312) 243–3035

Web site: http://www.ntic-us.org

Pacific Institute for Community Organizations (PICO)

Tel.: (510) 655–2801

Web site: http://www.piconetwork.org

Организации, содействующие дальнейшей демократизации политической системы

Center for Responsive Politics

Tel.: (202) 857–0044

Web site: http://www.opensecrets.org

Center for Voting and Democracy

Tel.: (301) 270–4616

Web site: http://www.fairvote.org/irv

Clean Elections Institute, Inc.

Tel.: (602) 840–6633

Web site: http://www.azclean.org

Common Cause

Tel.: (202) 833–1200

Web site: http://www.commoncause.org


Tel.: (312) 587–7060

Web site: http://www.instantrunoff.com

League of Independent Voters/League of Pissed-Off Voters

Tel.: (212) 283–8879

Web site: http://www.indyvoter.org

League of Women Voters

Tel.: (202) 429–1965

Web site: http://www.lwv.org

Public Campaign

Tel.: (202) 293–0222

Web site: http://www.publicampaign.org

Public Citizen

Tel.: (202) 588–1000

Web site: http://www.citizen.org

Working Families Party

Tel.: (718) 222–3796

Web site: http://www.workingfamiliesparty.org

Организации, содействующие дальнейшей демократизации экономики

The Alliance for Democracy

Tel.: (781) 894–1179

Web site: http://www.thealliancefordemocracy.org

American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA)

Tel.: (406) 582–1255

Web site: http://www.amiba.net

As You Sow Foundation

Tel.: (415) 391–3212

Web site: http://www.asyousow.org


Tel.: (800) 456–0681

Web site: http://www.bimart.com

Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE)

Tel.: (415) 348–62S4

Web site: http://www.livingeconomies.org

Center for Working Capital

Tel.: (202) 974–8020

Web site: http://www.centerforworkingcapital.org

Citizens Trade Campaign

Tel.: (202) 778–3320

Web site: http://www.citizenstrade.org

Clean Clothes Connection

Tel.: (207) 947–4203

Web site: http://www.cleanclothesconnection.org/search.asp

Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES)

Tel.: (617) 247–0700

Web site: http://www.ceres.org

Co-Op America

Tel.: (800) 584–7336

Web site: http://www.coopamerica.org

Corporate Accountability International

Tel.: (617) 695–2525

Web site: http://www.stopcorporateabuse.org

The Corporation

Web site: http://www.thecorporation.com

Domini Social Investments

Tel.: (800) 762–6814

Web site: http://www.domini.com

Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) Zurich, Switzerland

Tel.: (+41–1) 395–2828

Web site: http://www.sustainability-index.com

Ecological Footprint Quiz

Web site: http://www.myfootprint.org

E. F. Schumacher Society

Tel.: (413) 528–1737

Web site: http://www.schumachersociety.org

Fair Labor Association

Tel.: (202) 898–1000

Web site: http://www.fairlabor.org

Fair Trade Resource Network

Tel.: (202) 234–6797

Web site: http://www.fairtraderesource.org

GreenMoney Journal

Tel.: (800) 849–8751

Web site: http://www.greenmoney.com

Greenpeace, Inc.

Tel.: (800) 326–0959

Web site: http://www.greenpeaceusa.org


Web site: http://www.idealswork.com

Institute for Local Self-Reliance

Tel.: (612) 379–3815

Web site: http://www.ilsr.org; www.newrules.org

Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ)

Tel.: (773) 728–8400

Web site: http://www.iwj.org

International Labor Organization

Tel.: (202) 653–7652

Web site: http://www.us.ilo.org

Justice Clothing

Tel.: (207) 941–9912

Web site: http://www.justiceclothing.com

National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO)

Tel.: (510) 208–1300

Web site: http://www.nceo.org