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“It turns out I don’t require sleep, at least not the way most vampires do, and when I do sleep, I don’t dream anymore. Is that normal?”

“Yes,” she said abruptly. “Sorry, I forgot to warn you about that.”

Had she forgotten? Or had she conveniently avoided the subject, since it made her incredibly uncomfortable that she was dreaming again? Until Doug Paxton showed up at her club tonight, she assumed it was a ghost visiting her, but now that she’d met the detective, she had no fucking idea what was going on. Damn it.

Olivia’s eyes captured his briefly, and she cleared her throat. “What else?”

“I tolerate sunlight to a point, silver stings but doesn’t burn me like most vamps, and I can manipulate heat, but that’s it as far as the demon stuff.” His serious eyes locked on hers, and his lips set in a tight line. “They hate it, you know. The czar and his senators—they really hate the fact that I can daywalk.”

“I know,” Olivia sighed and rubbed her eyes. “The daywalking ability really galls them because they all want it, they desperately want it, and they’ll never have it. I still think that’s why the emperor appointed you to the position of sentry so quickly. Well, that, and the fact you’re a liaison to the Amoveo.” She smirked. “If you work for them then it’s easier for them to keep an eye on you.”

“What about that bloodmate legend?”

“Bloodmates?” Olivia stilled and leveled a serious look in his direction. She had never told Pete about it. Her voice dropped low. “Who told you about that?”

“You probably shoulda,” he teased good-naturedly as he wagged a finger at her. “Marianna told me. If a vampire finds his or her bloodmate and bonds, then both become daywalkers. Right?”


Olivia rolled her eyes and put her Louboutin-clad feet on the desk, attempting to seem casual when she was actually freaking out. She wasn’t even sure what was happening with Doug, so she certainly did not want to drag Pete into it. They had enough on their plate with the dead guy.

She kept her voice light and a smile in her eyes. “I didn’t tell you because it’s a silly, made-up story, and that’s all it will ever be. Vamps have been chasing after that one since God was a boy.”

“Maybe. But rumors usually spawn from a grain of truth,” Pete murmured as he studied her intently, but Olivia remained resolute. “Something’s up with you.”

“Yes.” Olivia dropped her feet to the floor and straightened the few items on her desk. “It looks like Maya made a big fat mess for me to clean up, and as if that’s not bad enough, Vincent is coming to town for a visit. The timing couldn’t be worse.”

“Your maker?” Pete smirked. “I can’t wait to meet this guy,” he said sarcastically. “From what you’ve told me, he’s a barrel of laughs.”

“I’m sure he’ll like you as much as you’ll like him.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Pete glanced at the clock on the desk. “When is this big coven pow-wow? I’ve got a pregnant woman at home who will be looking for pancakes and bacon when she wakes up.”

“How’s she feeling?” A smile curved her lips. Marianna had gotten pregnant just before Pete was turned, and their twins were due soon.

“They’re due in a few months. She’s hungry as hell, but I can’t figure out if it’s because she’s pregnant with twins, or because she’s a shifter. She’s in the Bear Clan, and believe me, she freaking eats like a bear, but if you tell her I said that, I’ll deny it,” he added quickly.

“Your secret is safe with me.” Her smile faded as she picked up Doug’s business card. “What can you tell me about Doug Paxton?”

“He was my partner, a great cop, and one of the best men I know—human or otherwise. He’s loyal and fiercely protective of the people he cares about, not that there are that many of them. It’s been hell keeping my distance from him.”

“Why are you keeping your distance?” She cocked her head as curiosity got the better of her. “Do you think he suspects something?”

“He knew something was different when I saw him a couple of months ago but couldn’t put his finger on it.” Pete folded his arms over his chest. “I’ve been avoiding him ever since. The man is like a dog with a bone. He won’t let go until he figures it out, but that’s what makes him such a great cop.”

“I see.” She glanced at his business card. “You said he doesn’t have many people in his life. So, no wife or girlfriend?”

She tried to make the question sound casual but failed miserably.

“No.” Pete crossed to the desk and leaned over with both hands on it as he studied her closely.

Damn it. Olivia kept her expression neutral and flicked her confident gaze back to Pete, hoping she could bluff him.

“Why are you interested in Doug’s personal life? Wanting to know about him as a cop, that I get. But questions about his dating life? Now that is interesting.”

Olivia rose slowly from her chair and kept her eyes fixed firmly on Pete. “My only concern is protecting my coven and my business. Detective Paxton is investigating the murder of a guy whose last living moments were at my club with my bartender, so I want to know who I’m dealing with, and one of my progeny is his main suspect.” Her voice dropped low. “And that’s it. Got it?”

Van Helsing whined and shifted to a sitting position.

“Whatever you say.” A wide grin cracked Pete’s face as he pushed himself off her desk and opened the door for her. “After you, boss lady.”

Olivia wanted to tell him to shove it, but she grinned in spite of herself. “You’re just lucky that I like you and you married my friend,” she said as she brushed past him with Van at her heels. “Otherwise, I’d kick your butt for being such a wise-ass.”

Olivia strode through the empty club with Pete and Van just a few steps behind her. Sadie, Trixie, Maya, and Damien were seated at the bar waiting for Olivia, and whatever conversation they’d been having abruptly stopped.

“Where’s Suzie?” Olivia asked as she stepped behind the bar.

“She split a few minutes ago,” Damien responded.

All eyes were on Olivia, except for Maya’s. Her weepy gaze was transfixed on her hands, which were folded neatly in her lap as tears rolled down her cheeks. Olivia studied her carefully, looking for any sign that this was more of her manipulative behavior but found none, and in spite of how irritated Olivia was, she actually felt sorry for Maya. Apparently, she was genuinely upset.

“So, Maya,” Olivia began quietly. “Are you crying because the young man is dead, or is it because you actually realize what a fucking shit-show you’ve brought down on your coven? Or both?”

Maya shrugged and wiped the tears away but said nothing. Olivia knew she was being hard on the girl, but she had to impress upon Maya and the rest the serious nature of their situation.

“How could you be so careless?” Olivia asked. “First you bring him back here and toy with him all day long. Here. In our home.”

She inched closer to the bar but kept her hands behind her back, knowing that it would be far too easy to grab her and attempt to shake some sense into her. While lecturing Maya on self-control, it would completely undermine her to the coven if Olivia lost hers.

“Then, as if that’s not bad enough, you show even less restraint by draining him dry and tossing him in a dumpster for any human to find.” Her voice rose higher with every word as anger and fear got the better of her. “Everyone in the club saw you flirt your fangs off with him all night long, and who fucking knows how many people saw you leave here with him after closing? How could you do this? Do you realize what kind of risk you’ve put all of us in?”