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Sam nodded. “And who would want to accept that the person they care about has never cared about them? It would certainly piss me the fuck off.”

It would piss me off, too. I’d want to know what the fucking point was in finding and caring for this person so much if they would never feel the same. To then have that person leave me for someone else and be so happy with them – happy enough to join with them for life – would be the final twist of the knife. Wanting to fend off the dark feelings threatening to surface at just the idea of that, I slipped my arm around Sam to pull her close. Okay, so I could feel a teensy bit sorry for Joy, just as I did for Cristiano. But I still believed that my being Heir was what interested Joy the most.

Fletcher shrugged, as if to shake off the matter. “Well, it’s been a long night. I’m off to find Norm.” He gave Sam a brief hug, offered me a shy wave, and then left us alone.

Sam raised her gaze to mine. “Did the swim help? I know something’s on your mind, but I’m not going to ask what it is. Tell me in your own time…just don’t take too long.”

Appreciating that she wasn’t pushing, I kissed her gently. “We’ll talk about it soon,” I promised. “You know, you’ve impressed me. My holding back is annoying the shit out of you – I can sense it. Usually when I piss you off in some way, you retaliate with that whip of yours. But you’ve contained yourself.”

She placed her hands on my chest. Her smile dripped with pity. “Aw, Jared, whatever made you think I was going to contain myself?” She shoved hard – so hard that I went zooming backwards and landed in the pool.

Kicking to the surface, I coughed up the mouthful of water that had clogged my throat and glowered at my mate. Appearing rather self-satisfied, she folded her arms. I shook my head at her. “You know you’re a bitch, right?”

She smiled. “It’s part of why you love me.”

I had to smile back. She was right, it was.

Chapter Fifteen


Just as I had yesterday evening, I fiddled with the sleeves of my white shirt as I stood in my bedroom, scowling at my reflection in the mirror. Just as he had yesterday evening, Fletcher slapped at my hands. “Oi,” I whined.

“Stop fussing before you rip the bloody sleeves at the hem.”

You stop fussing before I clock you over the head.” If I could help it, I’d never wear a suit again.

Jared entered the bedroom, totally edible in a grey shirt and black trousers. Unsurprisingly, Fletcher gawked in admiration, and I didn’t blame him. The sod could pull off just about any look. I was totally envious.

Jared’s brows rose. “Wow, you look”

“Don’t,” I bit out.

He sighed. “I was going to”

“Give me a false compliment because you know I feel awkward,” I finished.

He shot me an impatient stare. “Actually, it wouldn’t have been a false one. You look”


He threw his hands up in a gesture of exasperation. “Here I am pushing past my difficulty with giving compliments, and you’re shutting me down. You’re never going to learn to accept one, are you?”

“Then why keep doing it?”

He grunted, sliding his arm around my waist and pulling me against him. “You ready?” When I nodded, he added, “I don’t just mean physically.” He gently tapped my temple. “I mean, are you mentally ready for this?”

Having the uncharacteristic need to fidget and keep my hands busy, I adjusted his collar and smoothed my hands over the arms of his shirt. “About as ready as I can be.” But there was a nervous tremor to my voice.

Cupping my chin, he lifted my head so that he could meet my eyes. His own eyes were shining with adoration and reassurance. “You’ll be fine.” He dropped a kiss on my mouth and then went to say more, but stopped at the knock on the door. Fletcher dashed out of the room to answer it, and quickly returned with Evan and Alora.

Alora smiled at me. “Hey, you look”

“I wouldn’t bother if I were you,” mumbled Fletcher. “She’ll only accuse you of lying to try and make her feel better.”

Knowing me well, Evan didn’t comment on my appearance. “Nervous?”

“Of course I’m not,” I said with a forced smile. But, as I said, he knew me well; he wasn’t buying my act. But rather than make a big thing out of it, he simply offered me a supportive smile.

Jared tightened his hold on me as he asked Evan, “What brings you guys here?”

“Just wanted to check on you both and, you know…do that whole ‘moral support’ thing.”

I rolled my eyes. “You mean Alora made you come.”

Evan’s expression was pure innocence. “No, I do have a sensitive side, you know.” Then it was Alora’s turn to roll her eyes. “Off the subject, I’ve just met that Covington guy who had recommended you find Paige West. He’s here with Bran and Paige’s Sire, Robert Langley.”

I didn’t like the sound of that. Bran was a regular visitor, but the others weren’t. “Have they asked about Paige?”

“Langley was asking where she was, but Antonio just said that she healed the tainted vampires and then left. Bran wasn’t interested. He only came here to see Alora. She invited him.”

“I wanted to tell him that I would be leaving his line and why,” she explained. “After everything he’s done for me, it would have been insensitive not to do it face-to-face.”

True. “And he’s okay with it?”

“Yep.” Evan grinned. “He even offered us his best wishes for the future.”

Fletcher gently tapped his watch. “Time’s-a-ticking, people.”

I took a deep breath. “Then let’s go.” Before I vomited with nerves. “See you three later.” They each gave us a smile just before Jared teleported us both to the mansion. Standing outside the room in which the teleconference would take place, he took both my hands in his and searched my eyes. “You sure you’re okay about this?”

I knew that if I said no, he would teleport me straight back home – no hesitation, no judgemental comments, and no temper tantrum. He would put me before what Antonio wanted and even before what he himself wanted. And that was what gave me the strength to nod and reply, “I’m fine. Let’s do this.”

Flashing me a smile filled with pride, he dropped a kiss on my mouth. Then, keeping one of my hands in his, he opened the door and led me inside. From their spot in the corner, Antonio’s personal guards gave us a nod. Sitting at the long table were Antonio, Luther, Sebastian, Bran, Covington, and a male who I presumed was Robert Langley. Each of them immediately rose to their feet.

Antonio smiled widely. “Punctual, as always. Sam, Jared, you know Bran and Harry Covington.” He then gestured to the unfamiliar balding, podgy Keja. “This is Robert Langley, Paige West’s Sire.”

Scowling, Langley simply grunted at us.

Covington shook Jared’s hand and then mine. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both in person.”

“Likewise,” I replied.

Bran’s mouth curved ever so slightly at the sight of Jared, who he had a clear soft spot for. “It will be an honour to follow you. Both of you.”

I hadn’t been expecting that. “Thanks.” Sebastian and Luther must have picked up on my nerves because they gave me a reassuring smile. No amount of smiles would calm me at a time like this, but I appreciated their efforts.

Antonio gestured for us to take a seat. “As Bran is here, it makes sense for him to sit in on the teleconference, considering he is one of the High Masters. Covington, Langley, you may both stay if you wish.”