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"Want some more?" Timmy asked.

"No," she said. "That will be enough."

"Just one more," he said.

"No thank you," she said. "It's getting late. I think it's time to leave."

Timmy glanced down at his watch. There was still light enough for him to see.

"Come on, Marilyn," he said. "It's only five. Your parents will probably think you're staying with a friend."

Marilyn started to protest but then Timmy was kissing her. It wasn't one of the chaste kisses that she'd had from other boys, not one of those quick good-night kisses at the door. Or even one of those kisses from the post office game they sometimes played.

Timmy's kiss was hungry, demanding. It took her breath away.

"Don't, Timmy," Marilyn said weakly. "Don't." His hard tongue forced its way into her mouth. At that moment she could have stopped him. She could have pushed him away. She started to. His kisses were not really turning her on. But he stopped kissing her. He started talking to her again.

"I think you're beautiful, Marilyn," he said. "Your body really turns me on. You're the sweetest-looking thing in a swim suit that I've ever seen. You make those other girls look skinny when you get around them. It's like you're already a woman while the others are little girls."

"Do you really think so?" Marilyn asked.

It wasn't what she'd intended to say but his words had turned her on far more than his kisses ever could. He was saying the things that she'd always wanted to believe but had just been too unsure of herself.

He started kissing her again and this time she yielded to him. Her lips became soft against his and she opened her mouth to admit his tongue. It didn't seem so wrong with him telling her all these nice things. It didn't seem wrong at all.

His fingers crept up her leg and found her hot thigh. He started drawing little circles on her inner thighs with just the tips of his fingers. She shivered each time he kissed her.

"You shouldn't do that," she said.

"I can't help it," he said. "You're just too good-looking to resist."

Again his words weakened her will. He kissed her harder and his hand crept up farther. She realized that he was trying to touch the spot between her legs. She tried to get away from his hand but he was too strong for her. His fingers suddenly touched her pussy through the thin panties she wore.

"No," she said. "Don't do that."

He continued to rub her there and she started to become excited. Her skin started to tingle. Her nipples began to harden against her bra.

"Timmy," she whispered. "You mustn't."

The time was gone when she could stop Timmy with a simple command.

His other hand was creeping up her side and pulling at her sweater. She pushed his hand away twice but each time his hand came back. The last time he got her sweater out of her skirt and his hand went underneath.

"Oh no, Timmy," she said.

Underneath the sweater she wore a thin blouse and his fingers started tugging at the buttons.

Before she realized what was happening he had her blouse unbuttoned and his hand was cupping her left titty. His fingers manipulated her nipple until her titties became hot and swollen with lust.

"Please, Timmy," she begged him. "Stop." She'd tried one last time but he was no longer listening to her. Timmy was too excited to stop. He was kissing her throat and her shoulder as his hands kept fondling her.

Suddenly she thought she had been saved because Timmy let go of her. She breathed a sigh of relief because she'd known she was about to lose her virginity. Then she looked at him and her eyes almost bugged out.

Timmy had unzipped himself and he'd pulled his large prick through his trousers. She stared at it in horror. It was entirely red except the blue veins at the head and the tiny hole seemed to be blinking at her.

"Touch me, Marilyn," he said.

"Oh no, Timmy," she said. "I couldn't do something like that."

"You're beautiful, Marilyn," he said. "You're a woman. I know you know how to satisfy a man. I know you do. A girl as pretty as you."

She was trying to argue with him but yet there was something that kept her from stopping him. She didn't understand. Perhaps it was simply because he was interested in her and nobody really had been before. She could make him happy. He wouldn't say anything about her being too short or her being too big on top. Slowly she allowed her hand to be drawn toward him. She jerked back as her fingers touched the swollen sword of his flesh.

"I can't," she whispered. "Yes you can, Marilyn," he said. "Don't you want to make me happy?"

"Yes," she admitted.

"Then let me show you how," he said.

He pulled her hand back to his swollen flesh and he wrapped her fingers around him. His skin felt loose and sweaty and he showed her how to move her hand up and down.

"That's the way, Marilyn," he said.

"Am I beating you off?" Marilyn asked.

Marilyn had heard the expression used and she'd always been curious about it.

"You are beating me," he answered. "You're beating me off. You mean, you've never touched a boy before?"

"No," she said.

"Then you're a virgin," he said. He sounded astonished.

"Yes," she said.

"You won't be after tonight," he promised.

She had somehow expected him to do the honorable thing and take her home when she'd admitted to being a virgin. But she realized then that Timmy wasn't a very honorable boy, and she also realized that she was about to get fucked.

Fucked! She was going to get fucked! She said the word over and over in her mind and each time it sounded terrible. Something that girls whispered about. Something that gave girls a reputation that she could never live down.

Yet she knew she didn't want him to stop.

"That's enough," Timmy said. "I don't want to come yet."

Timmy pulled her hand away from his cock. Marilyn didn't know what was going to happen next but she didn't have long to wait before she found out.

"Sit up," Timmy said.

She sat up and Timmy peeled the sweater off of her. She sat lifeless as he also pulled her blouse off. She shivered as the cool air touched her naked skin.

"You're looking good," Timmy said. "I told David they were real but he wouldn't believe me. Help me take your bra off."

She helped his fumbling fingers unsnap her bra and she lifted her arms so that he could draw it off her. She looked into his hot eyes that devoured her naked flesh and she grew shy. She put her arms across her naked titties.

"Move your arms," Timmy commanded. "I want to look at them. They're beautiful!"

She dropped her arms reluctantly and Timmy grinned at her.

"Whoever would think a little girl like you would have a pair of titties like that?" Timmy whispered.

He put both his hands against her flesh and squeezed gently.

"Feel good, too," he said. "You're a perfect little woman."

His hands left her titties and he pushed her once more onto her back. His hands tugged at her skirt until he had it at her waist. His fingers went underneath the top of her panties.

"No," Timmy said, as her hands came down to stop him. "Lift your hips. I want your panties off. I want to fuck you!"

He'd said it. He had told her plainly what he wanted and she dropped her hands. She helped him by lifting her hips as he tugged her panties off her legs. She was completely naked except for her skirt bunched at her waist and Timmy stared down at her with obvious hunger.

His erection seemed to have grown even bigger, if that were possible, and now there was a little drop of white on the end. She realized that it was jism.

"I'm going to get undressed now," Timmy said. She tried but she couldn't take her eyes away from him. She had never seen a completely naked boy and she was curious. He saw her looking and he smiled.