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Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

End Notes

Michael-Scott Earle

Chapter 1

Warmth wrapped me in a cocoon, and I felt something squeeze my chest tightly. A bright light burned my eyes as I struggled to escape the bonds around my torso. I screamed, shouted, and thrashed.

Then I woke up in a hut.

I was still terrified of the light, but it was a weird thing to fear. After getting swarmed by raptors, threatened by flesh-eating birds, and chased by a huge fucking carnotaurus, my brain had plenty of nightmare material from my time in Dinosaurland. Nine times out of ten, fangs and teeth were my biggest threats. But this flash of light was very distinct, and I remembered it coming out of a pair of hands. Then I recalled that the woman I had saved shot beams of energy from her palms.

I shuddered with a chill despite the jungle heat of this world. Inside the round yurt-like hut I called home, it felt even hotter. The indoor cooking fire burned low, but it still bumped the temp an extra ten degrees. I studied the light coming in through the door and tried to think cool thoughts.

I pushed the flashy nightmare away from my mind while relaxing under the relative coolness generated by my lover as she lay draped across my chest. She could dispel any bad dream.

Galmine was a curvaceous woman with skin that was somewhat like gray stone. Her long silver hair and vibrant emerald eyes made her seem just alien enough to be sexy, but not so alien that I didn’t recognize her human similarities. In fact, I was still trying to figure out how I was lucky enough to end up with this supermodel of a woman.

Last night, after finishing the fort, saving the pink-haired woman, who called herself Kacerie, from certain death, and collapsing into my bed of leaves, Galmine entered the hut and asked to become my lover. I was looking forward to my first real night of sleep in days, but the alien woman beamed me out of this world instead.

She wasn’t my first sexual experience, but after my night with Galmine, I wasn’t ashamed to admit it was my first time making love. The sexy emerald-eyed woman had mastery over her movements, and it didn’t take long for her to control mine. Her timing was so precise I’d begun to think it bordered on magic. She knew when I was getting close to my own climax, but she held me on the edge until she was ready to explode with me.

The whole night was a blur of pleasure.

Now I watched her sleep on my chest. Her silver hair was wildly out of place, so I gently brushed it back from her face. She smiled in her sleep and seemingly hugged me even tighter. She was already pressed against me, but I wanted more from her.

My eyes followed the curve of her spine down to the start of her amazing ass, but I couldn’t see any lower because of how she was laying on me. I ran two fingers down her back while appreciating how smooth her rock-like skin actually felt. Her ability to create the illusion of clothing was now turned off, and her body was totally nude.

That was enough to get me stiff as a board again. I argued with my conscience about waking her, and the cute little peeps of her snores made the choice even harder, but peace was so rare in Dinosaurland it would have been a crime to waste it.

“Wake up, Galmine. I’m not done collecting on what you owe me,” I whispered as I rubbed her shoulder with my fingertips.

I was only twenty, and my man brain was in constantly aroused mode. For the past month, it endlessly thought about fucking Galmine even as the rest of me fought off dinosaurs, talked respectably to the other women, or stood guard over the camp. However, the world was so dangerous I was never able to follow through on those fantasies without putting everyone else at risk.

So now I was going to make love to her again.

I reached down to caress one of her butt cheeks, but the curvy part where it met her leg was just out of my reach.

“I can move so you can touch me anywhere,” she said with a sleepy chuckle.

“There are a few places I’d like to explore,” I said as I ran the tips of my fingers over her curves.

Her skin was cool when at rest, but it could also get almost too hot to touch. At some points last night, I was certain she’d somehow doused her amazing skin with baby oil and heated it up with our friction.

“Mmm,” she said as if tasting something yummy.

Without opening her eyes, she slid slowly across my abdominals like a melting ice cube. Soon her breasts pressed against my ribs, and my boner was smothered underneath her stomach. Her skin was warm and slick where it met mine, but I wanted her to keep going lower so that she could take me in her mouth.

I groaned with pleasure as she slid herself a bit more in the right direction. Just a few inches lower and it was going to be a great morning. “Strike while the iron is hot,” I said while enjoying her slowly gyrating on top of me.

“I do owe you more for saving our lives,” she whispered.

“Yeah, hey. If you want to keep paying me back, I won’t complain.”

I held my arms around her neck as I took a moment to look in her eyes. I caught a whiff of her flowery perfume and didn’t hide my effort to breathe it in. I’d figured out it was another trick of her alien body, probably designed to make her suitors unable to resist her, but I didn’t really need it because I couldn’t have desired her more than I already did.

“I will accept every ounce you give me,” she whispered.

“Oh gaawwwd,” I moaned when she slid lower and kissed my stomach. My man brain began to run the show. She was saying all the right things to stroke my ego.

“All I know is that I need you again,” Galmine said between kisses. “And again. And—” She slid up my body and cut me off with a quick peck on the lips that momentarily moved her warmth from where I wanted it. “You are hard and soft, just as I imagined all those nights when I was left on my own.”

Galmine began melting down my body again, and her fingers grabbed at the base of my shaft so she could angle it into her mouth.

“Victor, I am sorry to interrupt, but I need you to look at something,” Sheela called to me from outside the flimsy curtain blocking the interior of the hut.

“Ugh, Sheela. For real?” I shot back as Glamine’s mouth hung open only a few inches from my tip. Her green eyes were practically begging me to let her taste my cock.

“Yes, it is-- Victor!” the cat-woman’s voice had been calm when she first spoke into the hut, but now she shouted my name.

Galmine gasped when I pushed her off me, and then Jinx let out a surprised squawk from his spot in the corner of the hut. I rolled across the floor toward my underwear, kicked one leg into my Fruit of the Looms, hopped toward the door, and got my other leg through a half second before I plowed through the curtain.

The afternoon sunlight smacked me in the face painfully, but I forced my eyes open and twisted toward where I saw Sheela’s mane of long blonde hair. The cat-woman held her bow in her hand, and she was running toward Trel and Kacerie, the new woman that I had saved yesterday. Both the spider-woman and the pink-haired woman were backing away from the swing door of the fort, and it only took me a moment to see what they were afraid of.

One of the green raptors had somehow climbed to the top of Hope’s swinging door.