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He rubbed his fingers slowly up and down her arm. “I suppose not. And it was a very good surprise.”

They lay silent for a moment. Despite his affirmations, doubt began to creep in. “So, stocked with condoms, huh? Have you had the opportunity to…uh…use them recently?”

He chuckled. “Someone always stocks my trailer with a box. It’s probably written in my contract somewhere as standard protocol. But no, I haven’t broken into them at all this shoot. And the few I have here in my room… Well, I was hopeful that I might get a certain lady here. Eventually.”

Maddie played along. “A certain lady?”

“Yeah, she’s really amazing and beautiful and incredibly sexy. She’s working on the movie, but I met her ages ago. I wanted her in my bed then, but it didn’t work out. Then I got a second chance…”

She stared into his deep, blue eyes. Had he really only wanted her these past days? Pined for her, even? It was incredible and still so hard to believe. But she knew he was telling the truth, had felt it as his body had moved inside her. She saw it now in his eyes still dilated with desire.

She kissed him, sweet and tenderly, and for several minutes she was lost again in his mouth.

When Micah finally pulled away he said, “Maddie, I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

He furrowed his brow. “I missed my mark.”

She clenched around him still inside her. “I think you hit it pretty well, actually.”

“Did I now?” His eyes glinted and she felt his staff thickening. “But what I meant—”

She put a lone finger up to his lips, shushing him. “I know what you meant. You apologized already. I don’t care anymore. I’m happy.”

Micah closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. “Me too.”

She lay in his arms, sated, as he continued to stroke her arm. Exhaustion began to claim her, and she allowed herself to close her eyes and drift.

“Hey, you can’t go to sleep!”

Maddie jumped as he shook her gently.

“I’ve waited for this with far too much anticipation to let this evening end so soon.” With a wicked grin, he flipped her over, drew her up to her knees, and reached his hand around to stoke the fire in her loins.

Yes, she thought as her body awoke to his touch. Very happy.

Chapter Sixteen

Maddie’s inner thigh muscles groaned as she squatted to look for the lens cap she’d dropped. And why shouldn’t her muscles groan? She and Micah didn’t leave his hotel room once in the twenty-seven hours they’d had off from production, and very little of that time was spent sleeping.

She smiled at the memory of that morning’s shower together before she ran to her hotel room for a change of clothing. He had sponged and cleansed her so thoroughly, they’d run out of time to take care of other business. Unwilling to let Micah leave for work with such a huge “problem”, Maddie had serviced him orally. She’d not given many blow jobs in her lifetime—a handful, mostly in college. They had seemed so impersonal and dirty. But when she placed her lips on Micah’s shaft and sucked and licked and moved him in and out of her mouth, she felt powerful and intimately close to him. She’d watched the look of exquisite pleasure on his face, and the knowledge that it was her mouth making him feel that way…well, she had a feeling she’d be giving a lot more in the future.

The future.

The thought brought her plummeting from her Micah high. Did she even have a future with him? They’d said they would take it one day at a time, wait and see. But that’s all they’d said. No talk or plans of any future, including the near future. Would she get to spend time with him at all that day? Should she ask him or wait for him to say something? She could invite him to a late dinner after the day’s shoot. Or maybe that was too clingy. Drinks with the crew, maybe.

And to heighten the stress of the situation was the knowledge that Micah’s personal life wasn’t exactly personal. If they were going to have any chance to get to know each other, they’d have to keep their affair on the down-low. If an affair was what it was called.

Dammit, she hated the uncertainty. If she could just look in his eyes. His eyes would tell her.

She looked at her watch. Nine thirty. Micah was due in costume at nine. Shooting was scheduled for ten thirty. She wondered where he was now. Probably in makeup.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket.

Um, details please!

Crap, she’d forgotten about Bree. While she’d waited for Micah in his hotel room, freaked out by her decision to finally jump him, she’d texted back and forth with Bree for support. Maddie meant to update her friend but hadn’t because, well, she had been otherwise occupied.

She thought about how to answer. What could she say? That she’d had the most earth-shattering, mind-blowing, and beautiful experience of her lifetime? There were no words to capture her feelings.

Besides, it was private. Not just keep-from-prying-eyes-of-the-press private, but also don’t-tell-your-best-friend private. She typed a simple reply. It was nice.

Bree’s response came almost instantly. Nice??

Maddie sighed. More than nice. A lot more than nice.

Her response had been vague, but she knew Bree would figure she wasn’t willing to say more. At least not over text. Besides, the stand-ins had arrived and it was time to get her calculations. She worked around Joe as he blocked the scene, careful to not interfere with his instructions.

She had just finished writing down her first numbers in her notebook when her pocket buzzed again. Guessing Bree hadn’t gotten the hint, she rolled her eyes as she flipped open her phone.

But the text wasn’t from Bree. Come to my trailer.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Was he asking her to come so they could talk about their situation? Or not talk at all? Or did he want to tell her it was all over and to keep everything mum?

She had no idea. She needed to see him to find out.

Except she couldn’t go. She was in the middle of set-up and, after Adam had yelled at her the other day, she needed to be especially on game.

Still, he had wanted to see her. That had to be good. Reluctantly, she sent her reply. I’m working, silly.

Only seconds passed before his response came. Can’t u slip away?

That didn’t sound like an “it’s over” text. He really wanted to see her. Could she go? She wanted to. Her panties were already slippery, thinking about him. She looked around, assessing how much work was left. She’d only done the calculations for Heather’s character and this scene had four characters.

There was no way. It would be too hard.

She held her phone as she waited for his reply.

Speaking of hard…

Her eyes widened. She had to see him.

But she couldn’t.

Maybe just for a minute.

No, she couldn’t. She had to force her fingers to type. Sorry!

Maddie didn’t know if she was disappointed or relieved when he didn’t reply. The next twenty minutes were torture as she continued her set-up for the shoot. Wild images of Micah hard and naked filled her mind, making her squirm as she worked.

Then the images grew ugly as she pictured him grabbing the nearest P.A. for a quickie in his trailer since Maddie was unavailable for him.

That’s ridiculous. First, he had to be on set soon. Secondly, he’d just spent the last day having glorious sex with her. He didn’t need to get some now. Third, he wouldn’t do that… Would he?

She realized that she really didn’t know the answer to that question. He didn’t have a reputation as a playboy because he never noticed other women—that was for sure. And she had no idea how regularly he got it on or who with or anything, really, except that when he got it on, he got it on very well.