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“Then do it,” she’d said in a voice not her own.

Only then did something finally give in him. His wet finger became two inside her and he worked her in that forbidden, unknown channel so perfectly, so tenderly. He pressed his fingers in and out, scissoring them to stretch her.

“Please,” she’d begged.

“What do you need?” he’d growled, his voice so low she almost didn’t hear him.

“I need to come.”

With a low groan, he started working her faster, thrusting in and out of her tight ring. It felt incredible, bordering on pain but not quite crossing the line into it. Then he slid a hand around her stomach. Her breath caught and held as she waited. When the touch came, it didn’t disappoint.

His fingers slid across her sex to get wet then came back to press in hard and fast on her clitoris. The hard orgasm that followed couldn’t be stopped, not if the world came to a stop. Fierce cries tore from her throat as her body clamped down on his fingers. Her womb clenched and wept, disappointed that his cock wasn’t there to fill it as it should be. She wanted it all she realized, his cock inside her, his fingers in her dark ring making her feel this tremendous ecstasy, and his fingers circling her clit. All at once. All of him. She needed it with such intensity she could almost imagine the pleasure.

She’d screamed his name until finally the pleasure had ebbed and he’d curled against her in the bed, his hard cock blazing hot with unreleased passion. She’d wanted to ease him, to question him about why he wouldn’t take her, but he shushed her and pulled her into his arms until she fell asleep.

“Felicity!” The familiar male voice pushed all memories of last night away as she finally came fully awake. What she saw made a slow smile curl over her lips. Dom stood above her, dressed in a dark grey suit. He looked so amazing that her gut clenched just looking at him.

She smiled up at him. “Good morning, baby.”

His gruff expression relaxed, somewhat. Stress lines still were deep around his eyes and mouth. “You have to get up. You have a long day ahead of you.”

She licked her lips, the memories of what he’d done to her last night still lingering and the wetness between her legs wanted some attention. Throwing off the sheet that covered her warm body she undulated under his gaze. A dark gaze that widened and narrowed as it traced across her body.

“Why don’t you come back to bed for a few minutes, baby?”

His nostrils flared and then his eyes slammed shut. “I can’t. Not now.”

Disappointment hit her like a ton of bricks. She sat up stiffly, pulling the sheet across her waist. “Okay, I understand.” She didn’t understand.

His ragged sigh brought her gaze back up to him. “Fuck, babe, you look so good I want nothing more than to crawl back into that bed and spend all day inside you.”

Her cheeks warmed. “Then why don’t you?”

He laughed without humor. “Because I’ve made the announcement that you’re to be my bruid and tonight we’re going to a campaign ball at the Kensington’s. You need to be ready.”

Felicity felt as though he’s just thrown a bucket of ice-cold water over her head. “What?” she said, her voice high. She couldn’t keep the tremble of fear out of her voice.

She had to campaign with him? That meant he’d expect her to act the part of a perfect political wife...someone more like Julianna. She didn’t know any of the politician’s names. Women like Julianna and Dom’s mother were perfect for this. They knew everyone’s names, what they did, what they contributed, and enough about them to ask questions for idle conversation. Felicity could help them to plan their next big party it so it’d be an event of a lifetime. Her skills hardly were similar.

“You’re going to spend the day with my mother. She’ll tell you everything you need to know. I have to get to work.”

Felicity stood in a rush. “I can’t do this! I can’t! How am I supposed to learn how to be a politician’s bruid in only a day?”

Dom curled an arm around her waist and slowly brought their bodies together. The action might have kept her from physically freaking out but it didn’t keep her heart from trying to pound its way out of her chest. How was she supposed to do this? Her, plain and poor Felicity, showing up on the expensive and well-known arm of Dominic Blackmoore. Hell, paparazzi waited at such events just to take his picture. The thought hit her chest like a shotgun blast. She’d be the curiosity at the party; the one everyone would try to get a peek at, and gossip about. They’d take pictures of them together. People would stare and want to know who she was. Poor, uninteresting her. She could almost hear the curious whispers now: Why is he with her? What happened to Julianna?

“I know you can do it. I’ll be there for you. It’ll be fine.”

She searched his face. “If it’s going to be fine then why do you look so stressed?”

A rugged laugh escaped him before he kissed her, dipping her head back and licking once inside her mouth before pulling away. “Probably because it was hard as hell to sleep last night.”

A frown tugged at her lips. “Why?” She found herself curling her body into his to try to make him feel better.

He arched one dark eyebrow. Then it hit her—he hadn’t come last night. A blush crept over her cheeks and she smiled up at him. Her voice was husky as she spoke. “I’d be more than happy to repay you...” Her hand slid down to cup him through his expensive slacks. She found him hard, hot, and heavy.

His head fell back as a long groan escaped him. Then he fisted her hair and crushed her mouth with his, his tongue sweeping inside to plunder her. A muffled moan escaped her as she tightened her grip on his cock, trying to stroke him through his pants.

“Let me—” she whispered against his lips.

He tore his mouth away and physically took a step back. “I can’t. I have to work. Trust me when I say I wouldn’t go if it wasn’t important. Building a new campaign and garnering votes with a new mate at my side is going to take a lot of work.” His eyes trailed down her body once more, and then he shook his head ruefully. “Only two days until the campaign and tomorrow,” he paused to cup her head in his hands, his eyes softening, “tomorrow we have our own ceremony to attend.”

Her breath caught. “What?” Tomorrow would have been the day he would mate with Julianna. In the ceremony she’d planned.

A slow smile formed at his lips. He kissed her gently. “Tomorrow, I’m going to be mated to my new bruid in front of all of vampire society. Tomorrow I’ll share my love with you in front of all.”

“Really?” she breathed. She wanted to say more, she really did, but was having trouble forming words. When the man wanted something he sure moved fast.

He nodded then lifted her hand that wore his ring. He looked at the black diamond on her finger then kissed the knuckle by it. “Tomorrow night you become mine in all ways, we'll be inseparable. And then, with you by my side, I’ll await to hear my name called as the next president of the council.”

Tears formed at her eyes but she blinked them away. Her heart felt so light and joyous it could have burst from her chest. Reaching up, she cupped his jaw, and then pulled him down for a kiss. “I love you,” she said against his lips.

His smile reached deep inside of her and released a level of happiness that only he’d ever created. “I love you, sweets.” He kissed her once more, then she knew from his frown that he had to go.

“When will I see you again?”