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The quirk of his lip lifted higher. It was the confident look of a man who had no doubts. “Why don’t you try it and let me know if I’m right or not.”

He lifted his glass and took a sip, not needing to sniff the unique fragrance he probably smelled all the time.

Then a devil wearing a skin-tight leather corset, fishnet stockings and black knee-high boots popped up on her shoulder. It looked quite like Felicity with her wavy blonde hair but this little devil had smoky, heavily kohled eyes, dark ruby lips, and flushed bronzed cheeks. She was a much sexier, much crazier Felicity that she didn’t get to let come out and play much anymore.

Just drink some. You might not get this job but you’ll never get another chance to drink something so good, the devil said.

Felicity waited a tick to see if Felicity Angel would show up, but one second turned into two. Angel was a no show today.

Felicity’s eyes rounded and then she went for it. She didn’t take a little sip as he had done but a mouth full. Instantly, her eyes closed and the sweet, spiced fruity taste coated her tongue then slid down her throat. Warmth filled her starting in her bones then moving out to the rest of her body. Her heart started beating faster. She licked her lips slowly to get any last drops off then ran her tongue across the roof over her mouth and teeth. Her incisor teeth started pointing, turning into fangs at the taste. It was a natural response, she couldn’t help it, but it didn’t do well to impress older vamps that she couldn’t keep her cool with blood.

So damn good...

She could moan and almost did but just barely managed to keep herself in check.

The high-octane blood laced with a hint of red wine went straight to her head. The room didn’t quite spin around before her eyes but it didn’t exactly stay straight. More like tilted to the side. And that heat. Oh god, the heat filling her body making her neck sweat and her panties wet. Her nipples beaded into tender points and all she could think about was how badly she wanted to tear her bra and shirt off so they wouldn’t scrape her nipples.

“Are you feeling well?” Dom asked his voice hoarse.

She might have blushed if she wasn’t already flushing, because he knew. Oh, she’d have time to be humiliated later. He could see her response as easily as if she had started tearing her clothes off.

Right now her body burned so it didn’t matter that he could smell her arousal. Honestly, a part of her wanted him to. That wild, aroused part of her wanted him to know that in this very minute, she wanted his touch. That she’d even welcome it. It’d been too long since she felt the stirrings of desire for a man.

What am I thinking? a part of her screeched. You need this job, not to bang the boss!

Right, she needed a job not a lover.

“I’m sorry. That was a very...potent drink. I think I really need to go before I make a mess of this.” A giddy laugh left her and she saw his mouth tighten. “I mean make more of a mess out of this.”

Her hands curled around the arms of the chair then she pushed herself upright. The room swam only for a moment before straightening, but her limbs felt odd. They felt heavy and limp. They wanted to give out until she laid on the ground relaxed and half-awake in a daze.

Felicity narrowed her gaze on her briefcase sitting by the chair. Damn. Focusing hard, she slowly reached for it. If she could grab it and stand up without tipping over she might just leave with some dignity.

The room started to spin. Suddenly she was flung upright and tall, dark, and gorgeous stood in her face with a scowl that made him more attractive.

“That’s not fair,” she said suddenly.

Shaking his head, he kept a hold on her arms to keep her steady. “What’s not fair?”

“That even when you frown you look sexy.” So addled was she that she didn’t see his eyes darken; or if she did, she was busy ignoring it to embrace the foggy mind the drink gave her.

“What did you say?” he asked in a hoarse growl that went straight to her sex.

Felicity shivered and she didn’t know which one of them moved but one of them moved closer to the other. She wished he’d wrap his arms around her and just hold her so she’d know what it’d feel like. Then she’d be on her way and she could go back to her poor life and remember the one time a man like Dominic Blackmoore looked at her like he’d wanted her more than anything.

She looked up into his dark eyes. “I said... I don’t remember what I said,” she whispered softly, honestly.

Somehow they were even closer. His jacket brushed her nipples like a caress.

“This is too soon,” he said just as softly. His voice like a warning...one he wasn’t going to heed.

“What’s too soon?”

Had his head just dipped in closer?

Her heart thumped wildly in her chest and her pulse skyrocketed as desire filled her veins like hot syrup.

One hand, quite warm she noted, squeezed her arm then slid around to her back. Her heart jumped at the caress.

Her head tilted back as she looked up at him. His hand pressed between her shoulder blades and yes, she wasn’t mistaken, he was nudging her forward.

She went willingly, happily. One aroused woman needing him to put out the fire inside her.

“What’s too soon?” she repeated.

His eyes traced over her face then fell to her mouth. With that one hungry look she moaned. Actually moaned aloud.

A hot blush burned her cheeks.

This was crazy.

Before they’d just been subtly flirting, barely touching but now she’d crossed the line—she made a noise. There was no masking that as something else or playing it off. She’d done the unthinkable.

All of her worries were quickly washed away as his eyes darkened with hunger, his body pressed into hers, and then he spoke right against her lips. “It’s too soon to touch you.”

Her voice wavered. “Oh. Why?”

His hand slid down her spine and pressed into the dip above her derriere and there, with that one touch, he controlled her. He pulled and her body went, pressing fully against his, learning just how hard he was from the unmistakable erection digging into her stomach to his hard stomach crushing her achy breasts. The man had a body she craved to see naked.

His lips stroked across hers in a barely-there touch that left her leaning towards him for more.

“Because you tempt me to go much further than I should, sweets.”

Her eyelids drifted closed at his hypnotic, deep voice. He’d called her sweets. That too wasn’t something you could take back and pretend didn’t happen. She’d actually moaned and he actually thought she was sweet. Her heart melted.

Holy hell, she wasn’t going to stand here wanting for any longer. Devil Felicity reared her sultry head.

Slowly, she pressed her hands over that expensive suit jacket then ran her hands up. Her eyes followed the movements but paused to gauge his reaction.

He looked hungry, tightly in control, but wary at the same time. Hunger for her but wary of “touching her too soon.” Well, she didn’t have a problem with this “too soon” thing. She might have said so if she could voice something elegant at the moment. Instead she needed her mouth for something else.

Her arms finished their journey and wrapped around his neck. She touched his hair, had to know if it felt as soft as it looked. Moving up his neck, she fisted his dark brown locks and bit her bottom lip.

“Perfect,” she whispered. Just enough give to cling to.