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Nick Eastwood

Teacher_s hot wet panties


Miss Jean Walker's history class was meeting for the first time, the last class of the day at Oakdale High School. Miss Walker was new at the school, and in some ways she was a pleasant surprise to the students. Nobody had expected her to be so sexy looking.

"Jesus!" Wylie Brown exclaimed. "That's a teacher?"

Jean Walker was in her late twenties, a tall statuesque brunette with great legs, pretty face, and large thrusting tits. She looked like she belonged in a centerfold, not a classroom. Wylie and the other boys couldn't take their eyes off her, and the girls envied her terrific figure.

But the class soon discovered that Miss Walker's personality wasn't as pleasant as her appearance. As Wylie whispered a wisecrack to the guy sitting next to him, the beautiful schoolteacher snapped: "No talking in class! That will cost you half an hour after school, young man."

Wylie stared at her, open-mouthed. Oakdale was a pretty easy-going school, and the guys weren't used to strict teachers.

But as the hour moved on, they learned that Miss Walker meant business. She demanded perfect behavior from her students, and she didn't hesitate to hand out penalties. Wylie and the others quickly concluded that the class was going to be a colossal pain in the ass.

Jean Walker could see the hostility in the students' faces, and she realized she'd gotten off to a poor start with them. But she'd never taught in public school before, and she didn't know the ropes. Up to now, she'd taught only in all-girl schools. She didn't like being around males and never had.

Men, her widowed mother had warned her over and over again, wanted only one thing – and that thing was something that nice girls didn't even discuss.

Now Jean could barely conceal her distaste as she studied the boys in her class. For some reason her eyes kept moving to their crotches, to those mysterious cock-bulges. Of course, she'd read all about sex and knew what a cock was, but she'd never seen a real live cock. Not that she wanted to. Sex and men didn't interest her at all.

Still, she had to fight that maddening urge to stare at the boys' cock-bulges. She couldn't understand what was the matter with her. She'd just never been around males very much, so maybe it was natural curiosity. Long ago, when she was just a little girl, Jean had vowed never to marry, never to even let a man touch her.

One of the boys in the class, Wylie, was especially disturbing to her. He kept brazenly looking her over, his gaze traveling up and down her body. Jean felt like he was stripping her naked, and she reddened whenever he caught her eye. He was a tall, lean guy with a thin mustache, somehow menacing-looking. She didn't like him at all.

The feeling was mutual. As the class went on, Wylie got more and more pissed off at the gorgeous but stem new teacher.

At last, he leaned close to his buddy, Terry, and whispered: "This bitch needs to be put in her place."

Terry, who'd also been given half an hour's detention for talking, nodded grimly. "Got any ideas?" he whispered back.

Wylie grinned. "Yeah," he replied, "I'd like to screw her in front of the whole class."

Another buddy, Vince, was listening, and the three of them broke into snickers.

Blushing with anger, Jean whirled on them and announced: "All right, you boys, that'll be a whole hour after school for each of you. You're going to learn not to talk in class."

"Yes, teacher," Wylie snickered.

Jean was glad to see the class coming to an end. It was clear that she wasn't going to win any popularity contests at Oakdale High. She wished now that she hadn't taken the job. But the girls' schools didn't, pay much, and she needed more money, or so she'd thought at the time. Now she wondered if that little bit of extra money was going to be worth the hassle.

"Class dismissed," she sighed at last.

"Just a minute, everybody," Wylie said, standing up. "My buddies and I wanta entertain you, and Miss Walker is gonna be part of our act. You're gonna love this, I promise. Vince, lock the door."

"Now, wait!" Jean sputtered. "Just what is going on here? I said the class is dismissed."

Nobody moved, and nobody answered her. All eyes were focused on the pretty brunette, and some of the guys were starting to grin. They knew something Jean didn't know. Suddenly she felt alarmed. Vince locked the classroom door, and then he and Terry and Wylie started toward her, grinning like maniacs.

Jean started walking towards the door, her only thought being to get away from those menacing-looking teenaged boys. But she didn't get very far. Wylie sprang forward and caught her wrist, holding it painfully tight. She couldn't move without it hurting. Suddenly Jean knew she was in real trouble.

"Let go of me, Wylie," she hissed. "You'll be sorry for this."

"Aw, I don't think so, teacher," he said, leering. "You're the one that's gonna be sorry. We don't like your snooty ways, so you're gonna get punished. Get over here, in front of your desk."

He dragged her to her desk at the front of the room. Now every guy in the class was grinning and eager. Jean realized just how much she'd alienated them with her strictness. Now she was going to pay, but now? She hated to think what mortifying scheme Wylie and his buddies had concocted.

"Okay, teacher – strip," Wylie ordered.

The guys clapped and cheered, while Jean turned red as a beet.

"You're insane!" she exclaimed. "No way in the world am I going to do that."

"Okay, then we'll do it for you," Wylie growled. "Hold her, you guys."

Vince and Terry moved in to restrain her by the arms. Jean struggled violently, but even though she was a tall girl and in good shape, she was no match for the husky teenaged males. They held her in place while Wylie started unbuttoning her blouse. The guys were on the edge of their seats as they watched.

"Oh, no, please," Jean moaned. "Don't do this to me, Wylie."

"Quit begging, bitch," he spat. "It ain't gonna help you any. It's too late for that. You're gonna find put what we do to teachers we don't like."

Jean went on blushing furiously as he opened her blouse and drew it off. She was dressed modestly, as always, wearing a plain white silky slip under her blouse and tweed skirt. The skirt went next, and then Wylie reached up under her slip and tugged down her pantyhose. Jean wanted to fall through the floor.

"Please don't," she moaned. "I know I got off on the wrong foot with all of you, but that can change."

"You better believe it's gonna change, bitch!" Wylie spat. "You're gonna be a different person when we get through with you."

He reached for the hem of her slip and raised the garment off over her head. She stood before the entire leering class in just her lacy bra and panties, and she wanted to die of embarrassment. Nobody had ever seen her like that before. She'd been raised so modestly and primly that she didn't even undress in front of her mother. Now the students' whistles and cheers were mortifying to her.

Her large firm tits looked ready to overflow her little bra. The panties weren't her usual style, but a bikini cut that she'd grabbed off a sales table when she was in a hurry. They were revealingly skimpy. Wylie stood back to look her over, his dark eyes moving hungrily up and down her body.

"Nice," he breathed, "real nice. You may be a bitch, Miss Walker, but you're sure built."

"Wylie, you're going to be expelled from school for this," Jean said grimly. "You and the entire class. You'd better stop right now. If you do, I won't say anything."

"Why, that's real generous of you, teacher," Wylie said sarcastically. "Let's take a vote on that. Class, would you rather quit now, or see Miss Walker without any clothes?"

The vote was unanimous.

Wylie reached around Jean and unhooked her bra. She sobbed with embarrassment as he drew it off, revealing her large melon-shaped tits and big conical nipples. The guys were cheering and stomping now. Wylie dropped her bra on the desk and stood back to ogle her naked tits.