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The first figure waved a hand for silence and the four fell quiet. “You understand that the terms of your employment were based upon your acquiescence to the bands?”

“I do.” Her nails dug into his hand and he held firm.

“Then you will not be performing this evening?”

“Her term with the Midnight Mystery Lounge may have ended, but she is a member of the diNapoli tigers and must perform or we will have no show.” He didn’t doubt that he was the subject of their regard, because no surprise rippled through the collected at his statement. “I’ll also put you on notice that we intend to free the Amazon, Jaimela.”

Her hand convulsed around his. He surprised her. Again.

A small smile curled his lips. He liked surprising her.

“The Amazon Jaimela serves out her term as decried by this council when she stole from the Arcana Royale until such time as she returns that which was stolen.” The laconic voice hardened. “Your petition to have the Princess Ruth Ann added to your group is approved but only for the seventy-five shows in your contract.”

“And when the run ends?” He pushed his luck.

“Prove successful and discuss it with the stage manager.” The indolent reply offered a decent compromise. He would keep his mate as close to her sister as circumstances would allow.

As one the figures turned away and Ruthie pulled free of his hand to take a step forward. “That’s it?”

They paused.

“You were never the one we took issue with, Princess. You struck the bargain, petitioned us for the right, whether you stay or go has always been up to you,” the female answered.

Anthony wrapped his hand around her arm to pull her back lest she aggravate them further.

“I would ask a question.”

He sighed.

The figures turned to face her, one at a time. The vampire motioned her to speak.

“If Jaimela took something from your Sphinx, why can you not take it back?”

As questions went, it was a fair one.

The five figures remained silent so long Anthony feared they would not answer.

“To answer that question, you must understand what your shield-sister sought at the behest of Athena. Discover that answer and you will know what needs be done.”

The five disappeared between one blink of an eye and the next. Ruthie fell back a step and bumped into him. He wrapped an arm around her midsection and cradled her against his chest.

“I take it they never said that to you before,” he murmured against her hair.


“Do you know what she sought?”

Ruthie shook her head slowly. “She never told me and I never asked.”

He frowned. “Why not?”

“It was her quest.” She turned in his arms and tipped her head back to look at him. “Have the gods ever talked to you?”

He shook his head once.

“Me either.” But instead of pulling away in frustration as he feared she might, she burrowed closer to him. “When these shows are over—I may have to petition a goddess.”

Anthony thought about that. “Greece is lovely this time of year.”

“It could take years.”

He shrugged. “I don’t care. I know this is new to you. I know mating is new to you, but where you go, I go. If it takes us the rest of our lives to discover the secret to Jaimela’s freedom, I won’t abandon you or your quest.”

Ruthie jolted at that turn of my phrase.

“My quest?”

“Yes, princess. Your quest.” He nibbled a kiss to her earlobe and then gave her bottom a light swat. “We’ll make our plans for that later. We’re due onstage.”

She laughed, sliding her fingers into his hair and pulling him down for a harder, lengthier kiss. “I’ll get you back for that swat later.”

“I look forward to it.”

An hour later, he stalked onto the stage, sliding through the jets of stage mist to prowl around Ruthie dancing nude at the imaginary bathing pool, a glittering wash of light spilling down to mimic the falls.

His nose twitched.

Weres were close.


And worse.

The heavy, metallic sting of bronze clogged his nose.


He paused, his flat eyes gazing out into the darkness. His Pride and her Tribe were in the audience. He lifted his head, a rumble of sound vibrating his chest, clashing with the music.

A roar that cried watch and learn.

Chapter Fourteen

The applause was fierce as the final curtain descended, Ruthie’s wild princess wrapped around the tiger, a sword in her hand. She would defend him against the entire world. They’d chosen the ending and it was like mating with her all over again. When the curtain dropped, he waited for Ruthie to slide off before shifting.

He hadn’t had time to warn her.

Skin stretched and burning, he ignored the playful whistles of the girls over his nudity. The vain cat preened at the attention of only one woman, and Ruthie’s eyes were bright with interest and lust.

“Wait.” He pressed his fingers to her lips when she went to kiss him. “They’re coming.”


The curtain parted and Anthony shifted his stance, bracing a step in front and to the right of his mate. The queen entered the stage area first, halting the dancers in their paths with one frosty look. Queen Alexiares was tall, fine-boned and carried just a hint of gray in her dark hair, a testament to her long life and strong will.

“Mother,” Ruthie squeaked, dropping into a deep bow, blade pointed down.

“Ruth Ann.” Disapproval quivered in the words. “Did you really mate that tiger?”

Anthony’s fingers curled, but he held himself still. He couldn’t interfere. Not yet.

“Yes, Mother. I mated Anthony.” Ruthie straightened, her posture loose but prepared. Ever the warrior.

The queen sighed.

“Interesting choice, nephew.” His uncle sauntered onto the stage. A sly smile twisted his lips. He was not the dark, maniacal cartoon villain Anthony often imagined, but a well-dressed, coifed businessman with white-blond hair that stood in stark contrast to his ruddy skin.

“Uncle.” Anthony didn’t bow, but he managed to incline his head. It was the only submission he was willing to show. There was still too much water under that bridge.

“It looks like we both lose, Alexiares.” His uncle’s voice boomed with laughter, not malice. Anthony quirked a look at Ruthie, but she shook her head once, a quick negative. She had no idea what they were talking about either.

“I see that. Very well, I’ll sign the treaty.”

“Yes, we will. Shall we?” He gestured to the curtain and the queen paused.

Her cool gaze raked over Anthony and he had the strangest feeling she was sizing him up for the kill. Ruthie moved, her blade turning upward and she positioned herself in front of him.

“Truly, daughter. You would challenge me?”

Anthony’s heart froze. Amazon queens battled to the death. It was the only way to preserve their strength, their honor and their crowns.

“With a heavy heart, your majesty. But make no mistake. Anthony is mine and I protect what is mine.”

“Even if mating him makes you mortal?” The queen’s words sent a bracing cold shock through his soul. “You cannot be both Pride and Tribe.”

“We’re mated. It’s done. You taught me to own what I want.” His mate’s unflinching response warmed the shock with true pride.

“You always were a bit of a brat.” A reluctant smile tugged the regal woman’s face. “Keep your cat. We’ll discuss this at the New Year’s meeting. I expect both of you there.”

She stepped through the curtain held open by the Pride Alpha and disappeared. Anthony glided his hands up Ruthie’s arms and pulled her willing body back to his chest.