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Her fingers hesitated over the call button. What if he was busy? He said he would be. With the campaign so close he must be working like a mad man. So maybe she shouldn’t call him. He might be in the middle of some important meeting and it’d embarrass him if she called.

“Damn, damn, damn,” she muttered, pressing the phone to her forehead.

Or maybe he’d like a break and would welcome her call. Maybe he’d even be happy to hear from her.

“Just do it, Fel.”

Letting out a deep breath, she decided to go the safe route and text him.

I need to see you.

A minute passed. Then another. Felicity stared at the little phone in her hand willing it to ding at her.

It didn’t.

Dejected, she headed back downstairs on heavy steps. Something caught her attention when she reached the stairs. The door to the study was ajar and inside she could hear voices rising in the beginning of a fight.

“Where have you been? You haven’t returned any of my phone calls and Dominic’s election is right around the corner, Lucas. You said you’d run some campaign awareness at your next concert but you failed to do that too.”

A bitter, male laugh sounded. “Yeah, I forgot, okay?”

Silence passed. “Are you high?”

“What? No. Fuck, mother. Always thinking the worst of me.”

“There’s been good reason for that.”

Another heavy moment passed then Felicity heard soft footsteps heading towards the study door. Her eyes widened and she quickly looked around for a place to hide. Her phone chose that same moment ding. Shit! Quickly, she ducked into the dining room. It was closest to the staircase and across from the study. She heard the study door shut then the murmuring of voices. She exhaled a sigh of relief that no one came after her for eavesdropping.

Ignoring the voices, she opened up the message. What she read made her heart pound and her lips go dry.

Then come find me.

She was walking through the dining room in the next second. Ignoring the rooms where she knew he wasn’t: the kitchen, the bathrooms. She headed straight for his personal lounge. The place where she’d first met him. Warmth grew in her belly as she caught sight of the door at the end of the adjoining hallway. It stood closed but light flickered underneath it.

Her stomach muscles clenched in anticipation. Walking to it, Felicity walked inside and pressed her back against the door as she surveyed the room with quick eyes. It was still masculine looking with dark wood everywhere. He wasn’t at his desk. Someone had lit the fireplace. It was the source of the flickering light she’d seen beneath the door.

She heard his voice then, coming from up above. Her gaze swept up to the overhanging balcony and she saw his shadow moving along the wall. As she listened to him talk about numbers, votes, and percentages, she quietly made her way up the staircase to the upper room where he’d first interviewed her, and first kissed her.

His gaze caught hers the second she stepped foot onto the platform.

He leaned back against the bar, a glass of blood in one hand and a phone pressed up to his ear with the other. He looked lazy, almost comfortable, but he didn’t deceive her. Lines of strain hung around his eyes and mouth showing the true stress he was feeling. Even his whole body looked harder, tenser. Felicity wanted nothing more than to wipe it all way. A wicked thought drifted through her mind like a feather caught in the breeze. At first she followed the thought, her blood warming while she bit her lip, but then she thought of all the consequences and fidgeted in indecision.

“Good, that is good to hear. About time our numbers started going up. I knew it would work. Any word on that assignment I gave you with Zeke?” He grunted, listening to whomever he spoke to on the other line. Still his warm eyes never left hers.

What finally helped her to make her decision wasn’t her, but him. The person on the phone said something, probably disappointing, because Dom chugged back the contents in his glass and slammed it on the bar hard enough to make Felicity jump.

“God dammit!” He hunched over the bar looking almost as if he were staring longingly into his empty glass.

Seeing the worry etched into the lines of his face and body, Felicity made her decision. And at that decision, she whipped off her top.

Dom’s gaze swung to her so fast she inhaled, but didn’t stop. She tugged down her skirt and let it fall around her ankles. Kicked the material away. All the while, she watched his eyes, watched as they darkened into that inky look that made her wet between her legs and her breath catch in her throat.

Yes, this is what I want.

His body fully turned towards her, giving her his full attention even with the phone pressed to his ear. She reached behind her to tug off her bra and spilled her breasts to the cool air.

“Yeah,” he said into the phone, his voice deeper, raspier.

Felicity stopped where she was in her little striptease to run her hands down her hips and across her belly touching herself in ways she wanted him to. All the while his eyes followed her movements, his cheeks darkening with color, his body growing stiff like a predator taking notice of prey. Getting ready to pounce.

The warmth of her hands on her skin sent little zaps of pleasure shooting inside her. She didn’t stop to think about what she was doing. She did it, for him.

Her hands trailed up to cup her breasts, to tug at the points of her nipples until they formed harder, longer peaks, and she didn’t stop there. Slowly, nervously, she gave him her back and curled her fingers into her underwear. This was torture for her, not being able to see him and know his reaction. Her fangs elongated with arousal, the little tips biting into her bottom lip.

Spreading her legs a few inches, she heard a low growl—the scent of his arousal hit her like a punch to the gut, knocking the wind out of her. She rocked on her feet sucking in wild breaths until a minute passed and she came back to. Dark male spice. His scent flooded the room.

“I need that done now, Vas. Yes, get that here tonight if you can. If not, earliest tomorrow.”

The sound of his voice urged her to continue, so she did, and pulled the scrap of panties down her legs. She bent over slowly with the movement, obviously displaying her backside to him. It took all her willpower not to look over her shoulder and see if he still watched her, but she managed to refrain. Kicking away the material, she finally turned back around and what she saw made her own eyes match the erotic expression he wore. His dark eyes, that devouring look he had, made her nipples throb to be plucked, and her sex pulsate with need.

His lips were parted, his breathing pronounced. He had moved to lean his back against the bar with his legs stretched out in front of him and parted in a man’s confident stance.

Felicity eyed all that glorious, tall strength and wanted what he’d had of her last night, to lick and touch every inch of his body.

“That isn’t good enough. I want you to take care of it. Yeah—I don’t care how you do it—just get it done. What about him?” Another grunt. “Shit. Yeah, I know it’s not good.”

Felicity strode toward him in nothing more than a pair of black high heels and the skin she’d been born in. She had almost reached him when he slammed the phone down ending the call.

Her bravado wavered now that she had his full attention. Not that he noticed. He didn’t notice because the second he slammed the phone down, one of his arms curled around her waist and pulled her flush against his body.

No sweet words, nothing. Only his mouth slamming down on hers, plundering her mouth. Tasting her, sucking her tongue into his mouth until they formed a passionate dance.