gray knit cotton shirt:
remove wine stain from rt sleeve.
I stared out of the window onto streets I couldn't see and thought about castles. It was night and I was home, and while I didn't mind sitting in a flat looking at a street I couldn't see, I thought I might rather sit in a castle and look at a courtyard I couldn't see.
My wife, Cawti, sat next to me, her eyes closed, thinking about something or other. I sipped from a glass of a red wine that was too sweet. On top of a tall buffet was perched Loiosh, my jhereg familiar. Next to him was Rocza, his mate. Your basic conjugal scene.
I cleared my throat and said, "I visited an oracle last week."
She turned and stared at me. "You? Visiting an oracle? What's the world coming to? About what?"
I answered her last question. "About what would happen if I took all that money and plowed it into the business."
"Ah! That again. I suppose he told you something vague and mystical, like you'll be dead in a week if you try."
"Not exactly." I told her about the visit. Her face lost its bantering look. I like her bantering look. But then, I like most of her looks.
"What do you make of it?" she said when I was finished.
"I don't know. You take that stuff more seriously than I do; what do you make of it?"
She chewed her lower lip for a while. Around then Loiosh and Rocza left the buffet and flew off down the hall, into a small alcove that was reserved for their privacy. It gave me ideas which I suppressed, because I dislike having my actions suggested to me by a flying reptile.
Finally, Cawti said, "I don't know, Vladimir. We'll have to wait and see, I guess."
"Yeah. Just something more to worry about. It's not as if we don't have enough—"
There was a thumping sound, as if someone were hitting the door with a blunt object. Cawti and I were up at almost the same instant, myself with a dagger, she with a pair of them. The wine glass I'd been holding dropped to the floor and I shook droplets off my hand. We looked at each other and waited. The thumping sound was repeated. Loiosh came tearing out of the alcove and came to rest on my shoulder, Rocza behind him, complaining loudly. I started to tell him to shut her up, but Loiosh must have because she became quiet. I knew this couldn't be a Jhereg attack, because the Organization doesn't bother you at home, but I had made more than one enemy outside of the Jhereg.
We moved toward the door. I stood on the side that would open, Cawti stood directly in front of it. I took a deep breath, let it out, and put my hand on the handle. Loiosh tensed. Cawti nodded. A voice from the other side said, "Hello? Is anyone there?"
I stopped.
Cawti's brows came together. She called out tentatively, "Gregory?"
The voice came back. "Yeah. Is that you, Cawti?"
She said, "Yes."
I said, "What the—?"
"It's all right," she said, but her voice lacked certainty and she didn't sheath her daggers.
I blinked a couple of times. Then it occurred to me that Gregory was an Eastern name. It was the Eastern custom to strike someone's door with your fist if you wanted to announce yourself. "Oh," I said. I relaxed a bit. I called out, "Come in."
A man, as human as I, started to enter, saw us, and stopped. He was small, middle-aged, about half bald, and startled. I suppose walking through a doorway to find three weapons pointing at you would be enough to startle anyone who wasn't used to it.
I smiled. "Come on in, Gregory," I said, still holding my dagger at his chest. "Drink?"
"Vladimir," said Cawti, I suppose hearing the edge in my voice. Gregory didn't move and didn't say anything.
"It's all right, Vladimir." Cawti told me directly.
"With whom?" I asked her, but I made my blade vanish and stood aside. Gregory stepped past me a bit gingerly, but not handling himself too badly, all things considered.
"I don't like him, boss," said Loiosh.
"Why not?"
"He's an Easterner; he ought to have a beard."
I didn't answer because I sort of agreed; facial hair is one of the things that sets us apart from Dragaerans, which was why I grew a mustache. I tried to grow a beard once, but Cawti threatened to shave it off with a rusty dagger after her second set of whisker burns.
Gregory was shown to a cushion, sitting down in a way that made me realize that he was prematurely balding rather than middle-aged. Cawti, weapons also gone, sat on the couch. I brought out some wine, did a little cooling spell, and poured us each a glass. Gregory nodded his thanks and sipped. I sat down next to Cawti.
"All right," I said. "Who are you?"
Cawti said, "Vlad…" Then she sighed. "Vladimir, this is Gregory. Gregory: my husband, the Baronet of Taltos."
I saw perhaps the faintest of curl to his lip when she recited my title, and took an even stronger dislike to him. I can sneer at Jhereg titles; that doesn't mean anyone else can sneer at mine.
I said, "Okay. We all know each other. Now, who are you, and what are you doing trying to knock down my door?"
His eyes flicked from Loiosh, perched on my right shoulder, to my face, to the cut of my clothes. I felt like I was being examined. This did nothing to improve my temper. I glanced over at Cawti. She bit her lip. She could tell I was becoming unhappy.
"Vladimir," she said.
"Gregory is a friend of mine. I met him while visiting your grandfather a few weeks ago."
"Go on."
She shifted uncomfortably. "There's a lot more to tell. I'd like to find out what he wants first, if I may."
There was just the least bit of an edge to her voice, so I backed off.
"Should I take a walk?"
"Dunno. But thanks for asking. Kiss."
I looked at him and waited. He said, "Which question do you want me to answer first?"
"Why don't you have a beard?"
Loiosh hissed a laugh. "Never mind," I said. "What do you want here?"
He looked back and forth between Cawti and me, then fixed his glance on her and said, "Franz was killed yesterday evening."
I glanced at my wife to see what effect this was having on her. Her eyes had widened slightly. I held my tongue.
After a pair of breaths, Cawti said, "Tell me about it."
Gregory had the nerve to glance significantly in my direction. It almost got him hurt. He must have decided that I was all right, though, because he said, "He was standing at the door of the hall we'd rented, checking people, when someone just walked up to him and cut his throat. I heard the commotion and ran down, but whoever it was had vanished by the time I got there."
"Did anyone see him?"
"Not well. It was a Dragaeran though. They all-you-never mind. He was wearing black and gray."
"Sounds professional," I remarked, and Gregory looked at me in a way that you ought never to look at someone unless you are holding a blade at his throat. It was becoming difficult to let these things pass.
Cawti glanced at me quickly, then stood up. "All right, Gregory," she said. "I'll speak to you later."
He looked startled, and opened his mouth to say something, but Cawti gave him one of those looks she gives me when I carry a joke too far. She saw him to the door. I didn't stand up.
"All right," I said when she came back. "Tell me about it."
She studied me for a moment, as if looking at me for the first time. I knew enough not to say anything. Presently she said, "Let's take a walk."
There was no time in my life up to that point when I was as filled with so many strong, conflicting emotions as when we returned from that walk. No one, including Loiosh, had spoken during the last ten minutes, when I had run out of sarcastic questions and removed Cawti's need for terse, biting answers. Loiosh rhythmically squeezed alternate talons on my right shoulder, and I was subliminally aware of this and comforted by it. Rocza, who sometimes flies over our heads, sometimes rests on my other shoulder, and sometimes rests on Cawti's, was doing the last. The Adrilankhan air was cutting, and the endless lights of the city cast battling shadows before our feet as I found and opened the door to the flat.