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She hurried her movements, her lips going up and down on him so fast that it seemed she would bum him up. He yelled that he was coming and she went down on him so deep she could feel his cock against the back of her throat.

His jism splashed against the back of her throat. She reached for his balls and fondled them, urging even more of the thick white cum into her mouth.

She swallowed every drop, and when he have his last spurt she sucked more out of him. She got all she could out of the head of his cock and then she used her tongue on his rod again, licking his cock up and down.

"Oh Jesus, Marilyn," he said. "What you just did to me!"

"Did you like it?" she asked.

"Did I like it?" he questioned. "My God, that was fantastic."

"I'm glad," she said. "Now you just lay back. When you get hard again I'm going to fuck you!"

"My God," he said.

He leaned back and closed his eyes while Marilyn went to work on his prick once more. She licked him all over with her tongue and she teased him with her fingers. He was young and it wasn't long before his cock began to stiffen.

She went to work on him harder and she had him growing. She slipped his prick back into her mouth and she sucked hard until he grew to his full hardness.

She released his prick and she climbed on top of him. This was a way she had read about in books and now she wanted to try it. She rubbed her titties up and down the front of his body, even capturing his prick between her large titties and rubbing.

"God," he said. "Oh fuck!"

She came back up his body and pressed her right nipple into his mouth. He obediently opened his mouth and took her nipple in. He chewed on it and then opened wider and took in more of her big titty.

It was her turn to moan as he savagely chewed on her titty. She pushed her tit farther and farther into his mouth. He greedily accepted all she gave him.

"Oh, baby," she said. "That feels good."

She pulled her titty from his mouth and slowly moved up his body until her cunt was poised before his face. She didn't know how he would react until she felt his tongue going through her pubic hairs and licking at the lips of her cunt.

She slowly lowered herself onto his face, feeling his hot tongue go up into her cunt, sucking at her already juicy pussy.

"My clit," she begged him. "Suck my clit!"

He found her clit with his tongue and drew it into his mouth. He sucked and teased it until she was burning hot. She wanted to come, but she wanted to come with his big cock inside of her. She moved down his body again and found his cock. She sucked it into her mouth once more until he was good and hard. Then she stretched out on top of him rubbing her titties against his chest. "I want you in me," she said. "Yes," he said. "God, yes."

She reached between them and grasped his cock. Carefully she pressed it against her hot pussy lips and sucked him inside of her. She sat up carefully, feeling his cock go into her stomach.

"Jesus," he said.

"Ummmm," she moaned. "That feels fine!" She started bouncing up and down on his cock. His cock rubbed against her clit each time she went down and caused delicious tingles all over her body.

"Fuck me," he said. "Fuck me!"

This was a new way for Danny, but he was getting to like it. He was going to have to try this again. He especially liked the fact that Marilyn fucked him so enthusiastically.

Marilyn had never felt so good. She was filled up by him; she felt his thick cock going places no cock had ever gone before.

"Christ," he moaned. "Christ, it's fine. I can't stand it. I'm going to come! I'm going to shoot my wad. Oh, Christ, it's too gooooooood!"

She felt his prick grow and she started bouncing harder on him until she felt the first spurt of his jism. She went down on him slower now, savoring each delicious spurt of his cum. She put her hands in her hair as she felt her body start to jerk. She screamed loudly and pulled her hair as explosion after explosion rocked her body. It was fine. It was wonderful!

Most of all, it didn't make her feel alone. It made her feel very needed!


The night of the swim meet finally arrived. It had been the night Marilyn had been looking forward to with longing and apprehension. She wanted to win. She wanted to win more than she had ever wanted anything.

She had never thought about it before, but winning was like a sexual release for her. When the applause started it was wonderful.

Carol Thompson patted her on the shoulder as they were dressing. "Good luck," she said.

"I'll need it," Marilyn said.

"Not you," Carol said. "Poor Leslie's practically foaming at the mouth she's so jealous of you."

"Jealous of me?" Marilyn asked.

"Sure," Carol said. "You know that Leslie wanted to be the number one swimmer. She wanted it badly but she doesn't have a chance as long as you're swimming."

"But why would she want it so badly?" Marilyn asked.

"I don't know," Carol said. "I think it's got something to do with Brian liking athletic girls."

Carol's name was called over the loudspeaker and that meant her trial was coming up. She gave Marilyn a wave of her hand and left her alone in the dressing room.

Marilyn watched her go with a warm flush. So Brian liked athletic girls. Well she was an athletic girl and there wasn't much doubt that she would win the trials. Maybe that would make Brian notice her. At least he would be there. A boy like Brian wouldn't miss even the girls' swim meet.

She tugged her swim suit into place and put her cap on. She would be the last one to enter. All of the other girls were already out there waiting their turns. Marilyn was to participate in the last three races.

She was suddenly aware of someone in the room with her. It gave her a strange feeling and she turned around quickly.

Officer Drew stood there. This time he wasn't in the uniform of a policeman, but in civilian clothes. He looked fatter in civilian clothes.

"Hey there," he said.

"What are you doing here," she asked. "This is the girls' dressing room."

"That's true," Officer Drew said. "But then, I knew there wasn't nobody in here but you and you ain't got nothing I ain't seen before."

"I've got to go," Marilyn said.

He blocked her way. "I want to talk to you," he said.

"I do have to go," she insisted.

"Not before we have our little talk," Officer Drew said. "I want to ask you a favor."

"A favor?" she asked. "What kind of favor?"

"I don't want you to swim today," Officer Drew said. "I want you to hurt your foot or something."

She stared at him in horror, searching his face for some sign that this might be some sort of ugly practical joke. It wasn't. He had the same broad grin on his face that he'd worn the night he had raped her.

"You must be kidding," she said.

She tried to bluff her way past him but he caught her arm and pushed her back. She tried to slap his face, but he caught her hand easily and all of her courage and anger drained away from her.

She started feeling weak.

"You won't swim today," he said.

"But why?" she asked. "Why don't you want me to swim? I'm a good swimmer."

"You are," he said. "Too good. You're better than my Leslie."

She understood them. If she didn't go out there, or if she pretended to be hurt, then Leslie would have to take her place. Leslie was a good swimmer. Leslie had a chance to win, though it wasn't as good a chance as Marilyn had. But if Leslie won, then she would have no more trouble getting Brian to be her permanent boyfriend.

"Don't do this to me," she said. "I want to race today. Please let me."

"Nah," he said. "You don't really want to race. You and I both know what you like to do."

She was aware of what the look in his eyes meant. She backed away from him but she was aware also that there was no place she could go.