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He felt embraced in healing power and a sense of goodness. He recognized immediately the presence of the heavens.

“Well, Dalton. That was an interesting solution to a no-win situation.”

Dalton’s lips lifted. The Archangel.

“Oh, my,” Isabelle said. “He’s beautiful.”

“Shh, don’t tell him that. He already has a huge ego.”

The Archangel laughed and Isabelle shivered.

Yeah, he had that kind of effect. Supreme angels always did.

“I haven’t seen you in a long time,” Dalton said.

“And whose fault is that?” The Archangel did, as usual, a fine job of looking imposing, towering above him all in white, his wings spread in impossible width behind him.

“It was my fault. My choice. Just like the choice I just made.”

“Dalton has not won.”

Dalton frowned. Tase’s voice. “He’s not destroyed.”

“No. But you did a fine job of banishing him back to his own realm. We’re … communicating.”

“Like a conference call?” Isabelle asked.

The Archangel’s lips quirked. “Yes.”

“Suicide makes him mine,” Tase said.

“You don’t get to make the decision here.” The Archangel’s voice boomed in anger, silencing Tase. “This is my call. Dalton used his sword. And that, my old friend, changes all the rules. As I’m sure Dalton was aware.”

Dalton couldn’t help but smile.

“What’s he talking about?” Isabelle asked. “You stabbed me. And yourself.”


“Are we dead?”


Isabelle wrinkled her nose. “I’m confused.”

“Dalton used the sword of a Guardian. Not a human,” the Archangel explained.


“It merely brought you here.”

“Where is here, exactly?”

“The other plane.”

Isabelle turned to Dalton. “I’m still confused. We’re not dead, but we’re no longer standing in the middle of the circle on Georgie’s property. Where are we?”

“Right now we’re nowhere. Time is suspended.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yes. Until the Archangel makes a decision.” Dalton turned back to him.

The Archangel asked, “You love this human?”

“I do.”

“It’s a limited future for you, Dalton.”

“She’s worth it.”

“The blood of the evil one runs within her.”

“I was working to rectify that. And her heart is pure. She didn’t ask to be cursed.”

“You cannot wholly remove it from her.”

“I’m aware of that.”

“I, however, can completely eliminate the demon blood from your Isabelle.”

Dalton figured there’d be a catch in this. There had to be a reason the Archangel had appeared. “Okay. And at what price?”

“You agree to trade places with her. You absorb the demon blood she’s carried within her, and you become what she has been.”


Dalton was shocked at Isabelle’s outburst. She glared at the Archangel, who merely cocked a brow in her direction.

“You cannot sacrifice yourself for me.” She turned to the Archangel. “And you people are supposed to be kind and benevolent, yet you’re asking him to become a demon in my place? This is my curse, not his. How dare you ask him to give up his soul for me. What kind of people are you?”

Dalton was speechless. His gaze shot to the Archangel, whose lips twitched.

“‘You people’? Outspoken, isn’t she?”

“You have no idea.”

“Dalton, how could you expect to me to live happily ever after, knowing I brought you damnation with the Sons of Darkness? Do you think I’d be content just because you took the demon blood away from me? I’d be miserable. I’d rather be dead or living with the demon inside me than know you suffered because of me.” She turned her gaze to the Archangel. “Please, don’t let this happen. I love him. He’s deserving of redemption. He’s already paid the price for his sins. Don’t make him do it twice.”

The Archangel grinned. “You made a very wise choice, Dalton. One hell of a hard road to earn your redemption, though.”

He vanished in another burst of brilliant white.

Dalton smiled. The Archangel always loved those dramatic exits. He turned to Isabelle, pulled her into his arms. “I will always love you. Don’t ever forget that.” He pressed his lips to hers, then felt the world spinning out of control. He could no longer feel Isabelle’s body. Or his own, for that matter.

He saw the panic in her wide eyes, saw her arms reaching out for him, but he was no longer there.

I’m sorry, Isabelle.

His world went dark. He closed his eyes and he awaited his punishment, awaited the heat, the flames.

Awaited his eternity in hell.

As long as Isabelle was safe, he was content.

Panic sent Isabelle into a tailspin. Dalton had vanished right in front of her. First the Archangel, then Dalton. What did it mean? The flames no longer surrounded her; Tase was gone. Everything had gone back to normal except that Dalton wasn’t there.

Her gaze shot to Georgie. “Tell me what happened here.”

“It’s done,” Georgie said. “But nothing was as we thought.”

“What the hell does that mean? Where is Dalton?”

Even Georgie looked confused. “I don’t know. He disappeared.”

“You all saw that, didn’t you?” she asked, turning around to all the hunters. “You saw him vanish.”

Michael nodded, looking somber. “Yes.”

“Did you see the Archangel?”

Michael frowned. “Who?”

“The Archangel. The angel. Flowing raven hair, dressed all in white, wings a mile wide?”

Georgie shook her head. “We saw no angel. You did?”

“Yes. How could you not see him?”

“It doesn’t matter that we didn’t. You did. He spoke to you and Dalton?”

Frustrated, Isabelle sighed. “He took Dalton. I know he did. He gave Dalton what he wanted.”

“Redemption?” Georgie asked.

Tears burned Isabelle’s eyes, choked her as she fought for the words, hating that she had to say them out loud. “No. Damnation.”

Her legs refused to support her and she sank to the ground, shaking. Georgie was the first one there to wrap her arms around her.

“Isabelle, stand.”

“I can’t.” The splash of hot tears rolled down Isabelle’s cheeks in rivulets she didn’t even try to hide. He was gone. Vanished. Had the Archangel given Dalton what he’d asked for? The demon inside her had gone, too. She no longer struggled against it, trying to keep it from surfacing.

Instead, the worst form of emptiness she’d ever felt wrapped itself around her. Where had Dalton gone?

Angelique knelt down beside her, stroked her hair. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Isabelle tilted her head back to stare up at Angelique. “He did this for me. I’m not worth it, Angie. How could he have sacrificed so much for me?”

“Because he loved you, baby. He really loved you that much.”

Her sister understood. She knew what had happened. Isabelle was free of her demon, but she’d lost the one thing, the only thing that was important to her. She couldn’t survive this. It hurt too much.

She bent forward, pressed her head against her knees, and sobbed. Her heart was torn in two. She never thought she could feel this much pain, never thought anything could hurt this much.

She cried until there was nothing left, until she felt sick. Then hands reached underneath her and lifted her. Through swollen lids she recognized Michael, who picked her up and started toward the main house.

“No. Wait. I want to go to the cabin.”

Michael shook his head. “You can’t be there alone.”