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Suddenly his tongue lunged forward, snaking up her cunt-hole until she thought it was touching the back of her brain.

"Oh! Ahhhh! Nnnnnggghhh! Harder, harder! More! Harder! More! I got it! I got it! Ohhhh, I'm coming! Coommmiinnggg! Aaaiieeeu!"

His tongue lashed around her hole, sweeping the flushing juices from the walls of her cunt as fast as they formed. And Laura felt the waves of her orgasm sweeping over his tongue, one after another, losing count as she rode the breath-taking roller coaster of lust.

"Mmmmm…" she breathed after squeezing his tongue for the last drop of enjoyment and then letting her body go limp with exhaustion. "You're a good boy, Benny."

"When will you teach me more?" he asked, licking his lips.

"We'll see," she gasped, noting the raw, red area around his mouth where her stiff cunt-hairs had rubbed so hard. "But I think we'd better get out of the school before the cleaning people come in. I'll see you on Monday."

"Yeah," he sighed, getting to his feet and eyeing her body with one last hungry look.

"And don't tell anyone about this," Laura added as he backed towards the door. "If I find out you've told anyone, I won't give you any more lessons."

"Don't worry. I won't tell anybody. They'd only laugh at me anyway. They don't believe nuthin' I tell them."

"You're a good boy," she called to Moose as he rushed out the door. Then Laura struggled to get into her clothes again. She was anxious now to get back to her apartment, to eat, shower and sink her tired body into the soft luxury of her bed.

She couldn't help thinking how brilliant her new system was going to be. The following week she would only have to select a boy and girl from each of her gym classes, she told herself, and the discipline matter would solve itself in no time.

But when she got to the apartment, it seemed terribly quiet and void of life. And she was beginning to dread the evening, meals; cooking and eating all by herself only made the apartment lonelier. Even the television didn't add anything to take her mind off the fact that when she left the school each afternoon, she stepped into a void. It gave her a good idea of what Ben was going through, and she wished she had had the foresight to invite him to her place for dinner.

Since she hadn't thought past her immediate desires when she was with the boy, she forced herself to think about the week ahead, to plan for her photo sessions with Ben and the fun she could have while doing it. She made a mental note to invite him to dinner and decided she should begin carrying her camera to school, too. It would open a vast new form of entertainment, she thought with new enthusiasm. And she knew Art would be particularly interested in the shots she could take in the girl's locker room.


It was the loneliest Friday night Laura had known for a long time. She was obsessed with the thought of Ben's huge cock and how much she wanted it now. When she finally did get to sleep; she dreamt about it burning up her insides and tearing her cunt apart, frustrating her even in her dreams.

Several times during the night she awoke from the fright of the nightmares she was having. She could tell herself the whole idea was ridiculous; that his cock wouldn't stretch her cunt out of shape; that it would only satisfy her like she'd never been satisfied before. But every time she dozed off again, she'd have another nightmare about him. She finally told herself that she would soon put an end to her fear of his cock by seducing it.

She awoke earlier than usual for a Saturday and lounged around the apartment in her robe. The lint thing she did after breakfast was get out her photography equipment and check to see that she had everything she needed for her first sitting. There was a full roll of 36 exposures in her 35-mm camera, she noted, setting the camera on the tripod in the middle of the living-worn floor. Then she plugged in her electronic flash unit, to charge the batteries. The school had a small, but fully equipped darkroom, she recalled, with pangs of excitement churning inside her, making her wish she could get started at once. Her mind was spinning with the thoughts of all the possibilities her hobby offered, in and around the school.

In the middle of making a list of the supplies she would need, the doorbell rang, startling her with its unexpected intrusion. Since it was the first time the chime had been rung, she froze momentarily as though in danger. When she realized what it was, she jumped up to answer the door, but her heart was still pounding with alarm. But she was even more thrilled at the thought of having a guest, hoping on the way that it would be Ben or even Wayne Bryant.

"Edward!" she said with surprise when she saw the boy that had aggravated her since the first day she arrived.

"Can I talk to you, Miss Roberts?" Edward Klinger asked in a soft, nervous voice. It was an unusual, humble approach for the boy Laura considered the most arrogant in the school. "I… I wanted to… errrr… apologize… for what happened," he stammered.

"That's very nice of you, Edward," Laura said, clutching her terrycloth robe at the neck to keep from revealing too much of her naked tits. "I accept your apology. And I apologize for losing my temper, too. I shouldn't have stormed into the locker room the way I did."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," he mumbled, shifting nervously from one foot to the other as he stood outside the door.

"Oh. In that case come in," Laura said, opening the door wide and motioning with a sweep of her arm for him to enter the living room.

Laura guessed his age to be about seventeen. He was a lean boy, she noted, about an inch taller than herself and didn't pose much of a threat. Had he been built like Ben, she wouldn't have invited him in, she told herself. If a boy his size lost his temper, she'd be defenseless against his power and strength.

Laura motioned for him to have a seat in the living room, but he remained standing, with his head bowed as he summoned up the courage to tell her why he had come to talk to her. She sat on the couch, waiting patiently for him to say something, wondering what could be so important that he made this special trip and was so timid.

"I couldn't sleep last night," he said nervously. "There's no need to get upset about what happened at the pool," Laura offered. "It's all over now anyway…"

"That's not the reason I came!" he blurted out. "It's what you said… in the locker room."

"I… don't understand," she said, trying to recall what she had said in her fit of rage, but unable to remember now.

"Well… you said I had a… little… co… pri… you know… little penis!"

"I was very angry," Laura replied. "To tell the truth, I didn't remember what I said until you just mentioned it."

"That's easy for you… you're a girl! But I couldn't sleep last night worrying about it. I've never… you know, done it to a girl. Now I'm afraid when I get the chance… well… suppose she laughs?"

Laura wanted to laugh, but controlled the urge, since she realized the boy was very serious. Once again she had a tingling sensation at the thought of being face-to-face with a virgin male. Aren't girls suppose to prefer experienced men? she asked herself. I do! But for some strange reason these virgins turn me on, too!

"To be perfectly honest," she finally said, "I don't think I even saw your… private parts."

"You don't think?" he shot back. "You're the only girl that's ever seen me naked, and you don't know if you saw it?"

"Calm down, Edward," Laura said softly as the boy paced the floor, working himself into a tantrum.

"Sure… sure… but I came here to find out if there was anything wrong with me. And you can't even remember if you saw it!"

"All right!" Laura snapped back at him. "We'll settle the problem once and for all."

"How?" he asked with a dumbstruck look at. Laura got up from the couch and approached him.