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“I am.”

Avallach frowned and gazed at his younger brother. The two were almost mirror images of one another: both dark men who wore their black hair and beards long, oiled, and curled in the traditional way. White teeth shone when they smiled, and their dark eyes flashed with quick wit and, when roused, quicker anger. “Then it has begun.”

“But we may yet cut him off,” Belyn said. “If we brought charges against him in council, before all the others, the High King would have to take action.”

Avallach considered this and replied, “Forcing the High King to take action against one of his monarchs could bring the world crashing down around our ears.”

“Or save it.”

“Very well.” Avallach turned suddenly and started back to the hall. “Let us hear what your men have to say to us.”

They rejoined the others in the hall. Avallach saw that Annubi had arrived and motioned him over. As the seer leaned forward the king addressed one of Belyn’s delegation, “My brother tells me you have brought evidence with you. Let me see it.”

The man glanced at the seer and hesitated.

“Trust Annubi before you trust me,” Avallach told him. “If my advisor is not to hear, then I am deaf as well.” Annubi bowed, fingertips of both hands touching as he made the sign of the sun with his hands. “Besides,” added Avallach, “I have never yet discovered a way to keep a secret from this man.”

“Annubi’s name is honored in Belyn’s palace as well,” said the man, inclining his head toward the seer. “I intended no offense.”

“No offense was taken,” replied Annubi equably. “Please continue.”

“I am King Belyn’s yardmaster. Five days ago I apprehended two Ogygians in the royal shipyards at Taphros,” the man said. “The two had posed as representatives of an Azilian trade consortium to gain entrance. The shipyards are not guarded, as you know, but my king has ordered me to watch things very closely. I became suspicious when I saw these supposed buyers lingering near the shipwright’s hut. It appeared they were waiting for a chance to gain entrance.”

“No doubt,” observed Avallach.

The yardmaster nodded. “When questioned they pretended ignorance.”

“Of course.”

“I asked to search their persons and they became abusive. I called six of my carpenters and we held them until the palace guard could be summoned.” Having finished his story the man stepped back and another man took his place.

“This is the captain of my palace guard,” said Belyn by way of introduction.

“I am,” affirmed the burly man. “Eight of my best and I went down to the shipyard upon receiving the summons. We found the two spies just as the yardmaster has said. With much protesting, they were taken back to the palace and searched. Documents were found in their clothing which indicated a thorough spying foray. It is my opinion that they were attempting to assess the strength of Belyn’s ships and the facility of his yards.”

Avallach’s dark eyes hardened.

“There is more.” Belyn motioned to one of the other men, who opened a pouch at his belt and drew out a parchment packet and passed it to Avallach. “I Believe,” said the man, “you will want to see these for yourself.”’

Avallach took the packet and opened it, scanned it quickly, and passed it to Annubi. The seer glanced at the document and returned it. “It would appear Nestor is leaving no stone unturned,” Annubi said.

“Indeed! Counting ships and granaries-is he mad?”

“Assessing an enemy’s strength before striking a blow is wisdom itself,” replied Belyn’s captain dryly.

“He is insane!” snapped Avallach. “Breaking a peace that has lasted over two thousand years…”

Annubi lifted his hands, saying, “New forces are loosed upon the world: war is on the wind; beastmen migrate from land to land; order gives way to chaos. All the universe is in ferment.” He stopped abruptly and shrugged, adding, “Nestor is a creature of his time.”

“He is a creature that must be stopped.” Avallach pursed his lips. “To stop him we must have the support of others as well.”

“We think alike, brother,” observed Belyn. “I sail for Corania as soon as I am finished here.”

“No,” said Avallach. “I will take care of it. If it is true that Nestor’s spies are abroad, you must not be seen traveling from Kellios to Ys. I will talk to Seithenin myself.”

“Better still,” Belyn replied.

“Now then,” said Avallach, raising his voice to the others, “let us put this distasteful business behind us. There is a bull dance today-you are my guests.”

The men bowed and raised their hands in the sign of the sun. Avallach signaled for a steward, who appeared promptly. “These men are staying with us,” Avallach told him. “Prepare rooms for them and see to it that they have a change of clothes and anything else they require.”

The men followed the servant out. “Is Elaine with you?” asked Avallach as the others left the great hall.

“When she learned I was coming, she would not be left behind. She was asleep when we arrived. I left word that I would fetch her later.”

“Go and bring the lady. Do not leave her waiting even for a moment or I will be made to answer for your thoughtlessness.”

“It would not be the first time,” Belyn laughed. The laughter died on his lips and he stood listening to the echo in the great hall. “What an empty sound…”

“Go and bring Elaine,” Avallach told him. “We will fill the hall tonight and it will ring with laughter.”

When Belyn had gone, Avallach turned to Annubi who stood looking on. “What we have long dreaded has come to pass; we must prepare to fight Nestor in Council, and we must win. If we fail, it can only end in death.”

“Indeed! Death is the only certainty when kings fall out,” replied Annubi.

Charis’ curiosity was far from satisfied by what she had glimpsed in the Lia Fail. But since it was a stolen look she could not go to Annubi to inquire of him what the images meant. At any rate, she had not seen herself among the procession of travelers and considered that this confirmed her worst suspicions: when the time came to travel to the Great Council, she would be left behind.

This was not a situation she could endure, at least not sitting still. The youngest of Avallach’s five children, Charis had often been forced to the subtleties of diplomacy where one of her brothers might have relied on strength. What she needed now was an ally, someone who wielded the power she lacked and who would take her side. She chose her mother.

It was to the queen’s library that Charis went in search of her mother, whom she found standing at the balcony with a squarish object in her hands. The queen, turning as her daughter entered, smiled and held out a hand. “Come here, I want to show you something.”

“What is that?” she asked. “A brick?”

Briseis laughed and held the object out to Charis. “Not a brick,” she explained. “A book.”

Charis came close and gazed at the thing-the wrong shape for a book. It was flat and thick, not neatly rolled in a tight vellum scroll. It looked awkward and cumbersome.

“Are you certain?” asked Charis, glancing around the library with its innumerable scrolls tucked into the honeycombed nooks of its shelves. The huge room was polished wood and stone; light scattered from its many cool surfaces. There were large myrtlewood tables and tall-backed chairs with blue silk cushions placed around the room for convenience. At the far end hung a large tapestry depicting Mount Atlas, its crown lost in white plumes of cloud. She returned her gaze to the strange object her mother held in front of her. “It looks more like a brick to me.”

“A new kind of book. Here…” Her mother placed the volume in her hands. “Open it.”

“Open it?”

“Let rne show you.” Her mother bent and turned back the leather cover to reveal a dazzling picture of a green and gold Atlantis afloat in a sea of lapis lazuli. Sunlight touched the page and set the colors aflame.