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“What are you doing?” she said, squirming with the need to release.

His head cocked as he gazed at her. Then he kissed her. It was slow with heavy with thrusting tongues that reminded her tenderly of what he’d been doing to her.

Then his cock was at her entrance again, and he pushed his way inside and began hammering into her wet sheathe—his movements quick, deep.

“Ooh!” she cried out, her head once again falling back against the wall.

His mouth went straight to her throat as if it’d beckoned him. Only this time he was at the other side. She felt two sharp points graze her a moment before he sank in deep. Blood rushed from her. Her skin became so sensitive it nearly hurt where he touched her. Her sex clenched and shuddered as it worked its way up to an immense peak.

She tried to rock against him, to push her mons against his pelvis but she barely stood on her tiptoes. He kept his knees bent as he fucked her so he controlled everything she felt.

The grip on her bottom pinched in a deliciously rough way. His mouth pulled back and when he spoke it was a gritty rasp against her throat. “So fucking tight and wet for me baby. This is your punishment. I’m going to fill you up with my seed and when he sees you, he’ll not be able to look at you without knowing that I had plundered your pussy. That it was my cock in your mouth, and my bite at your neck. You’re mine.”

There were no words. None that she could speak for he pounded into her, their damp flesh making a symphony of erotic sounds in the night.

Hot agony boiled deep in her belly. His thrusts tantalized little nerves inside of her triggering something that promised to be cataclysmic. Even though she couldn’t really move she undulated the best she could.

“Oh, god!” she cried out.

She was going to come, from this, from only his penetration.

Low in her belly a tremble began.

Then his mouth crushed hers, bruising as he kissed her.

He pounded into her as his lips broke the kiss and he let out a shout into the night. He pushed to the hilt and Felicity felt his stiff cock spurting inside her. Hot splashes filled her as he came.

He pulled out slowly and the peak she’d been climbing towards dissipated like receding fog.

His ragged breathing was a balm to her sad heart. “You didn’t let me finish.” She felt like crying. She’d been so close and he’d done it on purpose. He was proving a point to her. He’d taken her mouth, touched her between her legs, fucked her, and even bit her. But he wouldn’t let her come.

He right his clothes. She was much slower to do the same.

“I love you, Felicity. But if you ever look at another man like you did the alpha, it won’t be your pussy I fuck.”

A quiver of...arousal raced through her.

His eyelids lowered. “You like that, don’t you?”

She bit her lip to keep from saying anything. Her entire body still burned with heat. A flush covered every inch of her and she was so wet between her legs she’d probably ruined her gown.

She looked down at herself and realized much of her hair had come out of the barrette. Her upper back was scratched, her bare knees had grass stains on them, and she had his fluid seeping out from between her legs. She squirmed at the wet, tickling sensation.

“Give me your hankie.”

A slow smile curled his mouth making him look positively devilish in the night. He handed it to her.

“What?” she snapped.

His eyes smoldered as she lifted her dress and cleaned herself. “I’m getting hard just watching you clean yourself.”

She ignored his words. Did not want to go there. She nodded to the handkerchief helplessly. He grabbed it, crumbled it into a ball, and pocketed it. “Nothing to be ashamed of. It’s our pleasure. I must say the kerchief is much more interesting now than it’s ever been.”

Her lips twitched with a smile but she quelled it. “I want to come,” she said, realizing it was a whine.

His lips lifted into a smile and then he kissed her before leading her back to the party. “I’ll take care of you, later.”

“That’s not fair,” she muttered. It could be hours before they got back to the house.

“It’ll be even more intense since I’ve left you hung up.”

Her eyebrows shot up at that. “Oh, well I suppose if that’s the case...”

His laughter caressed her ears.

Felicity followed Dom back to the party, and even with the obvious signs of what they’d been doing not one person said a word. Oddly, she found herself holding her chin a little bit higher with his scent marking her, his bite apparent on her neck.

She was Dominic Blackmoore’s mate. And she wore the evidence with pride.

Chapter 21

Felicity excused herself to the ladies room with a pardoning whisper to Dom. They’d danced a few traditional waltzes around the ballroom with other couples. She only trampled over his feet four times and each time he managed to catch and make it look only as if they were elegantly twirling. They’d drunk a few glasses of blood-filled wine. Yes, it tasted amazing. Felicity didn’t know if she’d ever get used to drinking the good stuff, or if she even wanted to.

But from all the dancing and demure smiles, she needed a break as the night was still not over. So she’d excused herself to the bathroom. She found the bathroom at the end of the hall opposite the ballroom. The bathroom was just as elegant as she could have imagined. It had a sitting room with two settees, three matching sofa chairs, and mirrors on either side of the room. Flowers in gold vases fit in the corners of the room and some paintings hung on the walls. Felicity sniffed, and yes, they were real flowers not those fakes ones whose purpose seemed to be to collect dust.

She must admit her designer’s eye loved the layout of the room. There was enough negative space to make the small room appear bigger than it really was and the choice of dark colors with the lighter colors of the wall created a simple but chic appeal to the eye.

Felicity walked past the room into the adjoining bathroom where three stalls stood across from the sinks. On the sink’s countertop was a golden tray laded with crystal droppers of perfume and freshly pressed hand-towels. Felicity snorted at the scene. Though, admittedly, if they’d had a paper-towel dispenser in a place like this it would look rather out of place.

Just then the door opened and Felicity got on with her task with renewed vigor. One thing she did not want was to be cornered in a bathroom conversation with some lady whose face she couldn’t remember but had already been introduced to. She took a towel, wetted it with cool water, and then blotched her warm face. Dancing worked up quite a sweat. That and having sex with Dom. Oh damn, another flash heated her skin so she dipped the cloth around her neck to cool it.

As the wet cloth cooled her heated neck, she took a deep breath and that was when she scented it. Or, she corrected, that was when she scented her. A bolt of tension so hard and swift raced up her back to her neck that the muscles there tensed beneath the cloth.

Taking her time, she finished cleaning up then glanced one last time in the mirror. Her reflection stared back at her. What she saw was a woman who’d started the night out looking glamorous but had turned disheveled. Her hair no longer was held up as it had been as the hairclip was starting to sag. Two separate bite wounds marked her neck with pink splotches; the holes of the bite were already fading at least but the rouged skin would linger far longer. His scent still clung to her skin like a wet blanket. By having him stand by her all night, she’d been able to face the most powerful men and women of both were and vampire society with false bravado as if she did it every day. They hadn’t even batted an eye even though they knew what they’d done. They wouldn’t dare utter a word of disproval to Dominic Blackmoore, possible future president of the council.