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There were dozens of photographs, and most were in black and white, though a few color snapshots, more informal, punctuated the field like fading planets, and I knew as my eyes roamed through the field that I was seeing the history of the man’s life there, in a patchwork, much like real life, the narrative in the empty spaces between memory-evoking images and in the matrix that they created. There were farm pictures, a boy standing in a fenced enclosure among pigs, then high on the seat of a horse-drawn reaper, and war pictures, young men sitting on blasted stumps beside a trench, eating K-rations from metal bowls that looked like emesis basins, photographs taken at country lawn parties and at funerals and those that commemorated marriages and other, obscure occasions. There were pictures, too, of lovers, in chaste poses near lakes and in gardens, one child only, a thin sickly girl in a loose dress, born to them, and the grandchildren of others possibly, a sister or a brother, in the few colored ones. His wife seemed to be fading already, at his side in their wedding picture, heading toward her invisibility, and surely his daughter was too, and since he was well over ninety now, all must be dead but for him. And still the pictures raised up the past again, though not in regret or accusation, but simply to establish that it had taken place and that its story was not in the pictures themselves but in rearrangement, something he might take on in fancy or the listless moments near the end of his own passage, should he awaken and look up again.

There was a photograph of a boy on a pony wearing a cowboy hat. It was tied on with a string under his chin, and he wore a leather vest, ill fitting, that had obviously been provided for the occasion. He looked pleased in the saddle, tentative as well, and though he held up the reins and his other hand rested familiarly upon the horn, his pose was a little wooden, though he seemed anxious to please both himself and the photographer he was smiling out at. Maybe he was six years old. There was something odd about the picture, though just a stolid pony, a boy riding him as if he were a spirited horse, the split rails of a corral fence behind him. Then I found the odd thing, the dark trouser legs of the man holding the pony steady, seen through the pony’s thinner legs, his heavy dark shoes behind the hooves.

He was meant to be out of sight, not part of the photograph at all, the invisible mechanic of the pose, guardian of the life situation in which the photograph was taken. The boy might imagine himself a cowboy in the future, and not a farmer, but the man was there to prevent him from stepping into that future too soon. But it never is too soon, I thought, and of course the boy didn’t make that move, or any other provoked by imagination, and I wondered about myself then, and about Carlos standing beside me as I turned my head, feeling a stiffness in my neck from long looking, and gazed down into the man’s face, my own face only inches away.

It was a skull face, skin like parchment over bone. His lips were flat and almost gone, his teeth like those of a horse, visible to the gums, and I could feel no breath against my cheeks. Only his nose still held his personality. It was a flat workman’s nose, broken many times, but it too was beginning to fade away, collapsing down into the caves of his bony nostrils. His eyes were closed, and I wondered if he’d ever seen that panorama of his life above.

“Through the lids, maybe?”

It was Carlos at my elbow, and when I looked closely at the man’s eyes I could see the lids were thin now as waxed paper, and I thought I could see the outline of his pupils there, small circles pressing up like some official seal embossed in a document.

It seemed impossible, but so did everything else just then, even that this veteran should have stayed alive through a killing cancer long enough to save the Manor for others old as him, so they could keep on living, even that he should linger on, if no more than a monument to that achievement. Maybe he had finally kicked the pony, stepped away from those dark trouser legs and become a cowboy, soon to be a skeleton riding a white horse.

I could see the photographer standing near the meadow’s edge, his camera pointing in the wrong direction, as we approached the company under the umbrella awning at the food tables. It was a large box camera, on a heavy tripod, an eight-by-ten I thought and very old, and there was even one of those dark hoods hanging down limply over the viewing apparatus. And the photographer’s hair hung down as well, black and thick to shoulder length, and he was wearing a kind of blocky suit of woven fabric, rectangles of color sewn together.

“That’s Alma,” Carlos said. “He seems to like the lighthouse. He’s here as a kind of escort, to accompany my grandfather when he goes back. It’s his hobby, taking pictures I mean.”

We were crossing a space that had been a stone drive before, but now sod had been set in, and the lawn ran all the way from the meadow’s edge to the wall under the old solarium. Clusters of people were gathered to the sides of the awning, out in the sun, and I saw someone approaching the photographer, then pointing off at the lighthouse where the camera faced, the loose sleeve of a garment, a shirt or blouse, hanging down from an arm in the still air, and Carlos told me that was Kelly, the practical nurse who had moved in with him. He’d been a little sheepish in talking about their arrangement earlier, but then he’d shrugged his discomfort away through a sweet smile.

“Maybe it’s about time for me,” he’d said, and I’d nodded, wondering if there would be any time of that kind available for me too in the future.

“But what about the agoraphobia?” I asked, seeing his lover out in the air and free. “Did you cure it?”

“Hardly!” he laughed. “The building still has to be in sight, with no intervening obstructions. All return routes open. If you watch Kelly long enough, you’ll see the careful checking. But it’s much better than it was.”

We reached the awning then and stepped under it, and Carlos took my arm and guided me to one of the tables and introduced me to Larry, and I complimented him on the photographic arrangement. Then Carlos introduced me to his father, who looked nothing like him, though he too wore a white suit, and to his father’s wife, who was bending at the table’s other side, lifting cold shrimp onto her plate, delicately, with a pair of tongs. A little man stood beside her, but disengaged from her and looking off across the meadow toward the sea, where a structure at the edge was being dismantled. I knew it was Kelly’s house. I could see scaffolding rising up to the level of the chimney, the top of which was jagged where bricks had fallen away. The man wore a visor, and I saw the ragged hem of his baggy shorts at the table’s edge, knotty sinew pushing through at his thighs, and the splotches of dark scar tissue, serpentine, on his forearms. His T-shirt read TAMPICO.

“That’s Gino,” Larry said, and the man turned and looked at him, then at me, then touched his brim and smiled, his daughter glancing over at him affectionately, her hair falling in dramatic action across her rouged cheek. She was close to sixty and looked it, lines free of makeup at the corners of her eyes. She wore a long party dress, loose and flowing as a nightshirt, much like the lounging suit that Larry wore, though richer in its deep blue color than his more fashionable earth tone. I looked down and saw Larry’s woven sandals, then glanced up to his beaded skullcap, African I thought, new hair curling thinly at the edges.

“And that’s my grandfather, over there,” Carlos said, pointing with his chin, and I saw a man standing beside the two doctors, his empty wheelchair off to the side behind him, sunlight in its metal spokes. He stood erect, his shoulders back, hatless and unwavering in the sun. He had come to his sexuality again, and it was visible in the confidence of his posture, though when he shifted on his feet the frailness in his stiff legs was evident. Erica was there as well, and Frank stood beside her, though a little back from the small gathering.