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72Nicolson to Grey, Jan. 2, 1907 and Jan. 29, 1908, British Documents on Foreign Affairs: Reports and Papers from the Foreign Office Confidential Print, Series A, Russia, 1859–1914, ed. D. Lieven, 6 vols. (Washington, D.C., 1983), IV, Nr. 187; V, Nr. 20.

73Immanuel Geiss, German Foreign Policy, 1871–1914 (London, Boston, 1976), 107; Fritz Fischer, War of Illusions, tr. M. Jackson (New York, 1975), 51.


1Wilhelm M. Carlgren, Iswolsky und Aehrenthal vor der bosnischen Annexion-skrise: Russische und österreichisch-ungarische Balkanpolitik 1906–1908 (Uppsala, 1955), presents the background of the annexation. Bernadotte Schmitt, The Annexation of Bosnia, 1908–1909 (Cambridge, 1937), and M. Nintchitch, La Crise bosniaque et les puissances européenes, 2 vols. (Paris, 1937), cover the annexation itself. For the developing role and belligerent nature of public opinion in Russia cf. Manfred Hagen, Die Entfaltung politischer Öffentlichkeit in Russland 1906–1914 (Wiesbaden, 1982); and Caspar Ferenczi, Aussenpolitik und Öffentlichkeit in Russland, 1906–1912 (Husum, 1982). For the Central Powers cf. H. A. Gemeinhardt, Deutsche und österreichische Pressepolitik während der Bosnischen Krise 1908/09 (Husum, 1980).

2For tension between Austria and Germany at this period see Michael Belinen, Rüstung-Bündnis-Sicherheit. Dreibund und informeller Imperialisms 1900–1908 (Tübingen, 1985).

3Roger Chickering, Imperial Germany and a World without War (Princeton, 1975); Wolfgang J. Mommsen, “The Topos of Inevitable War in Germany in the Decade before 1914,” in Germany in the Age of Total War, ed. V. R. Berghahn and M. Kitchen (London, 1981), 23–45.

4Holstein to Bülow, Oct. 13, 1908, in The Holstein Papers, 4 vols., ed. Norman Rich (Cambridge, 1959–63), IV, Nr. 1142; Bülow to Holstein, Dec. 27, 1908, ibid., Nr. 1173; Szögeny to foreign office, Dec. 16, 1908, in Ludwig Bittner, et al., Oesterreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik von der bosnischen Krise 1908 bis zum Kriegsausbruch 1914 , 8 vols. (Vienna, 1930), I, Nr. 752. Hintze to William, Oct. 23, 1908; Monts to Bülow, Oct. 25, 1908; Pourtalés to Bülow, Oct. 30, 1908, in Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes, Deutschland 121/30 (hereafter cited as PAAA).

5Bülow’s memorandum of Oct. 27, 1908, ibid.; Bülow to Aehrenthal, Jan. 8, 1909, in J. Lepsius, A. Mendelsohn-Bartholdy, F. Thimme, eds., Die Grosse Politik der europäischen Kabinette 1871–1914, 40 vols. (Berlin, 1922–27), XXV, Nr. 9173 (hereafter cited as GP).

6Aehrenthal to Bülow, Feb. 20, 1909; and Kaegenich’s report of Feb. 23, 1909, in GP XXVI, 2, Nrs. 9386, 9390; Cartwright to Grey, Mar. 6, 1909, in British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1878–1914, ed. G. P. Gooch and H. W. V. Temperley, 11 vols. (London, 1926–1938), V, Nr. 657 (hereafter cited as BD).

7Miquel to Bülow, Nov. 27, 1908; Pourtalés to Bülow, Dec. 11, 1908 and Jan. 30, 1909; Moscow Consulate to Bülow, Dec. 4, 1908; PAAA, Deutschland 131/30.

8Nicolson to Grey, Feb. 8, 1909, British Documents on Foreign Affairs: Reports and Papers from the Foreign Office Confidential Print, Series A, Russia, 1859–1914, ed. D. Lieven, 6 vols. (Washington, D.C., 1983), V, Nr. 61 (hereafter cited as BDFA).

9Hintze to William, Feb. 24, 1909, PAAA, Russland 98, Geheim.

10Bülow to Pourtalés, Mar. 14 and 29, 1909, GP XXVI, 2, Nrs. 9437, 9460; Hintze to Bülow, Mar. 20, 1909, PAAA, Deutschland 131/30; Pourtalés to foreign office, Mar. 22, 1909; GP, XXVI, 2, Nr. 9464.

11Nicolson to Grey, May 1, 1909, BDFA V, Nr. 67. Detailed analyses sympathetic to the German position are Heinz-Günther Sasse, War das deutsche Eingreifen in die Bosnische Krise im März 1909 ein Ultimatum? (Stuttgart, 1936); and Heinz Gerhardt, War in der bosnischen Annexationskrise die deutsche Demarche vom 22.Marz ein Ultimatum? (Berlin, 1965).

12Nicolson to Grey, May 7, 1909, BDFA V, Nr. 70.

13D. W. Sweet, “The Bosnian Crisis,” in British Foreign Policy under Sir Edward Grey, ed. F. R. Hinsley (Cambridge, 1977), 190 ff.

14A good overview of this process is Peter F. Sugar, “External and Domestic Roots of Eastern European Nationalism,” in Nationalism in Eastern Europe, ed. P. F. Sugar, I. J. Lederer (Seattle, London, 1969), 3–54.

15Pourtalés to Bülow, Mar. 19 and Apr. 1, 1909, PAAA, Deutschland 131/30. Hintze to William, Apr. 3 and May 29, 1909; GP, XXVI, 2, 9505, 9545; and Mar. 24, 1910, PAAA, Russland 98, Geheim.

16Pourtalés to Bethmann, Feb. 9, 1910, PAAA, Deutschland 131/32; Posadowsky-Wehner to war ministry, Aug. 12, 1910, GP XXVI, 2, Nr. 9950; Hintze to William, Aug. 19, 1910, PAAA, Russland 98, Geheim. For anti-German attitudes in Russia at this period Cf. D. C. B. Lieven, Russia and the Origins of the First World War (New York, 1983), p. 37; and Uwe Liszkowski, “Zur Aktualisi-erung der Stereotype ‘Die Deutsche Gefahr’ im russischen Neoslawismus,” in Russland und Deutschland. Festschrift für G. v. Ranch, ed. U. Liszkowski (Stuttgart, 1974), 278–294.

17The outlines of Moltke’s approach can be found in Moltke to Bülow, Jan. 19, 1909, “Militärische Leistungsfähigkeit der wichtigsten Staaten Europas zu Beginn dieses Jahren,” PAAA, Deutschland 121/31, Geheim; Adolf Tappen’s comments on strategic planning for a two-front war of Oct. 22, 1919, Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Nachlass Tappen, N56/4; and the Immediatvortrag of Nov. 4, 1909, in BA-MA, RM 5/1607.

18Immediatvortrag to William, Oct. 24, 1908, ibid.; memorandum from the chief of the admiralty staff, Mar. 19, 1909, and report of a conference between the chief of the admiralty staff and Moltke on March 18, 1909, ibid., RM5/1633.

19Colonel Wyndham to Nicolson, Nov. 19, 1908, BDFA V, Nr. 53.

20A report of the Schlussaufgabe for 1907 is in BA-MA, Nachlass Groener, N46/111. Moltke’s comment to the navy is in his reply of Apr. 2, 1909, to an admiralty questionnaire in BA-MA, RM5/1633.

21Moltke’s general reasoning on the prospects of an offensive against Russia is developed in his 1909 correspondence with Conrad, most of it reprinted in Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, Aus meiner Dienstzeit, 5 vols. (Vienna, 1921–25), II, 633 passim. Cf. also the analyses by Norman Stone, “Moltke-Conrad: Relations between the Austro-Hungarian and German General Staffs, 1909–1914,” Historical Journal IX (1966), 201–228; and “Die Mobilmachung der österreichischen-ungarischen Armee 1914,” Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen XVI (1974), 67–95 and Dennis E. Showalter, “The Eastern Front and German Military Planning, 1871–1914: Some Observations,” East European Quarterly XV (1981), 163–180.