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"Don't worry, baby," he said. "I'm coming back to you. I'm going to give you this."

He ran a hand over his erection. He undressed quickly and she saw that he had a muscular, tanned body. She didn't know much about naked boys, but she thought that he had a good body.

She thought that he would immediately get on top of her. Instead he started caressing her titties again, his fingers playing with her nipples until they once more grew hard. He made her sit up and he stood above her. His hard prick dangled inches in front of her face.

"Give it a little kiss," Timmy said. "Show me how much you love it."

She looked at him in horror. She couldn't do anything like that. She couldn't! He didn't give her time to refuse. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face against him.

"Lick it," he said.

She was fighting him but he was stronger.

Finally she had to give in and she licked the head of his cock. She tasted his salty jism. She didn't like the taste. He released her and laughed at the face she made.

"Don't worry," he said. "You're going to get plenty of chances to learn to like the taste."

Again she looked at him in horror. His hands were back at her titties, caressing and fondling as he pushed her once more onto her back.

For the first time she felt the hard touch of his prick against her leg. He kissed her mouth and then he bent his head lower and flicked at her right nipple with his tongue.

"Oh," Marilyn moaned.

She hadn't known until that moment that a man's tongue would feel good there, but his wet, hot tongue sent delicious shivers all over her body. He realized she liked it and he opened his mouth and sucked in the creamy flesh of her fight tit. "Oh," Marilyn said again. "Oh."

It was unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Timmy might have been inexperienced with his tongue but his energetic licking more than made up for that.

Again Marilyn felt that hot tingle between her thighs. It was not just the fact that she was being kissed but that Timmy seemed to be so interested in her. She liked the way that she was turning him on. It made her feel warm and good, in a way that she'd never felt before.

"I've got to have you," Timmy said. "I've got to put my cock in you!"

She was afraid but she knew she couldn't stop him now. Timmy was prying apart her legs and getting into position. She felt the first touch of his large cock-head against her sensitive pussy lips. "No," she said. "You can't, Timmy!"

"I've got to fuck you," he said.

"But I'm so afraid," she said.

"Don't be," Timmy said. "It'll be good for you. I promise!"

Timmy adjusted his position so that his cock was resting in the outer folds of her pussy. She could feel his heart pounding against her.

He ground his mouth against hers, once more pushing his hot tongue into hers. He fondled her tongue with his own even as she felt the slow pressure of his cock entering her pussy.

She could do nothing but gasp as she felt his huge knob slowly forcing her cunt lips apart. She was afraid he was going to split her open. She started moving her hips, trying to escape from his penetration but she found that it only made him more excited.

His prick reached the obstruction of her hymen. He pushed harder and she felt her cunt walls giving way. Timmy lost control of himself as her sweet pussy walls closed around his straining cock.

He wasn't able to be gentle anymore. He withdrew his prick partly and then rammed it into her tight cunt savagely. He was like a stallion mounting a mare, plunging his hard rod deep into the tender warmth of her cunt.

His mouth crushed down on hers so that she wasn't able to scream.

Marilyn thought she was about to die. The delicious feeling had been suddenly replaced by pain. She was impaled on his fiery prick and there was no place for her to go. Had he moved, she didn't think she would have been able to stand it.

Instead, now that his hard prick was deep inside of her, Timmy was able to be gentle again.

"It's over," he gasped. "The worst part is over. Now just relax. I'll just stay like this for a while. Tell me when you start to feel it."

He started kissing her again, gentle little kisses all over her face. Timmy hadn't really expected her to be a virgin. He knew that most of the cheerleaders had already lost their cherries, with the exception of Leslie. Leslie was too much of a snob.

But there was something different about Marilyn. It had been too easy. He cursed himself for not trying her out years before. He realized she was hungry for someone to pay a little attention to her.

He was willing. He knew of a lot of other boys who would also be willing. Marilyn wouldn't be one of those girls that had to be dated for two years before a guy could get into her panties. Timmy knew that Marilyn was going to be a one-date proposition. An easy fuck.

Marilyn didn't know what he was thinking but she knew that the pain was leaving. There was a steady throbbing in her cunt that was growing slowly to a deep delicious warmth.

She tried to control it. She didn't feel that a good girl should feel the way she was feeling. Good girls shouldn't ever get carried away.

But her nipples were swollen hard again and involuntary little gasps escaped her throat. She might have controlled it even then had not Timmy bent his head and started sucking on her titties again.

It was too much. It caused the juices in her pussy to become hot.

"Pussy getting hot?" Timmy asked.

She didn't answer him. Instead she put her arms around him and drew him closer to her body. His hard, sweaty chest mashed her titties flat. He kissed her soft throat.

"I asked you a question," Timmy said. "Is your pussy getting hot?"

"Yes," she admitted.

"Are you ready for me to fuck you?" he asked. "Yes," she moaned softly.

"Then tell me," he said. "Tell me what you want me to do to you. Tell me!"

She wished he would get on with it. Her pussy ached and she wanted to feel his rod sliding in and out of her pussy. But she realized that he needed to be begged, that he wanted to feel as if he had conquered her completely. He wanted no part of her that didn't belong to him, even her mind.

She told herself that she wouldn't beg him. She had too much pride for that. But it felt too good between her legs. The friction of his large cock was making her gasp in delight. She couldn't control the deep hunger of her willing body.

"Fuck me," she said. "I want you to fuck me!" Those few words were enough to get Timmy started. Once again he was the wild stallion mounting his mare. He pulled his cock almost out of her. He rubbed the large cock head up and down her pussy lips.

"Put it in me," Marilyn sobbed. "I want to feel it in me."

He pushed it easily back into her. He started rotating his hips so that his meaty rod was rubbing against all the sides of her cunt. It felt too good to believe.

"Oh my God," she sobbed.

She was completely out of control. She was living for one thing, now, and that was his big cock in her. She was willing to do anything, to say anything that would keep him fucking her.

"Do me hard," she begged him. "Fuck me hard!"

He put both his hands underneath her ass so that she would be higher and he could go deeper into her cunt. She scratched at his shoulders, almost drawing blood, as he began to fuck her slowly.

She wanted it fast and hard but he was completely in command. There was nothing she could do that would hurry him. Or maybe there was. She started rubbing her flattened titties harder again. The feel of her nipples against his hard chest turned her on even more.

But it also turned Timmy on even more. He lost control of himself and started slamming his cock into her with a violence that even Marilyn didn't believe.

"Oh God," Marilyn moaned. "That's how to fuck me, Timmy. That's how I want to be fucked!"

She suddenly felt his cock growing within her and she realized he was going to come. It was almost a shock to her. She just hadn't thought about him coming inside of her.