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Susan felt her breath catching all the while in that small metal stall. She could hear Jenny's muffled cries as the icy fluid washed the piss from her flesh. Now Susan stood dripping, shivering and naked in front of her tormentors, while Jenny was still impaled on that long dildo.

"Final round. That seems real nice, don't it? Gonna let the two of you go. Figure you had enough and it's gettin' kind late. We don't wanna keep Jenny up. Her old man's gonna wonder why the fuck you got her in the house that long. Maybe he's worried about his little girl suckin' some pussy on the side, eh?"

Jenny flushed beet red, staring wide-eyed at the two teens.

"Your old man fuckin' you, baby? You know, been readin' about how many guys fuck their daughters. That happenin' to you? You your old man's little princess?"

"She was cherry, man," Clint said with some disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah? So what? Maybe he's makin' her give head, or he's ass-fuckin' the chick while keepin' her cherry for some dude."

Jenny flushed a deeper red, her body working up against the rod in anger.

"Hey, come on! We ain't got a picture of the little miss, yet. Come on, Jenny smile through that gag so we can have a nice shot for your old man. He's probably gonna beat off all the time he looks at this," Jack sneered.

Clint took out a Polaroid and snapped three shots of the girl standing there with the dildo up her cunt. When the developed pictures cleared, Clint fanned them out for the girl to view.

"Ohhhhffff!" Jenny cried, turning her face away, hot tears rolling her cheeks once more.

"Man, bet your old man'd flip out if he saw somethin' like this," Clint said, turning the pictures around and looking at them once more. "I'd go nuts if it was my daughter. And betcha the kids at school would love to see shots like this. Good little Jenny freakin' out on some dildo, bouncin' up and down and gettin her pussy fucked out real nice and hot. You cap almost see you juicin'."

"Uhfhfhffff!" Jenny screamed with rage through her gag, her body jumping up and down on the dildo.

"Cumin', baby? Yeah, I know how that's like. Just relax and let it happen," Clint mocked, sliding the pictures into his pocket and walking behind her.

Grabbing the teen by her shoulders, Clint drew her back, nearly pulling her off the dildo. Jenny screamed again, her legs kicking out, the stand nearly upending.

Susan gasped, watching as Clint slid the redhead back down on the pole. Jenny let out another scream. Clint did it again, forcing her up and down that big dildo until Susan thought surely he was injuring the girl.

When he finished Jenny slumped forward on the dildo, nearly losing her balance. It appeared to Susan as if she had cum.

"Let's get 'em together. I ain't seen 'em fuckin' around with one another. I dig watchin' broads make it with each other," Clint suggested.

"Get her off, then. We'll get 'em goin' on somethin' first, then turn 'em loose on one another," Jack agreed, slipping one arm around Susan's waist and hugging her close.

The woman complied, feeling there was no other choice. He spun her around, standing on her toes, crushing them with his boots while drawing her face against his. Susan cried out, feeling his tongue slicing between her lips. He kissed her passionately, his hands rubbing up and down against her ass, then spreading the ass cheeks apart. When Susan felt one finger slipping into her asshole and stabbing deep, she pulled back, letting out a growl.

"Man, would like to get my cock in there and fuck you hood and hot. But we got somethin' better planned for you two."

Jack led her away while Clint was busy hauling Jenny off that dildo. Susan turned once and saw the girl finally being pulled off that thing. She was still limp, her long curly red hair dangling over her face. Susan could catch a glimpse of the juices that had stained the girl's thighs.

"Here we go, baby. This is somethin' you're gonna dig, somethin' that's made just for you."

It was about the strangest thing Susan had ever seen. A pillory of sorts had been rigged up with holes meant for arms and legs obvious in the wood. To one side was a three-legged stool, the seat of which had been graced with a twelve-inch dildo that appeared to be made of steel. Around the base of that thing were small tiny steel spikes, all of them looking terribly razor sharp. To the right of the stool was a large wooden keg, the sort Susan knew were used in wineries. A rubber hose ran from a tiny brass spigot and a smaller spigot graced the free end.

"This is gonna get you goin' real well, real well," Jack said, dragging Susan over to the pillory.

From the protesting sounds made by Jenny, Susan guessed the girl was being dragged in the same direction. As Jack pulled her toward the block, she could see that a bench several inches higher than the top armholes was built into the wall. Straps of black leather were fastened to the wood.

"Now we start."

Jack let Susan go for an instant, opening the bottom half of the pillory, then scooping her up off the floor and thrusting both her legs in.

Before she could protest, the block was locked, the smooth yellow pine wood encasing her legs. There was no way she could escape.

"Now for the top."

Susan meekly pushed her arms into the opened holes, grimacing as Jack closed the top portion of the pillory and locked it. Immediately she felt uncomfortable. Her asscheeks were dangling from one end of the pillory with no support for them or her thighs. She felt her ass crack splitting open from the dangling weight of her own body.

"You don't look too comfortable," Jack said, rolling up his eyes as Clint dragged the protesting Jenny past her teacher.

The girl glanced down half-dazed from, her experience, stumbling drunkenly over her feet as Clint pushed her toward the wall.

"This is gonna help," Jack said to Susan.

That stool! That horrible stool with the steel dildo in it! She would suffer the same fate Jenny had, fucked by that lifeless thing! Jack was moving it up to her ass, sliding it under her ass. With a cry of feat Susan jerked her ass up, managing to keep her cunt away from that cold, steel dildo for a moment. Jack only smiled, moving one hand to her thighs and shoving her down.


Susan stiffened, her head shrugging down between her narrow shoulders while her flesh puckered into goosepimples. She curled her toes as the cold head of the steel dildo pressed into her warm cunt. The squiggly pussy tissues snugged up against the strange cold invader, sending more thrills of odd pleasure rushing along her spine to her brain. The woman let out another groan, her body shaking against the pillory. Jack smiled more broadly, pleased at her reaction.

"There's more to this, baby. You didn't notice the wires, did you?"

"Wires?" she gasped.

"Wires. Electrical wires, hooked up to this baby," Jack said, patting a small dark gray box to one side. "Sends out a small current. Gonna make you feel real good once this thing gets goin'."

"Uh! Oh lemme go, lemme go!"

Clint had taken the gag off Jenny while still keeping her wrists fastened tightly behind her back. The tight dog collar was still on as well. He had raised her like a rag doll, lifting her easily from the floor and setting her down on the platform in front of Susan. The woman now realized quickly why the platform was at that height. It was the perfect height for a woman to suck another woman's cunt! And right now Susan could smell the arousal of Jenny's pussy.

Clint fastened the straps around Jenny's thighs, forcing her to sit on the edge of the wooden platform, her cunt thrusting our toward Susan. The woman backed away modestly, pretending to be more concerned about the wires and what was happening below her. But the smell of Jenny's near virgin pussy was doing things to Susan's cunt. She felt the cunt lips tingling, tightening around that steel dildo.