"These fellows distill a vile spirit which they call schnapps. What they don't drink themselves they use to barter with the Japs and natives. They get juniper berries, ammunition, and rice, among other things, from the Japs. That the Japs let them have ammunition indicates that they consider them friendly. However, it is little more than an armed truce; as neither trusts the other to any great extent. Natives are the go-betweens who deliver the schnapps and bring the payment."
Tarzan, knowing now that his fate had already been decided, realized that nothing would be gained by further attempts to deceive the young man. Also, he had gained a good impression of the man; and was inclined to believe that he was trustworthy. He glanced in the direction of the others. They were all intent upon a loudmouthed quarrel between two of their fellows, and were paying no attention to him and his companion.
"I am English," he said.
The young man grinned.
"Thanks for trusting me," he said. "My name is Tak van der Bos. I am a reserve officer."
"My name is Clayton. Would you like to get away from these people?"
"Yes. But what good would it do? Where could I go? I'd certainly fall into the hands of the Japs eventually, if a tiger didn't get me instead. If I knew where one of our guerrilla outfits was located, I'd sure take the chance. But I don't."
"There are five in my party," said Tarzan. "We are trying to reach the southern end of the island. If we are lucky, we hope to commandeer a boat and try to reach Australia ."
"A rather ambitious plan," said van der Bos. "It's more than twelve hundred miles to the nearest point on the Australian continent. And it's five hundred miles to the southern end of this island."
"Yes," said Tarzan. "We know, but we are going to take the chances. We all feel that it would be better to die trying it than to hide in the woods like a lot of hunted rabbits for the duration."
Van der Bos was silent for a few moments, thinking. Presently he looked up. "It is the right thing to do," he said. "I'd like to come with you. I think I can help you. I can find a boat much nearer than you plan on travelling. I know where there are friendly natives who will help us. But first we've got to get away from these fellows, and that will not be easy. There is only one trail into this little valley, and that is guarded day and night."
"Yes, I saw him. In fact I passed close to him. I can pass him again as easily. But you are different. I do not think that you could though. If you can get me a knife tonight, I will get you past the sentry."
"I'll try. If they get drunk enough, it should be easy. Then I'll cut your bonds, and we can have a go at it."
"I can break these bonds whenever I wish," said Tarzan.
Van der Bos did not comment on this statement.
This fellow, he thought, is very sure of himself. Maybe a little too sure. And the Dutchman began to wonder if he had been wise in saying that he would go with him. He knew, of course, that no man could break those bonds. Maybe the fellow couldn't make good on his boast that he could pass the sentry, either.
"Do they watch you very carefully at night?" asked Tarzan.
"They don't watch me at all. This is tiger country. Had you thought of that yourself?"
"Oh, yes. But we shall have to take that chance."
Chapter 13
SLAPPED around, prodded in the backsides with bayonets, spit on, Rosetti and Bubonovitch were two rage filled and unhappy men long before they reached the native village. Here they were taken into a native house, trussed up, and thrown to the floor in a corner of the room. There they were left to their own devices, which consisted almost wholly of profanity. After describing the progenitors of all Japs from Horohito down, and especially those of Lt. Kumajiro Tada, in the picturesque and unprintable patois of Cicero , Brooklyn , and the Army, they worked back up to Hirohito again.
"What's the use?" demanded Bubonovitch. "We're just working up blood pressure."
"I'm workin' up my hate," said Rosetti. "I know just how dat Corrie dame feels, now. I sure love to hate 'em."
"Make the most of it while you can," advised Bubonovitch. "That ocher looie's going to lop your hater off in the morning."
"Geeze," said Rosetti. "I don't wanna die, Bum."
"Neither do I, Shrimp."
"Geeze! I'm scairt."
"So am I."
"Let's pray, Bum."
"Okay. The last time you prayed to Her, She sent Tarzan."
"I'm just leavin' it to Her. I don't care how She works it."
There was not much sleep for them that night. Their bonds cut into wrists and ankles. Their throats were dry and parched. They were given neither food nor water. The night was an eternity. But at last it ended.
"Geeze! I wisht they'd come an' get it over wit. Thinkin' about it is the worst part."
"Thinking about my wife and baby is the hardest part for me. My wife and I had such great plans. She'll never know what happened to me, and I'm glad for that. All she'll ever know is that my plane took off from somewhere for somewhere and never came back. Did you pray a lot, Shrimp?"
"Most all night."
"So did I."
"Who did you pray to, Bum?"
"To God."
"One of 'em must have heard us."
The sound of scuffing feet ascending the ladder to the house reached their ears.
"I guess this is it," said Bubonovitch. "Can you take it, Shrimp?"
"Well, so long, fellow."
"So long, Bum."
A couple of soldiers entered the room. They cut away the bonds, and dragged the two men to their feet. But they couldn't stand. Both of them staggered and fell to the floor. The soldiers kicked them in head and stomach, laughing and jabbering. Finally they dragged them to the doorway and slid them down the ladder one by one, letting them fall most of the way to the ground.
Tada came over and examined them. "Are you ready to answer my questions?" he demanded.
"No," said Bubonovitch.
"Get up!" snapped the Jap.
Circulation was returning to their numbed feet. They tried to rise, and finally succeeded. But they staggered like drunken men when they walked. They were taken to the center of the village. The soldiers and the natives formed a circle around them. Tada stood beside them with drawn sword. He made them kneel and bend their heads forward. Bubonovitch was to be first.
"I guess They didn't hear us, Shrimp," he said.
"Who didn't hear you?" demanded Tada.
"None of your goddam business, Jap," snapped Bubonovitch. Tada swung his sword.
When the camp quieted down and most of the men and women slept in a drunken stupor, van der Bos crept to Tarzan's side. "I've got a knife," he said. "I'll cut your bonds."
"They've been off a long while," said Tarzan.
"You broke them?" demanded the Dutchman in amazement.
"Yes. Now come along and come quietly. Give me the knife."
A short distance inside the forest, Tarzan halted. "Wait here," he whispered. Then he was gone. He swung quietly into the trees, advancing slowly, stopping often to listen and to search the air with his nostrils. Finally he located the sentry and climbed into the same tree in which had been built the platform on which the man was squatting. He was poised directly over the fellow's head. His eyes bored down through the darkness. They picked out the form and position of the doomed man. Then Tarzan dove for him headfirst, the knife in his hand. The only sound was the thud of the two bodies on the platform. The sentry died in silence, his throat cut from ear to ear.
Tarzan pitched the body to the trail and followed it down with the man's rifle. He walked back until he came to van der Bos. "Come on," he said. "You can get past the sentry now."
When they came to the body, van der Bos stumbled over it. "You certainly made a neat job of it," he said.
"Not so neat," said Tarzan. "He spurted blood all over me. I'll be walking bait for stripes until we reach some water. Take his pistol belt and ammunition. Here's his rifle. Now let's get going."