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"Crap, that's wild!" Scott yelled encouragingly. "More! More!"

Curtis chuckled wickedly and thrust the blunt tip of his torturing dildo directly against the slightly parted pubic hair, jiggling the vibrator lewdly along the plainly visible lips of her tight, trembling cunt.

"Ohhhhh," Lisa moaned, jerking wildly in her vain effort to escape the taunting buzz which was tingling all the way through her body. "D-don't do that! I… I can't stand it!"

Relentlessly, the teasing dildo played at the tender flesh of her vagina, working its way up the full length of the narrow palpitating crevice to her tiny, throbbing clitoris, flicking it madly into involuntary hardness. She groaned in desperate pleading for the boy to stop, but Curtis continued unheeding, working the vibrating instrument slowly up over the mound of her genitals and across the flat, white plane of her belly. Almost crazy with tension, Lisa could feel the fake-cock crawling up over her ripe quivering breasts and begin to gently caress their nipples, first one and then across to the other and then back again. Against her will, her proud firm breasts were throbbing into round hardness and the peaks tweaked up hungrily as the tantalizing dildo made delicious circles around the pink-hued areoles.

As the tormenting massager began its downward journey again, the naked teacher found to her fascinated horror that her body was reaching involuntarily upward to absorb the vibrating pleasures. The buzzing rod dwelled long on the whiteness of her belly and in the flexing hollows of her inner thighs, again causing a slow uncontrollable undulation of her rebellious hips. The widening crevice between her firm buttocks once more splayed open to the leering, lustfevered eyes of both of her students, and then with a rapacious snicker, Curtis flicked the plastic penis against the sensitive moist flesh of her cuntal mouth. The tight elastic orifice of her swelling pussy jerked back in her surprise, and she tried to wriggle down into the shag rug to escape the cruelly delightful probe.

"Agggg!" Lisa gasped between clenched teeth. "D-don't! Please don't! You're driving me crazy with that thing!"

A sadistic giggle answered her as she undulated against the teasing dildo in her clasping cunt. She tried to close her thighs against it; but they would not seem to obey her mind's commands, and tears of frustration brimmed in her eyes as the mature woman felt her body gradually losing control. She had vowed she would never allow herself to be tempted again, but already she was betraying her oath, the sheer hopelessness of her position and the vibrator in the hands of this young boy forcing her into helpless submission.

"Nnnoooo! Stop it! Stop it, you little monster!"

"Would you rather be fucked?" she heard the sneering voice of Curtis Benson call down to her. "You want Scott inside you now, instead?"

"No!" she groaned pitiously. "No, it's wrong!"

"Yeah… but you'll love it!" his tauntingly handsome face of lewdness coaxed. Curtis sent a more forceful spasm through her pussy as he imbedded the vibrator's blunt tip further up inside her vaginal passage. "Tell me you'll love it!"

"I won't! I… I can't!" Lisa's resistance ebbed with the exquisitely maddening pleasures being lavished on her supine form, but she couldn't bring herself to suffer this further indignity. It would be the peak of total, humiliating surrender!

"Say it, Mrs. Hamilton," Curtis hissed. "Say you want Scott to fuck you. Yeah… for Scott and me to fuck you!"

"No, no…" she moaned, lolling her head as far as she could from side to side in unbearable torment. "I won't!"

"You want me to stop, don't you?"

"I… yes! Oh God, yes! It's killing me… it's so good… so awfully good."

"Say it then, Teach. Say what you want instead!"

"Ohhhhh," their writhing teacher moaned, all resistance fading away as the lewd sensations from the vibrating dildo slowly changed her body into a mass of nerve-tingling excitement. "Give… give it to me, then! Give it, Scott; give it to me!"

"Not like that!" Curtis said contemptuously to the tortured woman. "Beg us both the way you begged Atilla yesterday!"

The sixteen year old increased his pressure on the tingling probe until a fiery ball of hot desire began creeping forcefully into the pit of her loins. Lisa fought against it with all her strength, trying to flee from the indecent plastic cock, but it pursued and massaged her fleshy cunt relentlessly. The thick, humming instrument vibrated the moist, warm flesh of her vaginal walls until she thought her belly would burst from the delicious sensations rippling through it.

"Oh God," she heard herself scream, the sweet agony in her body driving her insane. "Fuck me! Fuck me, Scott; fuck me, Curtis! Go ahead! Come on and fuck mmmmmeeeeee!"

"You mean it, Mrs. Hamilton?" the younger boy gasped in awe and delight. "You really mean it?"

"Yes! Lord, yes! Fuck me, you sweet bastard! Fuck me before I go out of my mind!"

"You heard the lady," Curtis laughed with obscene mirth. "Don't just stand there with your pecker flapping, kid! Get down on the floor and have her ride you like a horse! Yeah… that way I can see everything better! Hurry! Hurry up before I change my mind and do it myself!"

"Oh boy! Yeah, I will!"

Lisa groaned at this further indignity, her heart sinking as she realized that in such a lewd position, it would be she who was mostly on display, with her naked buttocks waving high up in the air, without even the fleshy covering of little Scott's body to cover her shameful nakedness. She watched as the cherubic youngster scrambled down beside her, spreading out full-length on the large shag rug with his fresh, virile penis standing up like a thin lance jutting into the air.

"Do it, Teach," Curtis hissed gleefully. He threw his dildo to one side, and she could hear it buzzing wasp-like on the floor nearby. "Climb over Scott and straddle his prick!"

The vanquished teacher hesitantly complied, knowing she'd reached that stage of no return. Her whole mature body cringed with the humiliation of what she was doing, and with the shame of the obscene desires that were perversely rising in her belly. She rolled over and levered up on her arms, her long blonde hair flowing down her face and sweeping the teenager's chest as it had the day before; her lush breasts swayed sensuously with their erect flushed nipples almost touching his hard-breathing body. She kneeled, straddling with her thighs spread wide on either side of Scott Phillips' lean hips, and she could sense his hardened cock pointing directly up at her dildo-tingling pussy slit. She thought of how she'd been this way with him before, and tears of prurient guilt trickled down her cheeks and onto Scott's warm skin.

The eager youth arched his slender buttocks up off the rug and his teacher suddenly quivered in renewed shame as she felt the blunt head of his taut penis sliding once more along the swollen crevice of her vagina. "G-gee, Mrs. Hamilton, will you put me in?" the child asked breathlessly. "You know, like you did with Atilla?"

"Oh Lord, I can't… I just can't!"

"Put it in!" Curtis demanded. "You heard him, Teach!"

"Ohhhhh," the older woman mewled in abject humiliation. Scott beneath her was rubbing his youthful erection impatiently against the soft, moist lips of her hotly pulsing cunt, sending new anal uncontainable sensations racing through her tingling loins. Unable to withstand this additional teasing, Lisa reached between their naked bodies and grasped the anxiously yearning erection in one hand. She pulled it upwards until she could feel the hot, round tip insinuate itself in between the sensitive pussy lips on either side of her vaginal passage.