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"Ohhh yeah, she's all hot and wet down there… just like a woman should be," Clint sighed.

"Looks like the bitch's gonna be a snapper… you know, holdin' us in while she pumps herself dry," Jack added.

"She'll be cummin' her brains out all Goddamned night!"

"Please, don't do any more to me. I promise I'll do anything to stop this… you've got a picture."

Susan couldn't seem to form words any more. All her fine education, her perfect speech failed her now. A hand flew at her face, slapping her again and again. The woman groaned, jerking her head back in a vain attempt to escape those clawing, slapping fingers.

"You done nothin' but be a super fuckin' pain in the rear. And now you're gonna pay, and pay first-class, baby."

The belt lashed across her face, her lips, the tops of her tits. Susan struggled against the lashing blows, her body stinging under the constant attack of the leather belt. The edges of the iron links scraped skin from her wrists. Susan felt her fingers going cold and numb from the tension and pain. The woman screamed, dragging out curses she couldn't remember having ever heard. The shrill power of her desperate cries rang off the basement walls.


It was almost like doing battle with someone, she thought. But when she tried to fight back, Susan only brought pain to herself. Calming herself again, the woman peered down at her tormentors.

This rime the belt curled around her thighs, the beveled end biting the white flesh inches to tie left of her pussy. The proximity of the leather to her pussy sent sparks of delight sputtering through her cunt. Susan cried out in anguish, screwing up her eyes in wonder at the feelings coursing through her. Never, never had she thought so much pain could produce a resulting pleasure. But hanging here naked, her body sporting many red stripes from the leather belt, Susan had to admit to herself that she was feeling a tight, itchy pulse racing through her crotch.

Clint kept lashing and beating at her, grabbing more of her cunt. Jack had moved behind her, bringing the doubled leather belt down hard against her ass. The woman screamed, snapping her head from left to right as she tightened her asscheeks reflexively against the stinging blows.

Clint growled, his words lost in the rage of his sexual fury. In a moment Susan felt him reaching up at her, pinching her nipples. Desperately she bit at him, swearing like a sailor. It was then that Jack brought the belt down hard between her ass cheeks, the hard leather stinging her painfully.


Susan felt her spine straighten and tingle while her bones cracked with the painful blow. She was bouncing up and down against the chains, a puppet gone mad with sensation! The iron chains hurt her terribly now!

The pain in her crotch from all that hair tearing was making her pussy flesh pucker up into goosepimples. Susan couldn't tell which was worse – the gruesome excitement Clint aroused in her with his beating and swearing, or her own flashes of heat under the pain in her cuntflesh.


Jack was on his knees now, spreading her asscheeks apart. She could feel the thumbs creasing her flesh, the jagged nails so sharp against the sensitive skin. He was nuzzling her ass, pressing his nose into her asshole. Susan's eyes widened, her mouth forming a broad O. It was shamefully pleasant to feel a man's face up there against her ass! Never would Susan have thought of something like that. But her student was back there, licking up her asscrack, groaning into her asshole while pinching her ass black and blue.


"She hot back there, man? Man, she's runnin' with juice outta her fuckin' cunt."

"Good tastin' back here. It's gonna be good for you fuckin' her ass. I just wanted to stick my tongue up her shitter and get the bitch ready."

"Animals! You're nothing but animals!"

Again the teens laughed. She could feel the juices running like lava from her pussy. And now the struggle between her and the teens was changing. Clint still beat her tits and belly with his belt. But now the grabbing, twisting fingers in her warm cuntal thicket moved more slowly. He was caressing her, sliding his fingers over the slick, hot cuntmeat, making her pussy all that warmer, all that wetter!

Susan rolled her eyes up to the ceiling, curling her fingers, trying to bring more warmth to them. She could feel some blood oozing back to the digits when she twisted her wrists around. And all the time Jack was back there, rubbing his moustache against the inner curves of her ass, stiffening his tongue and licking down and deep into her asshole!

Clint pulled back. His blue eyes were half closed. A line of spit trickled from his lower lip. Grinding his teeth together, he stared at Susan while unbuttoning his Levi's. She watched in heat as the faded blue material halved, then slid down his thickly muscled thighs.

"My… God!"

As she hung there, the woman stared at Clint's thick, eight-inch cunt-splitter and felt her pussy tightening. She had been fucked several times before, but never, never had Susan taken on something this big! Her eyes widened even more as they surveyed the broad, satiny purple cock head, the tightened balls, the cockbush that spread around his crotch half-hiding his nuts. Clint grinned at her, seeing her obvious surprise.

"Ain't seen nothin' like that, eh, baby? Lots of girls here at the school've taken a taste of this mother," Clint said, emphasizing his point by grabbing his cock in one hand and squeezing it.

Susan let out another soft cry as she saw a drop of pre-cum ooze from the broad piss slit. He was going to fuck her ass with that prick? She shuddered, closing her eyes and mewling in terror. He would surely tear something deep in her bowels with his cock. And yet, because of her fear, the woman felt her nipples puckering into stiffer points.


Clint stepped out of his Levi's, kicking them to one side.

"Wanna do it now, man. Gonna cum all over myself if I don't stick my cock into her asshole right now," Clint said.

"Yeah, okay. Got it all slicked down for you with my spit. Christ, she's winkin' her ass up against my nose all the time now. It's like some Goddamned second cunt or somethin' back here. You've got yourself one hot, wet one to fuck, buddy."

"Good and hot and wet. Sounds like a pussy. Only this one's gonna be fuckin' tight. That's the way I dig it too – them buns flattening up against my crotch while I stick my cock into her asshole."

"Oh don't… this is vile! Terrible! You don't know what you're doing!"

Susan nearly sobbed with the pain. All this abuse, all this torment and threatening would be far less horrible if they would only take her down from the ceiling. But the teens realized this and left her hanging.

Clint picked up his belt from the floor, winding the leather carefully around his whitened knuckles. Carefully stepping toward her, he remained to one side of the hanging woman. He reached up, prodding each tit with the leather. Susan's teeth chattered. It was the horrid anticipation of some new pain, some new blow that would shatter her overloaded brain and make her shudder in her bonds.


Clint moved around in front of her, trailing the belt along the rich under swell of her tits. Susan bit down hard on her lower lip. Jack was no longer behind her, soothing her fears with that constant ass-licking. She was alone, atone hanging there while she watched Clint's cock grow even bigger, even thicker. In a moment it was standing straight out like a terrible spear, a spear that would soon tear through her body and leave her defeated and bleeding.

"Oh please…"

Her voice was a high-pitched whimper, a kind of mewling as she watched Clint slowly grin hellishly at her. Then suddenly, with a quick, savage move, he slashed the belt across both her nipples. Susan squealed sharply, her cries ringing off the gray cinderblock basement walls. Then, steeling herself as best she could, the teacher set her jaw. Another blow, and then another dry, smacking blow that sent slivers of pain stabbing in her brain over and over. Clint smiled grimly at her.