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"But what's it for?" Shiara said.

"I don't know," Kazul admitted. "The fire spell is connected to something inside the castle, but I can't tell what with the barriers around the outside. He may have set a trap with it."

"May I have my key back, please?" I said. Kazul and Shiara both looked at me, and Shiara handed me the key. "Thank you," I said, and put it in my pocket. I wasn't quite sure why I wanted it; I only knew that keeping it felt right, somehow.

"Is there anything else we need to know?" I asked. "I mean, we've walked a long way today and we've been in a cave-in, and Shiara has a broken arm, and if we're going to do all these things tomorrow, I would sort of like to get some rest."

"Mrrrroww!" said Nightwitch emphatically.

Kazul chuckled. "It seems you aren't the only one who would like rest.

Very well. Marchak!"

The middle-sized dragon who had brought us dinner appeared, and Kazul had him show us to our rooms. They turned out to be normal, human-sized rooms and quite comfortable. I was surprised until it occurred to me that the King of the Dragons would probably have occasional human visitors who would need a place to stay. Then I wondered how many human magicians kept special places for visiting dragons in their castles and towers and things, and right in the middle of wondering, I fell asleep.

A loud pounding noise woke me. Someone, probably a dragon, was knocking on the door of my room. "Just a minute, please," I called, and the pounding stopped.

I got out of the bed, which I couldn't remember having gotten into, and picked up my sword belt. I checked my pockets to make sure I had the key, started for the door, and stopped suddenly in the middle of the room. If the dragons expected me to do things with the Sword of the Sleeping King, I wasn't going to carry it under my arm like a bag of laundry. I put the sword belt on and opened the door.

"It's about time," said the little dragon in the hall. Shiara and Nightwitch were already there.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't know you were in a hurry."

The dragon snorted and started off down the hall. We went after it.

It didn't seem to be in a particularly good mood. Shiara explained that it wanted to come into the castle with us, but Kazul wouldn't let it. I couldn't see why it wanted to come. There weren't supposed to be any wizards inside the castle, and I thought the little dragon wanted to fight wizards. I didn't say anything, though. Arguing with a grouchy dragon isn't safe, even if it's only a small dragon.

The dragon brought us back to the cave where we'd talked to Kazul the previous night. Kazul wasn't there, but breakfast was, and we sat down right away. We were just finishing when Kazul arrived to take us out to the castle.

Kazul led us out of the caves and across the hard brown ground. All around us, dragons were polishing their teeth and sharpening their claws, and some of them were muttering spells under their breath. A couple of times, I saw elves hurrying through the crowd, and once I saw a group of intense-looking, red-haired people who had to be fire-witches.

Everyone was very serious and grim.

None of us said anything until we got to the castle. Kazul led us around the outside of the shimmerings until we were at the front of the castle. If I concentrated on looking through the barriers, I could see a flat wooden bridge across the moat and a large door with steps leading up to it.

Kazul stopped and turned to the little dragon. "You'd better go find your place now," she said.

"But I want to-" The little dragon went. Shiara and I looked at each other, and then at Kazul. Kazul smiled. "Are you ready?"

I nodded jerkily. Shiara bent and picked up Nightwitch. Kazul's smile widened. "When I say 'Now,' draw your sword and run for the castle.

Don't look back, and don't stop for anything."

I nodded again because I didn't trust my voice just then. Kazul turned to the crowd of dragons, and suddenly everything was completely silent.

A shiver ran down my back, and I put my hand on the hilt of the Sword of the Sleeping King.

I felt the bee-in-the-jar buzz that was Shiara's magic, and a strong humming from all the dragons, but the strongest feeling of all was the purring I'd felt from the first time the sword made my arm tingle. It came from the castle. Not from the shimmerings around the castle; they just got in the way.

What I was feeling was the magic of the castle itself.

I took a tighter grip on the hilt of the sword. The tingling from the dragons got stronger and more positive, and abruptly Kazul turned and shouted, "Now!" As she spoke, the silver-and-green shimmering around the castle vanished.

I yanked the Sword of the Sleeping King out of its sheath and swung it at the golden glow that was still left between me and the castle. I felt an enormous shock as the sword hit, and then the shimmering vanished in an explosion of golden light.

I shook my head and heard Kazul shout, "Run!"

I took two steps and almost lost my balance. The ground wasn't hard and bare anymore; it was covered with slippery green fuzz. Shiara grabbed my arm just as I heard a series of explosions from behind us.

We ran. I could feel the jangling from the sword that meant there were wizards around somewhere, but I didn't stop to look for them. I was too busy trying to keep up with Shiara, hang on to the sword, and dig the key out of my pocket, all at the same time.

Shiara was standing in front of the door, panting, when I got up to it with the key. I didn't see a keyhole, but as soon as my foot touched the top step of the stairs, the door swung open.

"Daystar," Shiara said, "are you sure-" Something hit the stone of the castle next to the door and exploded, showering us with little chips of rock. Shiara and I dove through the door and landed on the floor inside with Nightwitch on top of us. I sat up just as the door closed silently behind us.

"Hey!" Shiara said. "Watch what you're doing with that sword!"

"I'm sorry." I stood up, stuck the key in my pocket again, and held out a hand to help Shiara up. "Is your arm all right?"

"I think so," she said absently. "At least, it doesn't hurt any more than it did already. Now, which way do we go?"

"I don't know." The door shook as something hit it, and a moment later there was a muffled explosion. "I think we should get out of here, though."

"Aren't you going to put that stupid sword away first?"

"No," I said. "I'd rather have it in my hand, in case some of the wizards do get into the castle."

Shiara scowled, but she didn't object again, and we started hunting.

The castle was even more confusing on the inside than it was on the outside. Rooms opened into more rooms and then suddenly into a hallway or a flight of stairs. All of them were full of chairs and tables and books and suits of armor, and everything was dusty. The wizards' spell had kept spiderwebs and cobwebs out of the castle, but it hadn't done anything at all about the dust. Nightwitch didn't like it at all. She kept sneezing, until finally Shiara picked her up and carried her.

It took a lot longer to figure out where we were going than I'd expected.

I could feel the sword pulling me toward the center of the castle, but it was very hard to just go in that direction. In spite of Kazul's instructions, Shiara and I kept getting into hallways that curved the wrong way and chains of rooms that ended with nowhere else to go. It was very discouraging.

Finally, we came to a pleasant room with a big window and a desk in one corner. "This doesn't look right, either," Shiara said. "Do you think-" "Doesn't look right?" growled a voice up near the ceiling.

"Of course it doesn't look right! It's been seventeen years since anybody has dusted in here. And I haven't had any visitors except the mice."

I looked up and saw a wooden gargoyle in one corner. It made a face at me and went on, "Who are you, and what are you doing in here?"

"I'm Daystar, and I'm looking for the King of the Enchanted Forest," I said.