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Dom made his way to Zeke who held the attention of many prominent figures in both were and vampire society.

Fucking great.

Dom broke into the circle which naturally parted for him and Julianna. Zeke caught his gaze and Dom noted his eyes looked slightly more sane than usual, not quite as shaky. Maybe the were was getting medicated.

“Hello, Zeke.”

The were grinned. “How’s the lip?”

Dom frowned. “What are you talking about?”

Zeke tilted his head far to the side as his eyes grew faraway in thought, then it snapped back. “I socked you good in the mouth. It’s healed but I know that one hurt.”

Dom stiffened as anger rose high and fast in his blood. He’d forgotten. So much had happened, especially with Felicity, that none of his thoughts seemed organized anymore.

Zeke thought to embarrass him and his pride in front of voters, to make him look weak. He didn’t hide the fact that he’d sent one of his men to try to assassinate him, rather poorly Dom might add. Everyone here already knew about it and not one person mentioned it. It was a man verse man competition to become president and if one died in the process then he was considered weak. If Zeke managed to murder Dom he’d probably end up with more votes because he would look strong.

“How’s your throat?” Dom asked bringing up the vicious bite he’d torn into Zeke’s neck.

Zeke smiled, looking completely at ease that Dom had caught onto his game. “I don’t mind getting bitten every now and then. It’s a were thing.”

Gioni, a short, thin man with slick backed russet hair, and a pointy goatee lifted his glass to get the circle’s attention. “Enough of that now. Zeke was just telling us about his plans for were reform if he gets into office. He already has the backing of Anthony Bennet and Olivia Cash.”

“Of course he has the were support of the council. What he needs is Edgard and Philips’ vote if he wants to get elected.”

Zeke smiled showing a mouth of sharp, white teeth. “Philips is lost to you, Blackmoore. You’ll stand by as I take this race.”

Dominic didn’t let his shock show. “Don’t underestimate me, Zeke.”

Zeke’s eyes glittered, glowing like an animal's. “It’s you who underestimates.”

Gioni tried to lure Zeke into a question of what kind of reforms Zeke would implement if elected, but Zeke ignored him and ran out onto the balcony as if he’d been commanded. Gioni’s question trailed off in surprise as Zeke leapt off the terrace and transformed in mid-air. He ran off in beast form without so much as a goodbye to the very people he wanted to vote for him.

“Show off,” Dom muttered. That got a few polite laughs around him. “The man is not right in the head,” he said to the group.

“Not entirely,” agreed Gioni. “But has made a few good points about trying to join the separated were packs.”

“What he wants would cause chaos and that’s just what he’s told us about his plans. Who knows what trickery he has in his mind? I don’t trust him. I thought you preferred old values, Gioni.” Dom could feel his anger coming up again.

Gioni shrugged. “Sometimes change is good.”

Dom ground his jaw but politely asked, “Since when?”

Gioni ignored his question. “So this is the lovely Lady Julianna Greenwich. I believe we met at an art opening sixteen years back.”

Julianna and he murmured pleasantly, reminiscing about some stupid painter Dom had never heard of. Dom excused himself and made his way to Philips. Philips and Edgar had been sitting on the vampire’s side of the council since it began. They were both well liked and considered pleasantly fair and neutral to the rights of vampires and weres, which is how they kept getting re-elected.

The alliance between weres and vampires worked because of their government. Two vampires represented the vampires, two weres represented the weres and the president sat as a neutral party between them. Yet, since they started this government some seven hundred years ago only a vampire had ever held the presidential seat.

Vampires and weres got together on Election Day and cast their votes for their leaders. It was up to the vampire and were leaders, like Philips to cast the deciding vote based off the popular vote. It was a democratic system, and Philips has promised Dominic his allegiance.

Dom caught Philips’ gaze and watched the older vampire’s eyes flicker with alarm. Philips was not much older than Dom and had been raised the life of a dandy. He knew Dom could take him, and Dom knew it too. That’s why, as he spotted Dom, he made quick regrets to the group he spoke with and slipped down a darkened hallway. Dom followed him, catching his sweet scent of red wine.

Dom followed him, closed the door behind him, caught Philips by his neck, and slammed him back against it. He squeezed the man’s throat for good measure.

“What is this I hear of you siding with Zeke?”

Philips gasped as his hands latched onto Dom’s wrist. “That is none of your business, Dominic. I am a neutral party.”

Dominic growled, his fangs threatening to emerge with the urge to drain the man dry. “It is very much my concern, Philips. What has he bartered with?” That was the only way Zeke could have swayed Philips.

Philips licked his reddening lips. “See here I haven’t made any final decisions yet. He just offered me...” Philips cheeks flushed.

“What did he offer you?” He tightened his hand and loved the give of skin and tendons beneath his hand.

He cheeks turned even redder. “I-I can’t say.”

“The hell you can’t.” Dominic pulled him back and slammed his head into the door with a resounding crack. “Tell me now.”

Philips looked at a point over Dom’s shoulder. “He-he agreed to support a new...amendment.”

“An amendment to what?” growled Dominic.

“Mating laws.”

Dominic pulled back with a frown. “Since when do you have a concern with mating laws?”

The vampire definitely wasn’t turning red from lack of air but embarrassment. “Since I fell in love...with a man.”

Slowly, Dominic released the man’s throat. He fell to his knees, gasping. “Why didn’t you come to me with this?”

Philips looked up at him. “You are too much like your father. I asked him for mating reform too and he denied it.”

Dominic didn’t give a shit if Philips wanted to mate with a man. “I swear to push forth the amendment, and I will get it passed if you give me your vote.”

Philips looked unsure. “I have the word of the were already. However, I cannot make a promise to either of you. I must stay neutral but I will take your vow into consideration.”

Dominic slammed his fist into the door by Philip’s head. Philips flinched and cried out. “I am offering the same thing. Give me your promise.”

“Y-yes, but I will not be swayed by strength. It is time for change, Dominic. If you can’t be the one to make those changes then my vote, and the vote of the people under me, goes to Zeke.”

“You’ll regret this.”

Dominic slammed out of the room. He didn’t waste any time in grabbing Julianna and dragging her from the room. Faces turned to them with curious eyes but they didn’t dare to ask questions. Only after he had them both stuffed in the car did the tension in his shoulders lessen some.