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He slammed his cock deep in her throat and then his cock-head exploded in a geyser of hot, thick liquid. She was forced to swallow it and to swallow the spurts after that. She gagged at first, but then she found the rhythm of his spurting.

He didn't release her head until every drop had emptied down her throat. He released her head and wiped his fat cock with a handful of her blonde hair.

"Pretty good cocksucker," he said. "Your turn, Alan."

Marilyn had forgotten about the other officer. Alan came close to her and he lifted her up by her hair. He dragged her to the police car and pushed her into the back seat.

"Spread your legs, bitch," he said. "Because I'm going to have some of your cunt."

The young officer didn't bother to undress either. He unzipped his trousers and pulled out his long, thick pole. He was on top of her almost before Marilyn got a chance to catch her breath.

He slammed his pole into her and she felt it go deeper than any cock had ever gone. He was long but he wasn't very thick. He fucked like a little boy, panting and gasping, as he smashed his savage sword into her.

"Move your ass," he said. "Move your fucking ass!"

It was almost impossible to move in the back seat but she tried. It didn't take very much movement to make him come. She heard him grunt and then his pole erupted in a wad of thick jism.

He was finished almost before he had gotten started. He caressed her titty and then got out of the car. He wiped his cock on her panties, which he still had in his fingers.

"How was she?" Officer Drew asked.

"Good," he said. "Fucking tight."

"It's getting late," Officer Drew said. "Let's take her home."

They allowed her to get dressed and then the young blond officer drove her home. He allowed her to get out just before her house so that none of the neighbors would notice her being taken home in a police car.

"I'll see you again," the young officer promised.

Marilyn shivered. She hoped not. God, she hoped not.


Danny cornered Marilyn the next day at school. "Get away from me," Marilyn said.

"God, I'm sorry, Marilyn," he said. "I really am. But there was nothing I could do."

"You could have done something," Marilyn said.

"What?" he said. "There was nothing I could do. I'd end up like Billy. He still doesn't feel well today. That bastard kicked him in the balls."

Marilyn softened a little. It was true that Danny couldn't do anything. She had wanted to blame what happened on Danny, but it was as much her fault as Danny's. After all, nobody had made her get into the car.

"I'm sorry, Danny," she said. "I just wanted to have someone to blame."

"What did they do to you after we left?" Danny asked.

"I don't want to talk about that," Marilyn said.

At that moment Leslie walked by. She gave Marilyn and Danny a little thin smile.

"Hi, Marilyn," Leslie said. "Are you and Danny having fun? I heard you've been having a lot of fun lately."

Marilyn blushed red. So Leslie knew. Marilyn wondered how much Leslie knew. Had her father actually told her anything about the night before or had Leslie just been hearing rumors.

Marilyn suddenly felt very alone. Danny seemed to realize it as he put his strong arm around her shoulders. Leslie gave them a smile and walked away.

"That bitch," Danny said fiercely.

Marilyn pressed herself closer to his body. He felt warm and reassuring. Suddenly she felt a hot tingle between her thighs and she knew she wanted to take Danny somewhere and fuck him. "Danny," she said. "I need you." He looked at her in surprise. "You what?" he asked.

"I need you," she said. "I feel so lonely and mad. I need you. Is there someplace we could go?"

Danny didn't answer. Instead he took her elbow and started guiding her toward the stairs. They went down the stairs, past the last set of classrooms, into the old part of the building. This part of the building was to be torn down and new walls put up. It was old and dangerous and nobody was allowed into it.

Danny seemed to know where he was going. He guided her into a classroom and Marilyn gasped in surprise. It was the old English room, but there had been someone living there. There were a few empty beer cans and a dirty mattress.

"It's not fancy," Danny said. "I discovered it a few days ago. Some hippies had been living in this part of the school. Now the door has been double-locked and they can't get back in."

"Amazing," Marilyn said. "I didn't think anyone could live in a school and not be found out."

"You know how it is," Danny said. "Nobody ever comes back here."

"Nobody?" Marilyn questioned.

"Nobody," he said.

"Then we can do anything we like?" she asked. "Anything," he said.

"Then first I want to suck your cock," she said. "Goddamn," Danny said.

She took his hand and led him over to the mattress. He sat down and she sat down beside him. Quickly she unzipped his zipper and reached inside for his cock.

She didn't know why she had this sudden urge to have his cock in her mouth. All she understood was that she wanted the feeling of being able to satisfy Danny. Of being able to make him happy, and of being able to draw his hot soul into her mouth.

His prick was limp and she wrapped her fingers around him and slowly massaged him to hardness. It was easy. His young cock stood up sturdy and proud in just a few seconds.

"Oh, Danny," she said.

She bent her head and touched the tip of her tongue to his tiny hole. He groaned as her red rough tongue flicked all over the head of his cock.

"I love to suck your cock, Danny," she said. "You have a sweet cock."

She realized that she had told the truth. She did want to suck Danny's cock. He didn't taste like the two other cocks she'd been forced to suck.

She ran her tongue all over his thick cock, covering him with her saliva. She licked his balls and sucked each of them into her mouth.

It was a new experience for her. She liked the way that Danny moaned and groaned as she worked on his balls. She couldn't get enough of him and she raised her head.

"Take your trousers and shorts off," she said. "Hurry up."

Danny was willing. He didn't take them all the way off, but he pulled his pants and shorts down to his knees. His stiff rod sprang up proudly. She bent her head again and licked him. She licked lower than before, almost running her tongue to his anus.

"Turn over," she said.

He turned. She didn't know exactly what she was doing, but she knew that she wanted to kiss him all over. She wanted to cover him with her tongue.

She ran her tongue down his spine to the crack of his ass. She didn't stop. She ran her tongue into his crack and then pushed her tongue at his anus. "Oh God, Marilyn," he groaned.

She kept licking at him until he raised his hips to meet every stroke of her tongue. She lifted up and quickly stripped out of her clothes. She wanted to feel naked against him. He was curious about what she was doing, but he didn't turn his head. He groaned when he felt her naked titties rubbing his back.

She rubbed her naked titties all over the back of his legs. She was hot between her legs but first she wanted him to come in her mouth. She needed him to come in her mouth.

She tugged at him so that he turned back over and she bent her head to his nipples. She teased his nipples with her tongue and then she pushed her head lower. She was once more between his legs and she opened her mouth and took his long rod deep in her throat.

"God," he moaned. "O God Marilyn!"

She made loud sucking noises as she went up and down on his stiff cock. As she sucked him, her tongue also worked on his rod. He was moaning and his hips were bucking and she knew it wouldn't be long before he came.