Minutes seemed to go by in the utter silence as the rubber dildo was pressed into its sexual nest. But, finally, the job was done. The whole of one end of the penis had been rammed into the cunt, right up to the knob that separated the two. Massively, the full-fleshed labia seemed to glue themselves around that thickened knob.
"Now, this is the gimmick," said Claudine, passion exuding from her. "In this thick part – the part that separates the pricks, as it were – there's a sort of universal joint. You can bend it any and every way you like. See? I can lie with it in my cunt, and the other prick sticking straight up. That way, I can fantasy I'm a man, tossing myself off like a man would. Like this."
And she grasped the penis protruding from her cunt which, in the perfection of its coloration, seemed to have become a living and throbbing part of her, a kind of man's prick devoid only of its scrotum of balls. And, as if she were a man accustomed to masturbating every day of his life, Claudine held the massive erection and gave it a few vicious rubs.
"You can also roll over with it inside you," she said – and then sitting up – "or you can even walk about with it."
She got up and paraded about the bedroom with that fantastic penis jutting down and outwards from her cunt, holding it proudly in one hand as if for all the world she had suddenly sprouted an erected tool of her own.
It was the most incongruously beautiful sight Louise had ever seen. She sucked in her breath at the sight of Claudine's perfect body with the magnificent pride of erection she was carrying exactly as if she were a man.
"Then, of course, the beauty of the whole thing is," said Claudine, falling upon her back on the bed, "you use it for mutual fucking. Come down on me, let me show you."
She reached out for Louise who, naked and ready, came into her inviting arms. Straddling Claudine. Louise presented her still-bruised twat to the jutting rubber penis that, by this time, even had the body temperature of a man's organ. In her squatting, the cunt lips parted greedily, and the helmeted tool slid squelchingly into the gaping twat.
Feeling it bore its way up her vagina, Louise shuddered. She extended her legs carefully, for the penetration was a mighty one. Then she lay, thigh to thigh, belly to belly, tit squashed against tit, on top of Claudine. The two bodies were joined only at their cunts on Claudine's queer engine of copulation.
"Now move," commanded Claudine. "Fuck me. Go through the motions. Any motions."
Entranced, Louise obeyed. She had the vague impression that if she rose for the down-thrust, the rubber cock would de-cunt itself from one or the other of them. But, with agonized delight, she found it did not. Claudine made just the compensatory movements and, arching her neck downward so that she could see what was happening in their mutual crotches, she found that both cunts had pulled back halfway down the shafts separated by the swollen knob. Then, as she thrust forwards as would a man, she saw both twats squelching toward the center of the penile columns again.
"It's fabulous," said Louise.
"Now roll over on your side."
Louise did as she was bid, fearing that the dildo would tear out of her twat. But her fears were needles. Beneath her, Claudine rolled slowly and the delicious engine of lust remained where it was connecting the two cunts.
"See?" smiled Claudine, poking a few playful but furious strokes into Louise. "You just don't disconnect. You can even walk about together without de-cunting. Let me show you."
The maneuver of getting off the bed was tricky, but Claudine accomplished it.
Guts to guts, then, the two women stood up. Breast swished into and against breast, nipples rubbing together. Humming, Claudine clasped Louise nakedly to her in an attitude of dancing, and the two women tangoed a turn around the bed. The sensation Louise felt was quite unworldly, something she could never quite have described in all its sheer delight.
"Oh, darling, darling Claudine!" she enthused, in adoration. "How can I thank you? This is out of this world, it's the most heavenly and wonderful thing that's ever happened to me!"
Still double-cocked together, Claudine guided her partner to the bedside, and gently applied the pressure that would take the straining pair of nude bodies to the rest and relaxation, once more, of her bed.
Uninhibited now, with the reverence due to some sacrament, Louise clasped Claudine's body to her own. Gently but firmly, she sought Claudine's yielding lips and poured out her love and rapture in an open-mouthed, tongue-sucking kiss.
"My darling one," she murmured. "My darling beloved Claudine."
Claudine expertly returned the love that was being demanded of her. She knew by libertine instinct what was happening! She knew that the moment of conversion was upon the superb Louise. Fiercely then, she kissed back, pausing only to allow her partner to give vent to the whisper of great passion welling out of her. And, always imperceptibly, she kept up the fucking, the perverted fornication that was giving her as much pleasure as it was titillating Louise.
"Don't leave me, Claudine," Louise was pleading in an impassioned whisper. "Be with me always. We could be so happy together, Claudine darling, you and I, only you and I, my darling one."
Generously giving of her vagina, of the contact of her skin, of her brown nipples, Louise did not notice how, in the strangeness of their lesbian embrace, she forebore this time from all obscenity. She, who in the moment of greatest passion had heretofore screamed filth and desecration, was now tender and imploring with the woman who bestrode her.
But Claudine knew.
With infinite skill, she fucked away in Louise loins, bringing steadily onwards the climax that she knew was only as near as her own. And she responded magnificently to the outpouring of love from Louise. Mounting her, now supporting herself as does a man, on straightened arms, so that their bodies could draw completely apart, she would alternate with fierce periods of fornication, in which she allowed no air at all to come between their two cunts, each clutching greedily at its vagina fun of rubberized penis.
For an hour, perhaps, the strange lesbian ritual continued. Never once did the joining penis escape from the grip of the two women, silent and striving in their orgy of sex. And their aching cunts lubricated that rod as never occurred so fully between man and woman. Desperately each strove to satisfy the other. First they would fire short burst at each other. Then they would laze, for long moments in the lasciviousness of prolonged bouts of slow nerve-searing copulation.
But finally their outraged twats could take the punishment no longer. They could feel it. They could sense the greater purpose in their striving. They felt the more demanding attacks each was making upon the other with that magnificent dildo joining them at their pubic hair. Their hands were more urgent upon each other's body. Their kissing was more angry, more insistent. Their fucking was fiercer and, in the long succession of unendurable moments, their coming was upon them!
It was a climax like none Louise had ever known before. She wanted the bliss of it to last forever. Yet she wanted to yield to it much more than she wanted to receive from it. She arched into the woman who bestrode her so skillfully. She drew that sweet body, in some instinctive maternal rite, deep down upon her, till she felt she would flow, body and soul, deep inside Claudine.
She took and she gave. And all the while she cried tears of passion, murmuring her sweet endearments into the receptive ears of Claudine.
Claudine, for her part, was all sweet experience. She knew instinctively that the conquest was now complete. Louise had become a lesbian. Not that thus would render her love for men any the less strong. After all even she, Claudine, had never suffered in that respect. But from that moment onwards, Louise would never cease her search for some woman to love, as well as her men. Claudine knew it. The perverted cult of lesbos – had a new devotee.