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Felicity struggled to find something to say. She realized her hand was still on his back when he stiffened, his body slowly curling to a stand before her. Breathing became a challenge. She could smell his pleasant, male scent. Could hear his steady breathing.

“I want you, Felicity.”


The air in the room suddenly grew hot as a sauna. “I should really be going.” Her voice croaked. Yet, she didn’t try to move. His eyes had captured hers and like a deer in the headlights, she stood and waited for him to make his move.

“I don’t think you want to go. I think you want to stay here with me.” Slowly, he moved in closer to her, pushing her thighs back against the lip of his desk. His grabbed the desk on either side of her waist, trapping her. “You feel it as much as I do. Maybe even more.” He tipped his head down near her neck. She stiffened waiting for the touch, but it never came. Waves of heat thrummed through her starting in her core and shooting outward.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

His eyes flew up to hers, darkening with anger. “Don’t lie to me, Felicity. Don’t ever lie to me.”

She quivered, this time with a lick of fear. “Okay,” she said softly.

His eyes turned hungry again with that look and his eyes hooded as they trailed down over her breasts to the tops of her jeans as if he was picturing pulling open the button and tugging down her zipper right now.

Or maybe that was her own fantasy she was picturing.

God, why was it so hot in here? A bead of sweat pulled at the nape of her neck and slid down the curve of her spine.

“I’m going to tell you something and I want you to listen closely, you hear me?”

Felicity only nodded as he leaned in closer. His hand came up to fist her hair. God she loved it when he did that. He tugged hard enough to make her breath hitch, her pulse race. Such a dominant gesture. All he’d have to do was yank her head to the side and he could sink his fangs into her neck.

At the thought a soft, moan escaped her.

His nostrils flared then he dug his hips into her hard. The steel erection pulsed against her a threat of what she could have. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to the corner of her mouth then slowly dragged them across her cheek towards her ear in a barely there touch that still managed to torture her.

At her ear, his voice dipped to a whisper. “I’m going to get inside of you. I haven’t had a woman in a long time and the next time I come, it’ll be inside you with you wrapped around my cock like a fist, Felicity.”

Oh god. “Why me?” She was Felicity Shaw. She was a dammed nobody who had to lie to get a job.

He laughed savagely and his hips pumped against hers in a rocking motion created to make her eyes roll into the back of her head. When he spoke his voice was so low it vibrated along her nerve endings. “Because from the moment I saw you, I knew. I knew you were perfect for me. Everything about you drew me to you like a moth to light. I’m going to have you Felicity...many, many times. I want you on your knees so I can watch your sweet ass as I pound into you. I want you to ride me so I can see your tits jiggling in my face, and I want you on your back so I can claim you like I’ve wanted to from the moment I saw you. I want your pussy. I want your mouth, Felicity. And I’m going to have it.”

Felicity couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t even think.

Ho-ly. Shit.

He wanted that from her and he meant it. He’d meant every single word of it. Just his words made her ache, made her body melt into his touch and her eyes darken with need. What would happen if he actually touched her? She might actually explode if he touched her right now.

“And before you leave this office I’m going to give you two choices. You can give me some of what I want right now or you can let me keep touching you.” The hand in her hair kept hold of her while the other moved to grip her hip in a possessive touch. His thumb rubbed up and down along the skin of her hipbone.

Her head fell to the side, breaths escaping in ragged gasps. His eyes flashed and then he groaned deep in his chest as his fingers deftly opened the top button of her jeans.

She couldn’t even hear the hiss of the zipper over her loud breaths.

The man wasted no time.

“Fuck, I can’t wait to touch you. You’re going to be perfect. I just know it.” She shivered from head to toe in anticipation. His fingers flattened against her stomach then slowly slid down. He found the cotton of her panties and slipped under the material. His fingers curled in her thatch of hair.

Breathing heavy, he sucked at the skin of her neck. The action pulled her already tender nipples into throbbing, aching points. Like a bow she arched her back for him, needing more.

“Dom,” she said, breathless.

Her thighs parted for him, giving him more room to put his big hand in her tight jeans. His tongue licked at her, sucked at her as his fingers so slowly slid across her wet flesh to cup her.

A hard shiver raced down her spine. He cupped her like a man claiming his possession. A man who was saying this is mine.

And she fucking loved it. Every single fiery second of it.

Sharp fangs grazed her neck and she mewled. “Please,” she begged.

Hot breaths panted against her neck. “What do you want?”

He knew. He knew she wanted him to bite her, to take from her in such an intimate way. The bite of blood from one vampire to another was considered almost as intimate as sex. And she wanted him to so badly she quaked for it.

His fingers petted her. “Tell me what you want, sweets.”

He wanted her to ask him for it. She released her death grip on the desk to wrap her hands around his shoulders, holding on to him for dear life. “I can’t.”

He buried his face in her neck, groaning as his fingers parted her wet lips, found her slick bead and circled it. He knew exactly how to touch her. Exactly what to do to make her come apart, and she did right there in his arms.

Hands curling into his jacket, she screamed his name as hard shivers raced through her and liquid heat burst inside her. Dom worked her faster, prolonging the peak, and then slowing her down with nothing but his fingertips.

“Fucking drenched my fingers,” he said with pride. He breathed as if he too had just come. His tongue licked up her neck again, and then he crushed her lips with a kiss.

He didn’t stop touching her. His slick fingers roamed her folds, grazed her sensitive bud, and then as he filled her mouth with his tongue as his fingers thrust inside her.

He swallowed her needy moan. That’s what she needed. To be filled. He pumped his fingers inside her. She’d never felt so possessed.

She was in his clutches, literally. His hand still holding her head where he wanted it, and now his fingers rocking inside of her mimicking what she knew he’d give her if she only asked.

The monotone beep, beep, beep at his desk brought her back to the real world.

Dom tugged on her hair until her foggy eyes met his. Then he kissed her hard and leaned over her to pick the phone. He answered with his fingers still pumping inside her.

“Dominic,” he answered. His voice was hoarse.

His fingers worked her faster making her breath catch and her hands curl into his jacket.

He watched her. Watched the pleasure drench her features with the look of a starving wolf.

“Yeah, good,” he said to the caller.

Did the caller not hear how different his voice sounded? How laced with passion it was?