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"That's okay. She's got a nice, hot pussy, I'll bet. Gonna sink my cock into her cunt and feel them lips curling up around my ol' prick!"

"Clint! Jack! You don't know what you're saying, what you're doing!" the woman said, her voice pleading with them now. "I'm your teacher!"

Clint threw his head back and laughed cruelly, the belt unraveling in his hand.

"You were my teacher, baby. Now you're nothing more 'n' some slut hanging around in the basement, just waitin' for a hot fuck from a couple of studs."

"Stop this!"

There was another blow, this one a little higher than the first. Clint's knuckles sank into her belly once more, this time nearly breaking her lower two ribs. Again Susan's knees jerked up, her body swaying gently from the force of the blow. The teacher let out another pained howl, her fingers twisting around the clanking chains above her. Tears burned her eyes.

"And we're gonna record this for history too, baby. Everybody's gonna get a chance to see how teach relaxes," Clint said, nodding to Jack.

"Brought this along. My old lady gave it to me for Christmas," he said, fishing around in the blue nylon tote bag they had carried in through the bedroom window.

Jack pulled out a Polaroid camera, opening it up, then adjusting the flash. Tucking the belt in his trousers, he stepped back, holding the lens to his right eye and pressing the small top red button. There was a blinding flash, one that made Susan blink and turn her head away. A whirring sound let her know the photo was being processed.

"Gonna take more of 'em, just to make sure you don't say nothin' after we're through."

"Open your damned mouth and these things'll go around campus like hell!"

Susan swallowed hard. "Uhhhhhh!"

"You gonna keep on reportin' us every time we goof off in class?"

"No, no, I swear, no!"

But the teens didn't believe her. Clint was rocking back and forth, cracking his knuckles, then doubling up the belt one more time and snapping it. He liked the way she shivered in the chains everytime the leather cracked together.

"Don't believe her," Jack muttered.

"I ain't stupid. She ain't gonna give us a break till we show the bitch what we can do."

Susan shook her head. No, no, that wasn't true! She wasn't the kind of monster they thought she was. Everything she had done was simply to educate them for their adult years.


Susan watched in terror as the big blond stud approached her again with the belt. He tapped the buckle lightly against his palm, gripping it hard once more. Sweat poured out from under her arms, itching where it trickled against her sides. Her nipples were starting to elongate – half-inch red nubs itching to be touched, to be squeezed by the teens! Susan shook her head. How could she be thinking such terrible thoughts?

"Please what, fuck you?"

Without cocking his arm much, Clint lashed the end of the doubled belt across her belly. Susan let out another whooshing sound, her nostrils burning with the air she sucked in to feed her dangling body.

"Uhhhh… ohhh, you little bastards! I – how can you do something like this to me?" Susan wailed. "I'm your teacher! You're not supposed to do things like this. Oh, let me down before you get into more trouble!"

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do and not to do! You've been tryin' that for the past month and look where you wound up." Clint shot back.

He turned a darker shade of red, cocking his arm back and letting the belt shoot forward. The tip slashed across Susan's right nipple, making her tit fly up and nearly touch her chin.


The slicing pain of the blow was only the first agony for the history teacher. After her scream, after the involuntary spasm that drew her legs up toward her belly, the pain seemed to go on and on. Susan shook the hair from her eyes, blinking away the stinging tears. It was the combination of pain and heat that seared her brain so! And then when her body jerked, how the rusty chains bit into her wrist flesh. There were times when Susan thought the iron would surely sever her arms from her body.

"Ohhhh… uhhhhhh!"

"I think she likes it… I mean, she's really gonna dig gettin' roughed up," Jack said, studying her face carefully.

"I know there's types like that. They dig gettin' messed up then fucked! Says it makes cumin' all that much better. Gonna check it out on teach, then."

Susan ground her teeth, hating both teens bitterly. She couldn't rise above the feelings rushing through her now. All the compassion she was supposed to have as a teacher evaporated now under pure, raw pain and hatred and agony!

"What do you think now, teach? What do you think about us now?" Clint taunted, rubbing the belt against her chin.

Susan fought down the words about to bubble to her lips. No, she wouldn't give them the satisfaction of hearing her tirade. Instead she turned her head, concentrating on the wash basin to the right.

Susan sagged in her chains. For the first time that evening, the woman felt her toes brush up against the concrete floor. Had she stretched that much?


Clint slashed the belt across Susan's face, the black leather leaving a long red mark on her left cheek. The blow snapped her head to one side, pulling the neck muscles painfully. The woman let out another cry, her hair tangling around her throat and sticking to the corners of her mouth. Susan drew her knees up once more, her knotted muscles pulsing and aching.


"Fuckin' bitch-pig. You want it bad, man. Saw you lookin' at my cock all the time while you was up there blabbin' about the Civil War and shit."

"No, not true. You're lying!" Susan screamed.

"Sure, baby. Everybody talks about the way you eye a guy's crotch. Guys around school figured you wanted to get fucked by somebody, but were afraid to ask. Now you're gonna get all the cockmeat you can handle maybe even more."

"No, no!"

Susan shook, the thought from her mind, concentrating now on the slashing pain across her right, cheek. Another blow, this one hammering against her nose, took her breath away. A third slashed against her right tit, making her feel as if the teen were going to flay the flesh from her inch by throbbing inch.

"Stop this! Oh please, please," Susan begged, her words melting into defeated sobs.

"Yeah, right."

Susan writhed from the pain of the belting blows. She felt the warm sticky sweetness of her perspiration rolling down her tits. Her navel filled with the sweat, then overflowed. For a moment the frantic woman could feel the perspiration oozing maddeningly slowly through her itching cuntal forest. She moved her legs until they were folded together once more. Only this time she began undulating her thighs against one another, loving the smooth and yet itchy rub of one cunt labe against the other.


Clint stared hotly at her, licking his lips. The twisting, hanging body in front of him aroused more lewdness in both him and Jack. He moved closer to Susan and the woman moved her right foot around experimentally. She thought if he walked a little bit closer to her she could kick his crotch. That would show those bastards!


Clint moved fast, cupping his right hand around her cunt, then pulling at her cunt hairs, yanking them out of her pussy flesh one at a time.

"No, no! Yaghghghhhh! Stop!"

Susan snapped her head back, screaming at the top of her lungs. The agony was almost driving her insane. She both felt and heard the hairs ripping from her flesh. And still Clint was telling her that her ordeal had only begun. God have mercy!


Susan brought her knees up, trying to draw them protectively together. Clint knocked them apart, drilling one finger into her pussy, then twisting it around and around like some horrid drill.