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“How you doing?” I asked Sheela as I picked the basket up and brought it over to Hope.

“I seem to have acquired some fish.” Sheela grinned and then gestured to the three large white fish lying on the sand. I hadn’t even noticed her catching them, but it looked like more than enough for us all to eat for lunch.

“Great job, Sheela,” I said. “Let’s get go--” I saw movement across the small lake finger some hundred yards from us, and I felt my body tense. The jungle was vibrating as if it was trying to shake itself from the earth, but before I could jump on Hope, grab Sheela, and get the hell out of here, the green curtain parted, and three large triceratops pushed out onto the beach.

“Damn,” I hissed with relief. “I thought we were going to have to run.” The trikes seemed like they were minding their own business and they moved to the edge of the beach so they could dip their massive heads into the water.

“They seem peaceful if not disturbed,” Sheela commented as she threaded one of our cords through the fish gills. “I am ready to return.”

“Hmmm,” I said as I studied the trio of three-horned dinosaurs. They were each around ten feet tall at the shoulder, and my Eye-Q told me that there was one male and two females.

“Victor?” Sheela asked after I didn’t move for a few moments.

“Sheela, I want to tame a trike.”

Chapter 7

“Victor, that is different from the plan you wanted to follow,” she grunted.

“Kinda,” I chuckled. “I want to tame a trike in the next few days, but I think they are probably going to be too big for me.”

“Then we will attempt later,” she said.

“Yeah, but we are still going to tame something right now,” I pointed over to the distant side of the lake where the herd of parasaurs was located. “I know I can get one of those since I already tamed Hope. If we had an extra one, both you and I could ride to get water, clay, and food. We’d also have an easier time hauling logs to build the new fort walls.”

“What of the boot prints? You were worried about us returning.”

“This will only take a minute,” I said as I set my yes on the distant parasaurs.

“I am unsure about being on one of these parasaurs by myself,” Sheela said hesitantly.

“It’s easy,” I said. “Here, let’s tie this basket to her saddle and then you can drive while I sit behind you.”

“But that is the subservient seat.” Sheela shook her head. “You are my lead--”

“It’s just going to be over to the other side of the lake,” I said. “I want you to get used to controlling one. Then I’ll tame one more and we can ride it back to our fort.”

“They are grouped tightly together,” Sheela said as she glanced across the lake. “When you tamed Hope, she was separated from the group.”

“I’m confident this will work,” I said. “We should be able to get close because we are riding on Hope.”

“What if they attack us?” Sheela asked.

“They won’t, but if they do, we’ll just haul ass away. Hope is plenty fast.”

“But she will bear the weight of both of us on her. The other parasaurs are larger and will be able to catch her.”

“Then we’ll shove a spear in them and tell them to fuck off,” I sighed. “Why do you have such a problem with this?”

“The inside of our fort is already very small,” she said without answering my question. “Hope is a smaller parasaur. It will be difficult to fit an additional one inside.”

“But it won’t be impossible,” I replied. “I’ll make it work. Is it the riding thing? Are you afraid of controlling Hope without me?”

Our eyes met for a brief moment, and she nodded slowly. “I do not enjoy admitting fear, Victor. I know I should not be afraid of such--”

“No,” I said. “I get it. In your world, you didn’t have cars or horses, or bikes, or anything. You just ran everywhere. It makes sense. But we aren’t on your world now. We are in Dinosaurland. You are going to have to figure out how to ride these beasts. That’s my order.”

“Yes, Victor,” she said. “I will do as you tell me.”

“So let’s tie this clay and then you can steer. No more complaints or fear. I’ll be right behind you to help you learn how to steer. Also, I can control Hope from on the back of whichever beast I choose to tame, so it really won’t be that risky for you. Don’t worry, you’ll do great.”

I lifted the basket of clay onto Hope’s saddle and then Sheela helped me tie it down with a few lengths of cord. As soon as it was secure, I jumped up to the rear part of the saddle and gestured for her to sit in front of me. The beautiful blonde woman frowned as she looked at Hope’s reins, but then she took my hand and I pulled her up.

“Tap the heels of your feet against her sides to make her go forward,” I instructed, and Sheela followed my directions.

Hope moved forward slowly, and I wrapped my arms around Sheela’s tight stomach. My friend seemed to relax when I held onto her, and I felt her exhale.

“Pull on the reins to make her stop. Try it now.”

Sheela pulled gently on the reins, and Hope stopped. Then she let out a happy toot, and I heard Sheela gasp with surprise.

“That’s okay,” I said. “She likes you. Don’t be afraid. Make her move forward again.”

Sheela tapped her heels on Hope’s flanks and the parasaur walked along the shore of the beach.

“How do I make her go faster?” Sheela asked.

“Ha!” I laughed. “I just taught you how to start and stop and you already want to start speeding. Typical.”

“You are mocking me,” she chuckled.

“Naw, I would never mock you, Sheela. Let’s try turning though. Press with one heel into her side and then pull on the reins to point her head in that direction.”

Sheela did as I instructed, and Hope turned away from the shore of the lake and pointed toward the jungle.

“Now turn her back around,” I said, and Sheela did so.

“You are a natural at this,” I said.

“Thank you,” she replied. “Perhaps it is the teacher?”

“Naw, although it could be the steed. Hope’s a good girl. Aren’t you girl?”

Hope replied with a happy toot, and I laughed.

“Okay, so tap a few more times on her sides and she’ll increase speed. She’s good at sensing how fast you want to go, and if you lean forward, it’s easier for her to understand you want to go faster.”

“I will try,” Sheela said as she tapped her heels against Hope’s sides three times. The parasaur turned her walk into an easy trot, and we were soon moving across the beach at a comfortable lope.

“Some speeds are more comfortable than others,” I said. “This is kind of like a slow jog. Feel how jarring it is?”

“Y-y-y-yes,” Sheela said as she bounced against the saddle and my chest.

“Go a bit faster and she’ll put her head down and run smoother,” I said.

Sheela followed my instructions and Hope’s speed increased. The parasaur’s strides grew longer, and the ride smoothed out a bunch.

“Great job!” I shouted over the wind that was now blowing Sheela’s long mane of blonde hair in my face. Her hair smelled like sandalwood mixed with a bit of pine, and I pulled a bunch of it out of my face so it lay over my shoulder.