Both of Penny's hands squeezed his arm and she pressed her soft cheek against his shoulder. "I'm so glad you took that walk. Maybe we were just supposed to meet this afternoon!"
She explained that this was the week that the teachers held annual meetings and seminars, to prepare themselves for the remaining term. Like Brad, Penny's vacation officially started on the following Monday. Including today, she now had eight days in which she didn't have to study or attend classes.
Joyously she threw her arms into the air. "So there's nothing to do for more than a week," she exclaimed, "except fuck, fuck, fuck!"
Before Brad could reply Penny had whipped off her dress. Clutching it in one hand she stood with her legs spread far apart and her arms extended out from her sides.
Her eyes shone brightly. The strands of hair streamed down her back and shoulders, glinting richly in the waning sunlight. With her hips shoved forward her pussy was a protruding golden mound, and her hard breasts with the erect nipples jutted proudly from her chest.
"I feel wonderful!" Penny shrieked.
Brad whipped his head from side to side, looking to see whether anyone had caught sight of him and the naked blonde. He saw no one in the surrounding countryside.
"Put your dress back on, Penny!"
Her laughter was like the tinkling of a bell. "You'll have to make me do it! Catch me first!"
Already she was sprinting towards the house, her hair streaming out behind her. Brad raced after the naked girl, but he was unable to gain on her. Far ahead of him he saw her fling open the front door of the house and disappear inside.
He continued to jog now, wondering whether he really should have invited her to the Warren house. If she ripped off her dress and ran naked across the countryside in daylight, he didn't know what to expect from her from now on.
He called out her name as he approached the house. She didn't answer. He slowed to a walk, went up to the open doorway and stepped inside.
"Penny? Where are you?"
He closed the front door behind him and locked it from the inside, just to be sure that no one would enter and find him here with this wild and lusty girl. She hadn't answered his calls; it was obvious she was hiding from him.
He moved slowly through the house. She wasn't in the front room or the kitchen. He checked the bedrooms and a couple of closets but she wasn't there. The bathrooms were empty.
For a few minutes Brad stood in the hallway, becoming aware of his rising anger and frustration. Maybe she'd gone through the house and immediately slipped out the back door again. At this moment she was probably on her way back to her school, leaving him excited and aroused. Idly his hand moved down to his crotch.
Under the tightly stretched cloth he felt the outline of his cock, a hot and hard lump that was decreasing in size and cooling off because Penny had suddenly vanished. While he gently rubbed the bulge he felt his fresh arousal, the sensations feeling much better under his massaging.
Softly he cursed under his breath, the words revealing his disappointment and frustration. While they'd been walking towards the house he'd been imagining how it would be when he and Penny arrived. Visions of her hard, jutting tits and her juicy, swollen cunt had flickered in front of his eyes, and he'd imagined the hot softness of her nakedness against him, the scent of her musky pussy mixed with the freshness of the clean air.
Brad's glance had settled on the door that led down to the basement. Maybe Penny hadn't run out on him after all. If there was one place left in the entire house where she could be hiding it would have to be in the basement.
He walked down the hallway and opened the door. Looking downward he saw that the wooden stairway was illuminated by the overhead light. He distinctly remembered having turned out the basement light when he'd arrived and made his initial inspection of the entire house.
Penny had to be hiding in the basement.
Immediately he became aware of the heat flaring up in his groin. His cock, hard and throbbing, began to ache as it levered against his shorts. Brad grinned and momentarily stopped his descent. He unfastened his shorts and slipped them off his legs.
Completely naked, the way Penny must have been when she came down the stairway, Brad slowly began to descend the steps.
Penny stood in the small, unlighted spare bedroom in the basement. She peeked out through the crack of the partially opened door and watched Brad's bare feet stopping briefly on the top step of the basement stairway. She been waiting for him in the large and only other room of the basement, and she'd heard him calling out to her when he'd entered the house. After that she'd listened to his footsteps overhead, her pulse beating fast because she wanted him to come down and find her.
For several minutes then she'd heard no sound overhead. When he'd finally opened the door that lead down to the basement she'd slipped into the small, darkened room and hid behind the door.
Now she became aware of the rapid beating of her heart as she watched Brad lift one foot, then the other. He stepped out of his shorts and dropped them on the steps. Then he started down the stairway. Slowly more and more of his bare legs came into view. When Penny was able to see his nakedness to the waist, heat prickled her skin, and the crumpled dress slipped from her hand.
With her eye pressed to the crack of the door her glance feasted on his crotch. With each step his hairy balls swung back and forth like a heavy sack. His cock was magnificent, erect and stiff; it angled from his crotch like a piece of red, gnarled wood. Because she'd been breathing open-mouthed, her lips were dry. The tip of her tongue moistened the parched surfaces. She realized that her lips were puffed and sensitive and that honey clogged her glowing pussy.
She continued to watch him descending the steps while her hands roved over her hot and tingling body. The touch of her fingers brushing across the tips of her rigid nipples sent streaks of ecstasy down her belly. Her hands followed the route of the fantastic sensations until her fingertips found the pulsating lips of her pussy. She stared hungrily through the door's crack as the touches of her stroking fingers radiated joyous sensations through her thighs.
While Brad moved slowly through the main room, looking for her, Penny's roving fingers gently caressed the swollen, aching bud of her clitoris. Ecstatic bolts crackled through her pelvis. She stifled an agonizing whimper because of the sweet pain in her distended breasts.
What was taking him so long to find her, Penny wondered.
The breath gusted out through her parted lips. She saw him glance towards the door which concealed her. Penny slid the tip of her middle finger into the honeyed opening of her pussy. For a moment she relished the ripples of passion that streamed through her pelvis. Then she moved to the right. She framed herself in the doorway, and Brad's hot glance savored her nakedness.
Huskily he said, "Oh, there you are."
She nodded. Her uplifted arms slid around his neck. She felt no control over her aroused body. It moved forward and willowed against the front of him. Like a thick candle his upright hardness was wedged against her moist belly. She felt the length and thickness of his wonderful erection. Heated beads of juice bubbled out of the end of his staff while her lips responded lustily to his passionate kisses.
She rolled her shoulders and shoved her chest forward. Delicious pain lanced through her breasts as they became cushioned between their writhing bodies. The swollen, sensitive nipples were being mauled by the coarse hair on his chest. His fingers pinched and massaged her quivering buttocks.
Penny ripped her mouth from his. "Fuck-fuck-fuck me," she panted.