"That is what I am trying to do," said the little imp. "Why else should I be throwing stones at her? To miss her?" He hurled another missile and with that Tanar grabbed him by the scruff of the neck.
Instantly Dhung let out a scream that might have been heard in Amiocap—a scream that brought Sloo rushing from the cave.
"He is killing me," shrieked Dhung, and at that the cave woman turned upon Tanar with flashing eyes and a face distorted with rage.
"Wait," said Tanar, in a calm voice, "I was not hurting the child. He was hurling rocks at his sister and I stopped him."
"What business have you to stop him?" demanded Sloo. "She is his sister, he has a right to hurl rocks at her if he chooses."
"But he might have struck her, and if he had she would have fallen to her death below."
"What if she did? That is none of your business," snapped Sloo, and grabbing Dhung by his long hair she cuffed his ears and dragged him into the interior of the cave, where for a long time Tanar could hear blows and screams, mingled with the sharp tongue of Sloo and the curses of Scruv.
But finally these died down to silence, permitting the sounds of other domestic brawls from various parts of the cliff village to reach the ears of the disgusted Sarian.
Far below him Tanar saw the girl, Gura, washing the earthenware vessel in a little stream, after which she filled it with fresh water and lifted the heavy burden to her head. He wondered at the ease with which she carried the great weight and was at a loss to know how she intended to scale the precipitous cliff and the rickety, makeshift ladders with her heavy load. Watching her progress with considerable interest he saw her ascend the lowest ladder, apparently with as great ease and agility as though she was unburdened. Up she came, balancing the receptacle with no evident effort.
As he watched her he saw a man ascending also, but several ledges higher than the girl. The fellow came swiftly and noiselessly to the very ledge where Tanar stood. Paying no attention to the Sarian, he slunk cautiously along the ledge to the mouth of the cave next to that of Scurv. Drawing his stone knife from his loin cloth he crept within, and a moment later Tanar heard the sounds of screams and curses and then two men rolled from the mouth of the cave, locked in a deadly embrace. One of them was the fellow whom Tanar had just seen enter the cave. The other was a younger man and smaller and less powerful than his antagonist. They were slashing desperately at one another with their stone knives, but the duel seemed to be resulting in more noise than damage.
At this juncture, a woman came running from the cave. She was armed with the leg bone of a thag and with this she sought to belabor the older man, striking vicious blows at his head and body.
This attack seemed to infuriate the fellow to the point of madness, and, rather than incapacitating him, urged him on to redoubled efforts.
Presently he succeeded in grasping the knife hand of his opponent and an instant later he had driven his own blade into the heart of his opponent.
With a scream of anguish the woman struck again at the older man's head, but she missed her target and her weapon was splintered on the stone of the ledge. The victor leaped to his feet and seizing the body of his opponent hurled it over the cliff, and then grabbing the woman by the hair he dragged her about, shrieking and cursing, as he sought for some missile wherewith to belabor her.
As Tanar stood watching the disgusting spectacle he became aware that someone was standing beside him and, turning, he saw that Gura had returned. She stood there straight as an arrow, balancing the water vessel upon her head.
"It is terrible," said Tanar, nodding toward the battling couple.
Gura shrugged indifferently. "It is nothing," she said. "Her mate returned unexpectedly. That is all."
"You mean," asked Tanar, "that this fellow is her mate and that the other was not?"
"Certainly," said Gura, "but they all do it. What can you expect where there is nothing but hate," and walking to the entrance to her father's cave she set the water vessel down within the shadows just inside the entrance. Then she sat down and leaned her back against the cliff, paying no more attention to the matrimonial difficulties of her neighbor.
Tanar, for the first time, noticed the girl particularly. He saw that she had neither the cunning expression that characterized Jude and all of the other Himeans he had seen; nor were there the lines of habitual irritation and malice upon her face; instead it reflected an innate sadness and he guessed that she looked much like her mother might have when she was Gura's age.
Tanar crossed the ledge and sat down beside her. "Do your people always quarrel thus?" he asked.
"Always," replied Gura.
"Why?" he asked.
"I do not know," she replied. "They take their mates for life and are permitted but one and though both men and women have a choice in the selection of their mates they never seem to be satisfied with one another and are always quarreling, usually because neither one nor the other is faithful. Do the men and women quarrel thus in the land from which you come?"
"No," replied Tanar. "They do not. If they did they would be thrown out of the tribe."
"But suppose that they find that they do not like one another?" insisted the girl.
"Then they do not live together," replied Tanar. "They separate and if they care to they find other mates."
"That is wicked," said Gura. "We would kill any of our people who did such a thing."
Tanar shrugged and laughed.
"At least we are all a very happy people," he said, "which is more than you can say for yourselves, and, after all, happiness, it seems to me, is everything."
The girl thought for some time, seemingly studying an idea that was new to her.
"Perhaps you are right," she said, presently. "Nothing could be worse than the life that we live. My mother tells me that it was not thus in her country, but now she is as bad as the rest."
"Your mother is not a Himean?" asked Tanar.
"No, she is from Amiocap, My father captured her there when she was young."
"That accounts for the difference," mused Tanar.
"What difference?" she asked. "What do you mean?"
"I mean that you are not like the others, Gura," he replied. "You neither look like them nor act like them—neither you nor your brother, Balal."
"Our mother is an Amiocapian," she replied. "Perhaps we inherited something from her and then again, and most important, we are young and, as yet, have no mates. When that time comes we shall grow to be like the others, just as our mother has grown to be like them."
"Do many of your men take their mates from Amiocap?" asked Tanar.
"Many try to, but few succeed for as a rule they are driven away or killed by the Amiocapian warriors. They have a landing place upon the coast of Amiocap in a dark cave beneath a high cliff and of ten Himean warriors who land there scarce one returns, and he not always with an Amiocapian mate. There is a tribe living along our coast that has grown rich by crossing to Amiocap and bringing back the canoes of the warriors, who have crossed for mates and have died at the hands of the Amiocapian warriors."
For a few moments she was silent, absorbed in thought. "I should like to go to Amiocap," she mused, presently.
"Why?" asked Tanar.
"Perhaps I should find there a mate with whom I might be happy," she said.
Tanar shook his head sadly. "That is impossible, Gura," he said.
"Why?" she demanded. "Am I not beautiful enough for the Amiocapian warriors?"
"Yes," he replied, "you are very beautiful, but if you went to Amiocap they would kill you."
"Why?" she demanded again.
"Because, although your mother is an Amiocapian, your father is not," explained Tanar.
"That is their law?" asked Gura, sadly.
"Yes," replied Tanar.