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"I knew, baby," Billy said. "You got a hot look in your eyes."

Marilyn wondered if that were true, if she really did have a hot look in her eyes. She didn't know, but she did know that something had drawn her to the parking lot. Something she didn't understand. And she'd known if she came that both these boys were going to fuck her.

Her skirt was so short that sitting in the seat had made it draw up almost to her panties. Billy wasted no time about letting her know what he wanted. His hot fingers brushed up her thigh and grasped between her legs.

"Oh," Marilyn said.

"You have a hot look," Billy repeated. "You can always tell a girl who loves to fuck."

"Please don't talk like that," Marilyn said. "Why not?" Billy asked. "You're going to be talking like that before the night is over. You're going to be begging for it."

Marilyn shivered. She didn't like to think that what he said was true, but she knew it was. Before the night was over she was going to be for it, just like she had begged Timmy. She would say anything, do anything, to make the two boys happy.

"I have to be home by nine," Marilyn said. "Don't worry baby," Billy said. "We've got a room, like I told you. We all know what we want so there's no need to be wasting time."

Marilyn shivered again. She felt Billy's hand become more insistent, rubbing her pussy through her thin panties. She felt a twinge of excitement. Her nipples began to harden.

"Hey," Billy said. He sounded almost surprised. "She's liking this."

She was aware that Danny's eyes were fastened on the spot where Billy's hand disappeared into her dress. She lowered her eyes and saw the already hard bulge in Danny's trousers. Danny was in a hurry to join them. She saw that they were speeding.

Up to that moment she had not really thought about two boys having her. She had known Danny was coming along, had known that he would want what Billy got, but she had just not thought much about it.

Now she realized that she really was going to get fucked by both of them. It didn't frighten her as much as she thought it would. In fact, it excited her.

Two boys and both of them wanting her. It gave her nice feelings.

Billy's fingers went underneath the top of her panties and pressed hotly against her pubic thatch. She sighed. She had known it would only be a matter of time before he grew bolder.

"Damn," Billy said, getting encouragement from her obvious willingness to allow him to do what he wanted. "Let's get your panties off."

Marilyn knew a moment of shame. "No, Billy," she protested weakly. "Don't start teasing," Billy warned.

"I'm not teasing," Marilyn said. "I'll let you. Just not here. Not in the car."

"Hell yes," Billy said. "Let's take them off. It'll save a little time."

"But Billy…" she said.

He didn't let her finish. His fingers were already tugging at her panties. She gave in and lifted her hips so that he could slide them down her long legs. He pulled her skirt up above her waist so that her blonde pussy could be admired by both boys.

"Would you look at that snatch!" Danny exclaimed.

"Keep your eyes on the road," Billy said. "I'll do the looking."

Danny reluctantly looked back at the road again. It wouldn't have mattered if he'd looked back at Marilyn because he wouldn't have seen anything. Billy had covered her pussy with his hot hand.

He started rubbing the flat of his hand all over her pussy. Marilyn was already beginning to feel juicy there.

"Like that?" Billy asked.

"Yes," Marilyn moaned.

Billy pressed one finger into her cunt. He found her clit and began to flick his finger against it. Marilyn moaned loudly.

"Hot damn," Danny said. "Here we are. The motel. I don't think I can stand just looking much longer."

Billy gave her cunt a few more flicks of his finger and he reluctantly withdrew his finger. He tasted it, smiling.

"Ummmmm," he said. "Pussy juice. There's nothing that tastes as nice."

Danny stopped the car in front of the motel. "We've got room three," Billy said.

Billy still had her panties in his other hand. He now opened the dashboard and stuffed them in.

"A little reminder," he said. "You don't mind if I keep those do you, Marilyn, honey?"

"No," Marilyn said.

She pulled her skirt down as she climbed out of the driver's side of the car. Danny was looking at the bare flesh of her thighs with obvious hunger. As soon as she was out of the car he pulled her to him.

"You're a sweet piece," he said, as his lips pressed down on hers. She didn't protest as his tongue wormed into her mouth.

"Cut that out," Billy said, as he got out of his side of the car. "Do you want the whole Goddamn world to see?"

It was too late. Marilyn heard a clucking noise and she jumped away. An old man had come around one corner of the building. He was very old and dirty-looking.

He gave Marilyn a leering look.

"Well, well, well," he said. "What have we got here? A pretty young thing and two boyfriends."

The old man peered at Billy and a hint of recognition came into his eyes.

"You rented a room," the old man cackled. "I know you. You said you were married. This young lady don't look old enough to be married."

Marilyn didn't know what to say. She remained silent as the old man approached her.

"No, sir," he said. "You don't look old enough to be married."

"She's just a friend," Billy said.

Billy and Danny were both nervous. The old man knew he had them where he wanted them. He knew they were underage. He could order them away from his small motel and there would be nothing they could do. Or he could call the police.

"I don't know what I'm going to do," he said.

"You kids may be in trouble."

"Please," Marilyn said. "We'll just leave. We'll just go."

"I don't want to let you go," the old man leered. "Maybe I want to call the police. You know, it's against the law to register as man and wife when you're not man and wife."

Marilyn knew nothing about the law. She didn't know if this old man could get her into trouble or not. She only knew that she didn't want to be in trouble.

"Let us go," Marilyn pleaded.

"I don't want to cut you out of your fun," the old man said. "Let me watch."

Marilyn turned white. She couldn't even consider the thought of this horrid old man watching her. She knew that Billy or Danny wouldn't consider it either. At least she thought they wouldn't.

"Sure," Billy said.

"What?" Marilyn whispered.

"Let him watch," Billy said. "It won't do no harm. He's an old man. Let him have a little excitement in his old age. It won't do any harm."

"I don't want him to watch," Marilyn said.

"It's either me or the police," the old man leered. "Make up your mind, young lady."

Marilyn didn't have a chance to make up her mind. Billy grabbed her arm and pushed and pulled her toward room number three. He dropped her arm as he pulled the key from his pocket and opened the door.

"Billy," Marilyn said.

"Go in," Billy said.

His voice left no room for argument, and Marilyn stepped into the dark, dingy room. The room was not dirty, but it was plain. There was only a bed and a lamp. Suddenly Marilyn felt very cheap.

But it was much too late to change her mind. Billy came up behind her and his hands went underneath her skirt. His hot hands cupped her firm ass cheeks and then went around her body pulling her ass against his hardening prick. "Feel that, baby?" he asked. "Yes," she said. "What is it?" he asked. "It's your prick," she said.

"That's right," he said. "And I'm soon going to use my prick to fill your hot cunt."

Marilyn felt weak as his hard cock, still in his trousers, pressed against the curve of her ass. For a moment she forgot that the old man and Danny were in the room.

Danny soon reminded her by slamming shut the door and going to the bed. He was undressing. He was not shy about exposing his body. He peeled off his shirt and undershirt to reveal a chest that was hairy and muscular. He stopped when his fingers touched his belt buckle. "I think I'll let you do this," he said. Marilyn nodded as Billy released her.