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Isabelle needed some distance after everything that had happened between them early this morning. Dalton had been pleasant enough, acting as if nothing at all had happened between them, which was nice of him, all things considered.

She just couldn’t handle being near him. It made her feel hot and itchy, like she constantly needed to take a cool shower.

There were a few magazines and books lying around, so she flipped through a couple but she couldn’t concentrate. She’d asked Georgie if she could help around the house, but Georgie told her to rest and relax. She didn’t want to rest. She always preferred doing something more physical rather than sitting around. She wasn’t a television watcher-not that there was one to be found even if she was. When she wasn’t out on a dig, she was typically on her laptop, researching. Right now she could do neither, which meant she spent the day pacing the house, bored out of her mind.

By late afternoon she’d had all she could handle of being cooped up inside. She wandered through the house in search of Georgie, but didn’t find her, so she headed outside toward the docks.

Ugh. It was hot, sticky, so humid just breathing took effort.

She found a shady spot by a group of trees near the dock and took a seat on the ground, content to be outside, even if she was sweating. She’d mostly worked in desert heat. Dry heat, not this unbearable humidity that threatened to suck the very air from her lungs.

She closed her eyes and thought about what Dalton had told her, about working her mind. If she was honest with herself, the idea frightened her. The thought of setting the demon inside her free … the havoc it could cause …

She hated not having control over herself-all of herself. But maybe if she practiced, a little bit at a time, strengthened her mind, tuned into her psyche, she could do it. She really wanted that control back.

She leaned her head against the tree, closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, reminding herself that she was human, that she was strong, that she could do this. She had done many important things on her own and she could do this, too. She could be triumphant. She was powerful …


She stilled at the sound of her name, opened her eyes, and looked around.

No one was there. The water was calm, lazily lapping against the old wooden dock. The back of the house was quiet and when she looked up and down the walkway, she didn’t see anyone.

Maybe she’d imagined hearing her name. She shrugged and leaned back, closed her eyes again, employing the same focus and mental exercises, visualizing herself as strong and powerful.


Her eyelids shot open and she leaped to her feet.

Okay, she wasn’t insane. Someone had definitely whispered her name. And it was coming from across the water, where the thick woods hid darkness.

She shivered. Great. Now she was scaring herself, and probably for no good reason other than her overactive imagination.

“Is someone there?” she yelled, then waited.


She crossed her arms, irritated with herself. She was not going to be scared. She slid back down the tree and sat again, this time keeping her eyes open, chanting to herself that she was strong, that she needed no one, that she could do this on her own.


It wasn’t real. She didn’t hear it.


Oh, God, yes she did. And she knew that voice, finally recognized the lilting, sickening sweet quality of Tase’s voice calling her name.

Tase, the leader of the Sons of Darkness.

Stricken with fear and unable to move from her spot on the ground, she inched her gaze in either direction, afraid at any moment she’d see his black-clad form materialize in front of her, that he’d sweep her away to Hell before she ever had a chance to change who she was.

Come with me, Isabelle.

Her heart pounded, adrenaline pumping. Tears pricked her eyes but she refused to give way.

“You can’t have me. Not this time.”

A soft laugh, so evil it made her shiver. She raised her knees to her chest and buried her face in her hands, ashamed to feel such fear.

I’m not strong enough to fight this.


Dalton! She looked up. He was there, at the back door, searching for her. In her spot against the tree he hadn’t yet seen her.

He will kill you. We can save you.

No. She would not listen to Tase. He was evil. She had to move and do it now, no matter how afraid she was that they were going to snatch her the minute she left her place there on the bank.

“Dalton!” she screamed, panic blanketing her as she pushed off the ground and tore off running.

He saw her, the smile dying on his face immediately. He pushed through the door and flew off the back stairs, running to meet her. Her legs shook so badly she could barely put one in front of the other, but she had to. She had to get to Dalton. Falling apart wasn’t going to help her get out of this mess.

He can’t help you.

She shuddered, the voice like a snake slithering over her.

They wanted to scare her. It was working. She couldn’t allow it.

Behind her, she heard laughter. Dark, demonic, coming closer.

You’ll never get away from us, Isabelle. We’re always with you.

Her breath wheezed in and out, her throat desert dry as she fought to swallow. She had no saliva left. Her fear had sucked it all up.

But only a few more feet and Dalton would be there.

That’s it, run. More laughter. We’re coming for you, Isabelle.

She took a diving leap and fell into Dalton’s arms, panting from exertion and utter terror.

“Isabelle. Christ, what happened?” He wrapped his arms around her.

She couldn’t speak, her throat raw, her heart pounding so hard she was afraid it would leap out of her chest. All she could do was stare up at Dalton’s concerned face and thank God she was safe.

They hadn’t gotten her.

Not this time, anyway.

“I was bored,” she said, trying to breathe normally again. “I came out here to sit underneath the shade tree and work on my … mental exercises. I heard someone call my name. At first I thought it was you. But it wasn’t. It was like a voice in my head, but not in my head, if that makes sense.”

“No, not really. But I understand.”

He probably didn’t. “You think I’m crazy, that I’m hearing things.”

He looked down at her. “Honey, you’re not crazy. If you heard it, then it happened.”

It was nice that he believed her. Especially since she wasn’t certain she believed herself. “I don’t know, Dalton. Part of me thinks the voice was just in my head. Then again, it seemed like it was all around me.”

“Did you see anyone?”

“No. I looked everywhere. No one was around. And I thought it had to be my imagination, especially when I realized it was Tase’s voice.”

His face was grim as he nodded. “Let’s get you back to the cabin.”

They went inside the house. Dalton grabbed a bag and went to talk to Georgie for a minute. Then they walked back to the cabin.

“I’m sorry I left you today,” he said, sitting her down on the sofa.

“It’s not your fault.”

“Are you sure it was Tase’s voice?”


“What did he say?”

“That he wanted me to come with him. That you were going to kill me, and that only they could save me.”

Dalton blew out a breath.

“Do they know where we are?” she asked.