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“Don’t go far,” I say to their retreating backs. Julie ignores me but Robert and Bri turn to give an, “Okay, Dad.”

We continue sitting on the cots, wary of our situation but feeling a little more secure than we were just a short time ago when the lights begin to flicker. It’s dim inside to begin with but it’s definitely a noticeable change. First, it’s just a quick flash of the lights going off and then back on. Then, they begin to flicker in earnest with the dark winning out over the light. The darkness comes in longer intervals casting the entirety of the gym in an inky blackness with short glows of light in between.

“Goggles on. Greg, take your team and cover the far doors and keep an eye on the entrance doors as well. Lynn, take Black and do the same for this end,” I say. Clicks of goggles being set in place are the only response.

“McCafferty, tell those up there that it’s just the generator powering this place running out of fuel,” I tell her over the radio.

“Will do, sir,” she replies.

I am hoping it’s just the generator going out and that the night runners haven’t figured out how to manipulate them or gnaw through electrical lines — that move will be a self-critiquing one for them if they do try something like that. The knowledge and ability to manipulate machinery wouldn’t bode well for us at all. The gym is plunged into darkness as the generator, or whatever caused the loss of power, gives up entirely. The murmuring that was prevalent before falls to an eerie silence. It’s the silence of knowing something is about to happen. Nothing moves in the green glow as we observe the area beyond our little hideout.

Only the slight rustle of cloth rubbing and boots squeaking on the hardwood floor is heard as team members shift positions. Not knowing where or when the night runners are going to come from is driving me crazy. There’s not a sound or sight of anything. I’m sitting with Lynn waiting for the first shriek of discovery. The thought that this could go on for an eternity, this worrying about night runners, is not a pleasant one and makes me even more tired than I already am. Is this to be our new life for all time - this sitting in wait and worrying about a night runner attack? This is definitely a different feeling than sitting all cozied up at Cabela’s with tall walls all around us. I’m going to have to accept that the night runners are now just a fact of life. Marauders of the type we just rescued the others from, well, I guess rescue isn’t the right word just yet, will unfortunately be a part of this world as well.

“McCafferty, any sign up there?” I ask.

“Nothing, sir. Quiet as can be,” she answers.

“Okay. Have everyone up there sit down in case any shooting starts and tell them to stay down if something does happen,” I say.

Copy that, sir,” she responds.

“What do you think?” I whisper to Lynn.

“I’m not sure. It seems like it may have just been a generator dying,” she answers.

“Yeah, maybe,” I say as the scream of a night runner faintly reaches inside. It sounds as if it’s coming from one of the campus buildings as before. It’s a reminder they are still out there.

“Sir?” I hear McCafferty say in my ear piece.

“Yeah, go ahead,” I answer.

“Um, there are several people here asking to go to the bathroom,” she says hesitantly.

“You’re kidding me,” I say. “Can’t they hold it a little longer?”

A pause ensues. “Well, there does seem to be some urgency with some,” she answers.

“Can’t they find a discreet location somewhere up there and just go?” I ask.

“There’s not really a lot of room up here,” McCafferty answers.

“Stand by,” I say. I look at Lynn and shrug as if to say ‘what the fuck do we do about that?’

“We could escort them into the bathrooms,” she suggests answering my shrug.

“Yeah, I’m not a big fan of that,” I say thinking the night runners are still up to something. I don’t like the idea of splitting our teams up nor having the others wandering about.

“What else are we going to do about it?” Lynn asks.

“Fuck, I don’t know. What is it with everyone having to go to the bathroom when I’m around?” I say.

“Maybe it’s your personality,” she says shrugging.

“Yeah, funny,” I reply. “Okay, take Black, secure the closest locker room and escort them. But Lynn, if anything happens, get back here. And I want you to be ready to come back on a moment’s notice if we need you in here.”

“We will, Jack,” Lynn says.

“Okay McCafferty. How many need to go?” I ask.

“Sixteen, sir,” she answers.

“Sixteen?! Really?!” I say shaking my head. “Okay, bring them down.”

“They’re on their way, sir.”

I lean over to Lynn and whisper, “It’s going to be crowded in there. Team integrity is your priority if something happens.”

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying, Jack?” Lynn asks. “Are you asking us to just leave them if something happens?”

“No, I’m saying get them out as best you can but if you are about to be overrun and can’t, well, there’s no fucking way we can hold this place with just Echo and Red. All will be lost if it comes down to that,” I say knowing it’s a harsh thing to say but the reality of the situation dictates. All because people have to go to the bathroom.

“Jack, that’s not what we are about — abandoning people. We are meant to defend them,” Lynn says adamantly.

“I know that Lynn. It’s about defending all people. If something does happen and you aren’t able to help, then we lose everyone,” I say hating the words coming out of my mouth. In all honesty, it’s a tough choice. Knowing you did the right thing but losing everyone in the process. There is no right choice but there is a lesser of two evils. I’m just not comfortable with Black Team being split off with all that has happened and only a few chained doors lying between us and a horde of night runners. The ones in ‘dire need’ arrive at the doors to the main gym led by Henderson and Denton. It’s pitch black to the others so they need to be guided down.

“Well, Jack, our guests have arrived. What do you want us to do?” Lynn asks. The question comes from her being uncomfortable with what I said about perhaps having to leave them.

“Take them and keep them safe but tell them if something happens then they are to stop what they’re doing and head back immediately. Laggers will be left behind,” I say wishing for a different situation.

“Okay, Jack,” she says and brings out her penlight to guide the others over.

She tells them to wait and heads out into the corridor with Black Team. They secure the locker room and guide everyone in. I keep Henderson and Denton with me to keep watch over the area. Silence continues to be our guest. Minutes pass.

“You hear or see anything, Lynn?” I ask.

“No, it’s all quiet here. Well, mostly quiet,” she answers with a chuckle.

They return several minutes later without any night runner interruption. The night passes with only the occasional shriek issuing from the darkness. The first faint light from the coming morning begins to show beyond the windows. One last loud howl is heard and the blackness of the night transitions to the gray-blue of morning. We have made it and now the outside is safer than the darkened buildings. We unchain the doors and the teams exit still wary of any marauders that might have also made it through the night. Cautious of an ambush, we set a perimeter around the main entrance — now exit — doors.

The clouds that were distant before now cover the once clear blue sky. It’s a light gray covering but it feels like it may bring rain later. The chill of the morning air tells me that summer is quickly winding down and fall is near. My eyes adjust to the morning light as I doff my NVG’s. Every muscle in my body aches and I become aware of some I didn’t even realize I had. My back and shoulders feel strained and every step is an effort. We do a check within the campus perimeter without going into the buildings. I have no idea what they have inside now that the night runners have access and I don’t intend to find out. I send Greg with Echo Team back to our previous hideout to bring the Humvees and gear back.