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“This is bloody stupid!” Lee said, shouting to be heard by his passenger.

“Okay, find somewhere we can stay and dry off.”

They drove through a small village on the main road that went across from Douglas to Peel – the A1. There was a pub in the middle of the village, the Tynwald Inn. Just past it, on the opposite side of the road, was a small bungalow displaying a B&B sign with a board with VACANCIES hanging underneath.

“Try the B&B!” shouted Tamsyn, so Lee pulled into the driveway.

Tamsyn got off the back of the bike gratefully, as the water was seeping through her leathers and had already run down her legs to her boots.

She rang the bell.

A cheerful, middle-aged woman came to answer the door.

“Hi,” said Tamsyn. “We were wondering; do you have any rooms?”

“Oh, you poor lamb; you look soaked through. We’re empty at the moment, so you can have the best room in the house. It has an en suite!” she said, proudly.

Lee brought in their bags and they took their boots off in the porch, as they left pebbles of water where they rested.

They squelched through the house and to a bedroom at the front of the house.

“On holiday, then?” the woman asked.

“Not really. I’m trying to track down my family tree,” Tamsyn said.

“Oh, yes, where are you from?”


She looked at Lee.

“Both of you?” she asked.

“No, I’m from London.”

“Ah,” she replied. “I’m Anne. My husband is Christopher, but he’s at work at the moment. There’s plenty of hot water if you want a hot bath or a shower. It’s thirty-five pounds a night. That includes breakfast. If you want an evening meal, then the Tynwald Inn is pretty good.”

Lee put their overnight bags and the oboe case on the floor.

“Oh, musician, eh?” the woman asked.

“I wish,” said Tamsyn, grinning.

It was quite a big room with a big double bed, an old chest of drawers and a wardrobe. It was on the corner, so had a window on one wall and another on the adjacent wall. The larger window overlooked the garden and the hills beyond.

“Bathroom is in there,” Ann said, stating the blindingly obvious. It even had ‘Bathroom’ on a small oval sign on the door. Tamsyn resisted the urge to say something silly, like, ‘I thought that was the vomitorium’.

“Great, I could kill for a shower,” she said instead.

“If you have wet stuff, the airing cupboard is opposite. You can put your leathers in there, if you like.”

After she’d gone, Lee felt more than a little awkward, as Tamsyn stripped off her wet clothing with no obvious self-consciousness.

She wrapped a towel around her lithe body and grinned at Lee’s embarrassment.

“Are you coming to share the shower, or what?”


“Look, Lee, if you want to be a boyfriend, then you ought to behave like one. I’m going for a shower, and if you want to join me, then get a move on.”

With that, she went into the bathroom. Lee had never taken his clothes off quite so quickly – ever!

She was already in the shower when he arrived, lathering the shampoo in her long hair. The shower was in the bath with a screen along the side. He stood there, regarding her naked back and feeling his manhood rising to the occasion at the visual stimulation.

His towel was wrapped tightly around his waist.

“Come on, you can scrub my back, and I’ll do yours,” she said, having rinsed off her hair and passing him the soap and a flannel. His towel fell away and he suddenly felt acutely embarrassed. She glanced at his erection and smiled, turning away and offering her back. He stepped in and started scrubbing, feeling his erection getting harder with each moment. Her naked back view was just so, so… he groaned with the painful pleasure of being in such close proximity to the girl he adored.

Just when he was feeling a little more secure, she turned around and took a tight hold of his erection.

“I don’t suppose you thought about condoms?” she said, rubbing it gently with a soapy hand.

“Uh, no, um, oh shit!” he replied, being perhaps lucky to form any words at all.

She stroked his brow with her unoccupied hand.

“Don’t worry, there are other things we can do.”

She then pulled his head down and kissed him deeply.

Poor Lee’s experience with girls had been absolutely nil up to this point. Actually, that wasn’t quite true. Becky Armitage had allowed him to put a finger in her knickers and then, to kiss her at the Halloween party last year. It had been a brief and confusing fumble that left him wholly unfulfilled and frustrated.

Nothing prepared him for a kiss as deep and as long as this one, particularly as she held his penis as she kissed him.

He felt his orgasm coming and was completely helpless, as she was still kissing and fondling him at the same time.

He ejaculated under her manipulations.

She laughed and washed her hands.

“That was quick,” she said.


“Don’t be, it’s quite flattering. Right, I’ll let you wash your hair and you actually need a shave.”

She got out and left him alone. He gasped at the speed at which things were happening. Once he got himself together, he washed his hair and then shaved.

By the time he returned to the room, she was dressed. She wore a skirt and top with tights and soft calf-skin boots. She was just applying a little makeup and his heart ached. He almost had to pinch himself, as she was just so utterly gorgeous.

She touched his cheek with her palm.

“Mmm, that’s better. You were too scratchy. Hurry up and we can get something to eat.”

“Um, I’m not sure how much I’ve brought.”

“Don’t be daft, this is on me. Okay?”

“Um, I suppose so,” he mumbled unhappily. He knew that he should be paying for her.

“Balls, you’re using your bike, so I’ll cover whatever costs we incur; okay?”


He sat on the bed and dressed as she finished her makeup. She didn’t wear much, just did something to her eyes that seemed to make them so much bigger. He glanced at the bed and wondered what was going to happen later.

“What’s going to happen?” he asked.

“I have no idea. We get there and then, we see.”

“You must have some idea.”

“I don’t. It’s like I know I have to come here, and I have to go to Peel, but after that, I guess we’ll find out when we get there.”

“Do you think that Matthew has worked out we nicked his sword yet?”

“One, it’s not his sword, and we haven’t nicked it. I’m simply returning it to where it belongs.”

“Whatever, do you think he’s discovered that it’s not where he thought it was?”

“Only if he’s not a gibbering idiot.”

“Do you reckon he’s called the police?”

“I very much doubt it, as he knows it’s not his to possess. Not that the police will help.”

“I still don’t know how you did it.”

“And you never will. What you don’t know you can’t give away, even by accident. Are you ready?”

“Uh, yes, I suppose so.”

“Good, come on, I’m starving.”

They went down the road to the pub and found it almost deserted. A few locals were in, and these stared at the two youngsters as if they were aliens.

They both ordered the daily special – steak pie, mash and vegetables. They sat by the fire and supped two half pints of lager.

“Seriously, Tamsyn, what are you expecting?”

“If what’s happened to me before happens again, I’m expecting someone to help me.”


“I won’t know that until they come to me.”

“But nobody knows you’re here.”

“Not in this time and place, no.”

He frowned.

“I don’t understand.”