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117804 Москва, ул. Кедрова, д. 8, кор. 3 “Общество по изучению тайн и загадок Земли“. Книга.

Earth Mystery and Enigma Study Society proposes new books:



The book is devoted to the most tragic events of the Earth evolution. It includes ancient manuscript fragments, historical chronicles, legends and tales of different peoples about giant floods and earthquakes, destructions of unic civilizations, different generations of mankind. It proposes the mysteric knowledge of ancient civilizations, the time of the most destructive catastrophes in the Earth evolution, scenario of the latest tragic event — Great Flood.

The genetic causes of Earth catastrophes are concerned: volcanic eruptions, floods, meteoritic bombing or… paleoecological apocalypsis.

The author proposes a hypothesis on the existing of highdeveloped civilizations in the past, their use of nuclear weapon in the Pre-Flood period of the Earth evolution. He discussed a problem of possibility of catastrophy repetition in the future.

Our book is intended for all curious readers.



The book illustrates the tragedy of lost American Indian city-Pontiti, last Eldorado, which concealed the treasures of Inka civilization. It concerns the Earth biorythms and the epochs of great ancient civilizations, described in American Indian mythology; the greatest cultural memorials of pre-Columbian America. Author is well-known Soviet historian and writer having been working for many years in the Southern America. He visited the most interesting mysterious regions of this continent, had studies the forgotten documents of conquestadors, acquainted the enigma ceremonies and legends of American Indians about Earth origination and history of mankind.

His own impressions on sighted places, red legends and heard stories are concidered in the book in untraditional manner.

Our book is of great interest for everybody.

Compiled by V. SCHERBAKOV.


The book includes some papers, articles and stories created by well-known Soviet scientists and writers for the Earth Enigma and Mystery Study Society. There is some kind of revelation, has not been explained by official science yet. The book concerns the property of some persons to forecast future events, soul reincornation, tricks of poltergeist, black and white magics, secret of ambrosy, which gave the immortality for Olimpic settlers, intrigue of destructed continent — Atlantis, methahistory, allowed to answer the questions on mankind future, and many other interesting problems.

Our book is of great interest for everybody.

Alexsander Gorbovsky.


The book begins with the dramatic story of finding the ways for boundless prolongation of human life, quest for immortality. The recollections of the dead and those why were returned to life tell us quite unexpectedly that human individuality, its ego continues existing independently, out of body so to say. There assertions have much in common with the stories about after death ghosts and living doubles. Scientists have started investigation of this phenomenon, special instruments for Fixing such invisible field structures have been created. The are also convincing facts concerning poltergeist. The inaccessible but real world of delicate wise beings exists parallel to us.

The book is based on nothing but evidences and facts. It makes one think that a human being may also be one of the bodiless substances that exists in our world.

Alexsander Gorbovsky.


(Magicians, extrasenses, healers)

The book describes the power of shamans, magicians and people with paranormal abilities. We do not know much about such events when things and people suddenly losing weight disappeared into the air, showing up again thousand miles away. Nowadays these facts have been scientifically aclnowledged though not explained. The same can be said about the cases when official medicine is at a loss what to do while shamans and healers easily find the necessary treatment. Doesn’t it prove the fact that peoples ancient believe in Devil eye and spoiling is not groundless.

Some of the dramatic stories in the book seem very unreal but the facts described in them are true. The most strange and fascinating is the fate of those with paranormal abilities: shamans, magicians, healers.

SILVER. GOLD AND STONES (about hidden treasures to be found)

(compiled by S. Demkin)

Legends about hidden treasures came to our history from Platon’s age 24 centures ago. But the attempts of hidden treasure discoveries were known much earlier. One dreamers were attracted with Farson’s gold, anothers — with Chingizhan treasures, the third ones wished to find the stolen wealth of pirates. The treasures are found in the ground or on the sea bottomn, in the caves or on the peakes of the highest mountains. But the most of them are unknown, conserved in the secret regions. The tales about Spanish “Golden galeons“, Stepan Razin’s and Napoleon’s treasures, gold of Rommel and “Edlnghburgh“ ship and about many other found and undiscovered treasures are described in proposing book.



The book is devoted to Historical enigmas and natural mysteries. It concerns tricks of poltergeist ans Southern American Healers, mysteric Japan extrasenses and warriors — ninja. It touches upon White Dama from the far cave in Namybia mountains Brandberg and white-skinned guanches from Canary islands. Your attraction will be drawned with legends of Russian mermaids and African Amazonas.

The book is of great interest for everybody.

Application for offered books must be addressed to: Earth Mystery and Enigma Study Society Kedrov st., 8–3, Moscow, USSR 117804. Please, send us the postcard with the name of interested you book (one postcard is for one book) and Your Address. Book edition will be depended from Your applications.


(Составитель А. Староверов)

Художники О. Ковалева, П. Тимашук

Редактор Е. Кирсанова

Сдано в набор 11.12.90.

Подписано к печати 22.02.91.

Формат 84 х 108/32. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Таймс. Печать высокая. Усл. — печ. л. 10,92. Уч-изд. 11,2. Тираж 200 000 экз. Цена договорная.

Общество по изучению тайн и загадок Земли.

117804 Москва, ул. Кедрова, 8–3.

Отпечатано в Московской типографии № 13 ПО «Периодика» Государственного комитета СССР по печати. 107005, г. Москва, Денисовский пер., 30. Заказ № 127.