I pulled out my phone and dialled Talisid’s number. It took Talisid a while to answer and when he did he sounded harassed. “Verus, I’ve got two other people-”
“One quick question,” I said. “The Aubuchon family used to own Fountain Reach.”
“The last mage of the dynasty, Vitus Aubuchon,” I said. “Do you know what type of mage he was?”
“He was a space mage. Spatial manipulation, gate magic, that sort of thing. Is this-?”
Something clicked. “That’s all,” I said, and hung up and turned back to Variam. “We need to get back to Luna.”
“Do you know where Anne is?”
“No. But I think I know who took her.”
* * *
Luna was sitting up in bed by the time we got back to her room. She’d eaten everything I’d brought from the kitchens and was looking a lot healthier. I thanked Celia and sent her away, closing the door behind her before turning to Variam and Luna. I hadn’t answered any of Variam’s questions and both of them were watching me. “We don’t have much time,” I began, “so we’re going to have to make this fast.”
“Who took Anne?” Variam said.
“The same man who took that girl thirty years ago,” I said. “And God only knows how many others. Vitus Aubuchon.”
Variam frowned. “I thought he was-”
“Not dead,” I said. “Disappeared, yes, but not dead. He was doing longevity research, looking for a way to prolong his life. I think he found one.” I looked at Luna. “Remember what I told you about vampires? How they could live off humans by drinking their blood? There have always been rumours that before they were wiped out, some mages got vampires to teach them the trick.”
Luna’s eyes widened a little. “Wait, you mean. .?”
“Here’s what I think happened,” I said. “Vitus Aubuchon wanted to live forever. He couldn’t use life magic, so he designed this house as a giant focus for a longevity spell. But it needed fuel. Human fuel, young people in the prime of their youth and strength. It worked for a long time but then something went wrong. For whatever reason normal children weren’t enough anymore. So Vitus decided to start feeding off apprentices instead.
“And then Crystal came. I don’t know how they met, but they made some sort of deal. Crystal would find apprentices, ones who were vulnerable and alone, and bring them here to Fountain Reach for Vitus to feed on. .” I trailed off, remembering Crystal’s words from two nights ago. The entire point of this whole plan was so we didn’t have to keep picking at random. . “Shit,” I said quietly to myself.
“That’s why Crystal held the tournament here,” I said. “They’re not looking for just any apprentice. They’re looking for the right apprentice. The point of the tournament was so that they could get a close-up view of all the apprentices using their magic. Anne hasn’t healed anyone since getting here, has she?”
“No. .” Variam said.
I nodded. “Not until now. Vitus saw her and that was it. As soon as she was alone he snatched her and unless we stop him he’s going to do the same thing to her that he’s done to everyone else.”
“How do we get her back?” Variam said.
“I don’t know.”
“I’m still working on that part.”
“You just said we didn’t have much time!”
“Vitus is a space mage. He could have taken Anne anywhere and I don’t know where.”
“Wait,” Luna broke in. “Didn’t Sonder say Vitus would have to stay inside the house?”
I nodded. “I don’t think she’s far, but-”
“So let’s burn the house down,” Variam said.
Luna looked at Variam in disbelief. “Are you nuts?”
“It’ll flush him out, won’t it?”
“It’s not going to-”
“Actually,” I said slowly, “I think that’s not a bad idea.” I turned towards the door. “Get ready for a fight. I’ll explain along the way.”
* * *
I got my gear, Luna got her whip, and I led her and Variam upstairs through Fountain Reach. “The first time I came here, Onyx shredded a wall,” I said. “When he did there was a scream. It was like some kind of defence system, but now I don’t think it was. I think Vitus is linked to this house. Hurting it hurts him.”
“So how does that help us find Anne?” Variam asked.
We turned down an old crooked corridor with animal heads lining the walls. “Wherever Vitus takes his victims, it’s somewhere hidden,” I said. “We won’t find it, not in time. But if Vitus could bring Anne there, he could bring us there too.”
The bedroom within looked just as it had the last two times I’d seen Crystal in it: old and dusty with a moth-eaten bed. The portrait on the wall stared down at us, sunken eyes looking out of a thin face. “What about everyone else?” Luna asked.
“You remember Anne’s story from last night?” I said. “Someone tried to burn Fountain Reach before and something stopped them. I don’t think Vitus can do anything in this part of the house, not directly. He has to take them somewhere else first.”
Luna looked from me to Variam. I could tell she wasn’t sure about the plan but didn’t want to go back either. “Now?” Variam asked.
I nodded. “Do it.”
Orange-red light flared up around Variam’s hands and heat poured into the back of the room. The wallpaper blackened then ignited, flames licking up from the floor. Luna and I backed away towards the door.
I felt a pulse of magic and a mental chime: an alarm spell. “Keep going,” I said, but Variam didn’t need to be told. More heat went in. The old bedroom was dry as dust and the flames were spreading quickly, the carpet at the end catching fire and the bed smouldering as well. The temperature in the room was rising but Variam did something and it levelled out, the heat staying in the far end of the room. Smoke was starting to spread and I coughed.
In the distance I could hear shouts and running footsteps. “Is it working?” Luna called.
“No!” I tried to think about the last time I’d seen the house react violently. Onyx had ripped a hole through the corridor. “Go for the walls!”
Variam raised his hand and an orange-red beam sprang out. It carved into the walls as though they were butter and cut sideways, burning a gash through the bones and structure of Fountain Reach.
This time the response was instant. A scream knifed through my head, pain and fury and discord. I’d been ready and only flinched, but Luna and Variam both doubled over. Variam lost his grip on his spells; the beam winked out and the heat rushed in, scorching me. “Variam!” I shouted.
Variam recovered, forcing the temperature down. The whole far end of the room was a sheet of flame now, the bed blackening and crumbling in the inferno as the fire reached eagerly towards us. Flames were licking up around the edge of the painting, the man inside seeming to glare out at us. I could sense people coming down the corridor and I recognised Lyle and Crystal. Variam struck again, that beam of fire slicing into the walls, and this time I felt the wards around us waver as Variam’s attack cut through one of the weblike strands that supported the spell around Fountain Reach.
The scream was louder, and this time there was only pain. The wards shifted, turned, and I felt the pull of a gate spell, space seeming to ripple and twist just as Lyle appeared in the doorway. The spell was centred around me and Variam and Luna but Lyle was caught too, dragged in from the edge. I caught one glimpse of Lyle’s startled face, Luna and Variam turning towards me, the flames guttering and dying as their fuel was sucked away from them, then the four of us were drawn elsewhere and everything was gone.