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66. Billings. Operations report, Company B. 701st Tank Destroyer Battalion.

67. Billings.

68. Telephone interview with Randolph Mojsl, April 2002.

69. Gill, 23.

70. Operations report, 701st Tank Destroyer Battalion. Telephone interview with Arthur Edson, April 2002.

71. Maj Gilbert A. Ellmann, “Gafsa and Sbeitla,” TD Combat in Tunisia (Tank Destroyer School, 1944), 13. (Hereinafter Ellmann.) Telephone interview with Arthur Edson, April 2002.

72. Billings. Operations report, Company B. 701st Tank Destroyer Battalion. Ellmann, 14. Telephone interview with Arthur Edson, April 2002.

73. Tunisia, 11.

74. Eisenhower, 124-124.

75. Tunisia, 14.

76. Josowitz, 8.

77. Blumenson, Kasserine Pass, 93-94.

78. Gill, 25. S-3 Journal, 13th Armored Regiment.

79. Josowitz, 10.

80. Operations reports, 1st Armored Division, 601st Tank Destroyer Battalion.

81. Operations report, 1st Armored Division.

82. Ibid.

83. “Observer Report,” 5 March 1943. Included in “Report of Observers: Mediterranean Theater of Operations,” Volume 1, 22 December 1942-23 March 1943.

84. Unit history, 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion, 1 January-31 December 1943.

85. Untitled document fragment included in “Report of Observers: Mediterranean Theater of Operations,” Volume 1, 22 December 1942-23 March 1943.

86. “Observer Report,” 5 March 1943. Included in “Report of Observers: Mediterranean Theater of Operations,” Volume 1, 22 December 1942-23 March 1943.

87. “Comments of Executive Officer, CCB, 1st Armored Division, Teboursouk, January, 1943.” Included in “Report of Observers: Mediterranean Theater of Operations,” Volume 1, 22 December 1942-23 March 1943.

Chapter 3: From Gloom to Glory

1. Omar N. Bradley and Clay Blair, A General’s Life (New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1983), 128. (Hereinafter Bradley and Blair.)

2. Eisenhower, 141.

3. Bradley and Blair, 128.

4. Eisenhower, 125-127. Blumenson, Kasserine Pass, 115.

5. Blumenson, Kasserine Pass, 97-99, 130-132.

6. Bradley and Blair, 127.

7. Blumenson, Kasserine Pass, 120-121.

8. Eisenhower, 141-142.

9. Blumenson, Kasserine Pass, 121-123, 137. Operations report, 701st Tank Destroyer Battalion.

10. Blumenson, Kasserine Pass, 138. Operations report, 701st Tank Destroyer Battalion.

11. Charles Whiting, First Blood: The Battle of Kasserine Pass 1943 (London: Grafton Books, 1984), 138. (Hereinafter Whiting, First Blood: The Battle of Kasserine Pass 1943.)

12. Whiting, First Blood, 177. Operations report, 701st Destroyer Battalion. History of the 168th Infantry for Period November 12, 1942 to May 15, 1943.

13. Blumenson, Kasserine Pass, 141-143.

14. Operations reports, 701st Destroyer Battalion and 1st Armored Division.

15. History of the 168th Infantry for Period November 12, 1942 to May 15, 1943.

16. Notes of Major General Omar Bradley on visit to the 1st Armored Division, 1 March 1943. Records of the 1st Armored Division.

17. Gill, 26.

18. Blumenson, Kasserine Pass, 151. Whiting, First Blood, The Battle of Kasserine Pass 1943, 181. Operations report, 701st Destroyer Battalion.

19. Operations report, 1st Armored Division.

20. Operations report, 805th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Howe, 413.

21. Operations report, 1st Armored Division.

22. Operations report, 805th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Howe, 414, 417.

23. The account of CCC’s attack is based on Howe, 418 ff; the operations report of the 701st Tank Destroyer Battalion; an undated memo describing the 701st’s operations at Sidi bou Zid; and a telephone interview with Arthur Edson, April 2002.

24. Notes of Major General Omar Bradley on visit to the 1st Armored Division, 1 March 1943. Records of the 1st Armored Division.

25. Howe, 423.

26. Operations report, 1st Armored Division.

27. Howe, 430-431. Operations report, 701st Tank Destroyer Battalion.

28. Undated memo describing the 701st Tank Destroyer Battalion’s operations at Sidi bou Zid.

29. S-3 Journal, 13th Armored Regiment.

30. Operations report, 1st Armored Division. Howe, 428.

31. Howe, 433.

32. Gill, 27.

33. Operations report, Combat Command B, 1st Armored Division.

34. Howe, 434.

35. Josowitz, 10.

36. Operations report, Combat Command B, 1st Armored Division.

37. Operations report, 1st Armored Division. Operations report, Combat Command B, 1st Armored Division. Josowitz, 10.

38. Unless otherwise noted, the following account is derived from the operations report, 805th Tank Destroyer Battalion.

39. Telephone interview with William Zierdt, April 2002.

40. Telephone interview with John Spence, April 2002.

41. Howe, 433.

42. Telephone interview with John Spence, April 2002.

43. Ibid.

44. Ibid.

45. Howe, 438-441.

46. Regimental history, 26th Infantry Regiment.

47. Unit journal, 26th Infantry Regiment. Operations report, 805th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Gill, 29.

48. Regimental history, 26th Infantry Regiment.

49. Howe, 455.

50. Operations report, 1st Armored Division.

51. Unit journal, 26th Infantry Regiment.

52. Operations report, 1st Armored Division. Howe, 462.

53. Tunisia, 17.

54. Operations report, 1st Armored Division.

55. “Commander-in-Chief’s Dispatch, North African Campaign, 1942-43.”

56. A Brief History of the U.S. Army in World War II (Center of Military History, United States Army, Washington, D.C., 1992). (Hereinafter A Brief History of the U.S. Army in World War II.)

57. Operations report, 701st Tank Destroyer Battalion.

58. Letter from Major General Orlando Ward to Lieutenant General Jacob Devers, 1 March 1943. Records of the 1st Armored Division.

59. Josowitz, 11.

60. Telephone interview with John Spence, April 2002.

61. Notes of Major General Omar Bradley on visit to the 1st Armored Division, 1 March 1943. Records of the 1st Armored Division.

62. Unit history, 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion, 1 January-31 December 1943.

63. Untitled document fragment included in “Report of Observers: Mediterranean Theater of Operations,” Volume 1, 22 December 1942-23 March 1943.

64. Gill, 29.

65. Tunisia, 17-18.

66. Operations report, 1st Armored Division.

67. Account of Col J. Barney Jr., undated, records of the 776th Tank Destroyer Battalion.

68. This description is based on several accounts: LtCol Herschel D. Baker, “El Guettar,” TD Combat in Tunisia (Tank Destroyer School, 1944), 17 ff (Hereinafter Baker); Howe, 560-562; Presidential unit citation, 601st Tank Destroyer Battalion, quoted in Josowitz, 12-14; telephone interview with Bill Harper, April 2002; operations report and medal citations, 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion; Gill, 31-33; and Rick Atkinson, An Army at Dawn, The War in North Africa, 1942-1943 (New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2002), 439-441 (Hereinafter Atkinson).

69. Operations report, 1st Armored Division. Gabel, 37-38.