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4. Strong Superhumanity and the Best We Can Ask For

Suppose we could tailor the Singularity. Suppose we could attain our most extravagant hopes. What then would we ask for? That humans themselves would become their own successors, that whatever injustice occurred would be tempered by our knowledge of our roots. For those who remained unaltered, the goal would be benign treatment (perhaps even giving the stay-behinds the appearance of being masters of godlike slaves). It could be a golden age that also involved progress (leaping Stent’s barrier). Immortality (or at least a lifetime as long as we can make the universe survive) would be achievable.

But in this brightest and kindest world, the philosophical problems themselves become intimidating. A mind that stays at the same capacity cannot live forever; after a few thousand years it would look more like a repeating tape loop than a person. To live indefinitely long, the mind itself must grow … and when it becomes great enough, and looks back … what fellow-feeling can it have with the soul that it was originally? The later being would be everything the original was, but vastly more. And so even for the individual, the Cairns-Smith or Lynn Margulis notion of new life growing incrementally out of the old must still be valid.

This “problem” about immortality comes up in much more direct ways. The notion of ego and self-awareness has been the bedrock of the hardheaded rationalism of the last few centuries. Yet now the notion of self-awareness is under attack from the artificial intelligence people. Intelligence Amplification undercuts our concept of ego from another direction. The post-Singularity world will involve extremely high-bandwidth networking. A central feature of strongly superhuman entities will likely be their ability to communicate at variable bandwidths, including ones far higher than speech or written messages. What happens when pieces of ego can be copied and merged, when self-awareness can grow or shrink to fit the nature of the problems under consideration? These are essential features of strong superhumanity and the Singularity. Thinking about them, one begins to feel how essentially strange and different the Posthuman era will be — no matter how cleverly and benignly it is brought to be.

From one angle, the vision fits many of our happiest dreams: a time unending, where we can truly know one another and understand the deepest mysteries. From another angle, it’s a lot like the worst-case scenario I imagined earlier.

In fact, I think the new era is simply too different to fit into the classical frame of good and evil. That frame is based on the idea of isolated, immutable minds connected by tenuous, low-bandwith links. But the post-Singularity world does fit with the larger tradition of change and

cooperation that started long ago (perhaps even before the rise of biological life). I think certain notions of ethics would apply in such an era. Research into IA and high-bandwidth communications should improve this understanding. I see just the glimmerings of this now; perhaps there are rules for distinguishing self from others on the basis of bandwidth of connection. And while mind and self will be vastly more labile than in the past, much of what we value (knowledge, memory, thought) need never be lost. I think Freeman Dyson has it right when he says, “God is what mind becomes when it has passed beyond the scale of our comprehension.“ [12]

1. Ulam, S., “Tribute to John von Neumann,” Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 64. no. 3, May 1958, pp. 1-49.

2. Good, I. J., “Speculations Concerning the First Ultraintelligent Machine,” in Advances in Computers, vol 6, Franz L. Alt and Morris Rubinoff, eds., 31-88, 1965, Academic Press.

3. Penrose, Roger, The Emperor’s New Mind, Oxford University Press, 1989.

4. Searle, John R., “Minds, Brains, and Programs,” in The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 3, Cambridge University Press, 1980.

5. Moravec, Hans, Mind Children, Harvard University Press, 1988.

6. Stent, Gunther S., The Coming of the Golden Age: A View of the End of Progress, The Natural History Press, 1969.

7. Drexler, K. Eric, Engines of Creation, Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1986.

8. Minsky, Marvin, Society of Mind, Simon and Schuster, 1985.

9. Cairns-Smith, A. G., Seven Clues to the Origin of Life, Cambridge University Press, 1985.

10. Margulis, Lynn and Dorian Sagan, Microcosmoss: Four Billion Years of Evolution From Our Microbial Ancestors, Summit Books, 1986.

11. Sims, Karl, “Interactive Evolution of Dynamical Systems,” Thinking Machines Corporation, Technical Report Series (published in Toward a Practice of Autonomous Systems: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Artificial Life, Paris, MIT Press, December 1991.

12. Dyson, Freeman, Infinite in All Directions, Harper & Row, 1988.

Other Sources

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Barrow, John D. and Frank J. Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Oxford University Press, 1986.

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Vinge, Vernor, “True Names,” Binary Star Number 5, Dell, 1981.

Vinge, Vernor, “First Word,” Omni, January 1983, 10.


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