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The last thing she knew was that she was fucked by the biggest cock ever, and that she had to get one of her students to her house in a few days or face the kind of exposure that would surely end her teaching days forever!


The next two days were ones of trial for Susan. Both Jack and Clint attended her class religiously, taking notes, even pretending to study during the latter part of the class.

Susan stood there, tapping her pencil nervously against her green desk pad. She felt as if they would stand up suddenly and point an accusing finger at her. She could just imagine how they would tell their stories – the amused stares on the faces of her other students, the shocked looks of her honor girls when they viewed those pictures of her roped and raped.

But nothing happened. Neither teen ever came up to her in class but more then once, however, Jack stared first at Jenny Mape, then at Susan. The message was clear. Neither Jack nor Clint had forgotten what they wanted from her.

On the third day Jack strolled up to her desk shortly after the bell had rung. The other students had all scrambled from behind their desks, rushing through the narrow doorway to the tiled corridor. Clint stood by the door while his buddy leaned against her desk. Susan trembled.

"You talk to Jenny?"

In fact she had, as much as she hated dragging the girl into this. Telling the pretty redhead that she had some early editions of several colonial historians in her house, Susan had managed to get the girl to agree to visit her. She felt awful but the thought of facing outraged school officials and parents had made her tremble at the alternative.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I spoke with her earlier. But please, don't make me do this," she whispered, looking nervously about.

"Clint and me was talkin'. We wanna be over there tomorrow night. We got lots planned for you and that little cunt. She ain't gonna be lookin' down her nose at us any more – not after we get through with her."

"Jenny isn't that type. Oh, you don't understand. She's just highly intelligent and acts…"

"Don't gimme that crap. She's a little Miss Shit-don't-stink. And we're gonna show her it does. Now just make sure the cunt's at your place by seven, okay, teach?"

To emphasize his point Jack gripped Susan by the hair, pulling the tightly wound bun back until she nearly screamed in pain.

"Yes, yes!"

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Susan watched her two students disappear through the door. How innocent they would look sitting there among the other students. If only the others would realize just what animals they were!

The day dragged by, becoming night, leaving Susan restless. She tossed and turned that evening, dreaming of the two teens and how they had fucked her so cruelty days before. Even in her sleep she could feel them pressing against her, beating her, fucking her.

The next day neither teen was in class. Susan trembled, wondering if they had had second thoughts about fucking her and the girl. But she doubted it.

School was madness for Susan. When three thirty roll around, she waved cheerily at Jenny, inviting her over.

"Oh, I'll be there, Miss Evans. I promise."

Susan drove home quickly, feeling oddly excited. It was as if she were getting ready for her first date. And yet she was getting ready to admit her sadistic students, offering up another pupil as a kind of sacrifice. The hours ticked by slowly. At six forty-five Jenny arrived, all bright-eyed and excited.

"We'll have some soft drinks. Then we'll get talking about that special project I told you of," Susan said, closing the door behind the perky redhead.

Susan eyed the clock nervously, glancing out the front window as she opened the refrigerator door. They moved to the living room, Jenny perched anxiously on the edge of the couch looking around with wide, interested eyes. Susan smiled wanly. She remembered the first time she had visited one of her teachers. It was like being admitted into some secret world.

"Here you are, Jenny."

"Oh, this is so exciting, Miss Evans. I mean, it's not every day a student gets some insight into what our teachers are doing!"

"That's true, Jenny."

They talked for a bit longer. Then Susan heard a car pulling up in front of her house. It was just a little past seven. Her heart skipped a beat. She looked at Jenny, then looked away.

"Is something wrong, Miss Evans?"

"No, nothing at all, Jenny. It's just that I haven't told you everything about me bringing you here," Susan began confessing until three sharp raps at the door cut her off.

"Who's that?" Jenny asked.

Susan refused to answer, putting down her tall glass and rising from the chair. Moving to the door, she saw two broad silhouettes through the lace curtains. Hesitating only for a moment, she gripped the brass knob and turned it, opening the door.

"She here?" Jack whispered to Susan, looking over her shoulder.

"Yes. But please, don't go through with this. Just go and come back. I'll send Jenny home, then you can come back and do what you want with me."

Jack leered. "Greedy, ain't cha? Get a little touch of cockmeat and you want it all to yourself. That's flattering. But we're here to give you both some fun."

"Miss Evans? Something wrong?"

"No, nothing."

"Get outta the way. It's about time I come in and introduce myself to the little slut."

Jack pushed Susan to one side, striding into the house with Clint following. Susan closed the door, one hand to her throat. There was a moment's pause. Then she heard Jenny cry out in horrified surprise.

"What… what are you doing here?"

Susan rushed into the room, stepping under the doorway. Jenny was still on the edge of the couch but her former light-hearted speech was gone. In its place was a horrified stare as she looked from Jack to Clint to Susan.

"Gonna fuck your brains out," Jack said simply, dropping one hand to his groin.

"What?" Jenny stared with horror at her teacher.

Susan could only lower her eyes.

"We're gonna fuck you till you can't walk. Then we're gonna fuck you again. It's gonna be lots of fun. But we ain't gonna do it here. We're gonna take you both somewhere where we can really enjoy ourselves."

"Miss Evans… what's going on?" Jenny cried out, close to tears.

"I'm sorry, Jenny, they made me do it," Susan confessed.

"Made? That's a laugh. We been fuckin' her for a while and man, she can't get enough cockmeat in her. Got a feelin' you're gonna be the same way – once you get down from that pedestal you been on all your fuckin' life."

"Oh no, no, this can't be happening! It just can't!" Jenny said, clutching the back of the sofa nervously. She stared wildly up at Susan once more, then drew back into the soft pillows. She still shook her head from side to side, her pretty face clearly revealing the disgust and revulsion she felt.

"Maybe we oughtta make 'er suck cock. That calms 'em down real fast, suckin' cock."

"No, no, stop it!" Jenny clapped her hands over her ears, kicking both legs out in front of her when Jack moved to her. "Leave me alone! Don't touch me!"


"Don't hurt her, for God's sake!" Susan wailed. "Uhhhhhh!"

Clint pushed out one foot as Susan tried running for her student. Susan tripped, falling flat on her face. Her forehead grazed against the coffee table, the blow temporarily stunning her. She lay on the floor, half-hearing Jenny's wild cries as Jack pulled her from the couch and spun her around until she was standing against the fireplace. Turning, Susan saw through her curtaining blonde hair the red, frightened face of Jenny Mape.

"Now you're gonna get fucked real good. You ever been fucked, baby?"

"No, no, oh God, you're disgusting!" the girl shrieked.

Jenny clenched her fists, pounding them wildly against Jack. The big stud only laughed, pushing her hands down, then drawing back his right fist.