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"Damn," Danny said. "It ain't working this way."

Marilyn sighed with relief as he withdrew his hard cock, but Danny had no intention of stopping, instead he allowed her to drop her legs, and then he motioned for her to turn over on her stomach.

She turned over.

"On your hands and knees," Danny whispered. "We're going to do this doggy style. I'm going to fuck you like a bitch in heat. Which is what you are!"

She struggled a little but he easily put her into the position that he wanted her in. He adjusted his position and slammed his cock once more back into her asshole.

"Ahhh," he moaned. "This is better."

He reached around her and found her pussy. He pushed two fingers into her pussy and he flicked her clit every time his cock drove into her. She began to feel it. A slow delicious warmth was building up in her.

"Now she's feeling," the old man said. "Now she's beginning to like it. I told you she would. They all like it."

"Damn," Billy said. "I'm getting hard again watching. Let's show her the fucking special."

Danny was agreeable. He withdrew his cock and motioned for Marilyn to sit up. Marilyn was still in a daze and she hardly knew what was happening to her. All she knew was that she was willing to do anything as long as it felt good.

Danny got on his back and pulled Marilyn toward him. She guided his prick to her cunt. He slowly pulled her down so that her cunt was engulfing his cock, drawing his hot rod deep into her pussy.

Danny started to drive his cock up into her hot pussy and Marilyn was hot enough now to drive herself back at him. She loved the feeling of going down on him, feeling his thick rod press apart the walls of her cunt and fill her.

Now Billy pushed her forward a little as he stared at her ass. He hadn't had her ass yet, but Danny would have made it hot and slippery. He pressed his cock against her ass and felt Marilyn shiver.

"Oh no," she said. "Not both of you. You can't mean both of you."

"Sure you can," Billy said. "Just relax. You're about to be double-fucked!"

He held his cock in his hand as he pressed it against her ass. He pushed and his cock went easily into her ass. He pushed until he felt his heavy balls resting against her ass.

"Now do it with me," Billy directed Danny. "Fuck her with me."

Marilyn screamed with delight as the boys began to find a rhythm to their fucking. She felt as if she was completely overpowered by the two boys, as if she only existed to meet their brutal thrusts.

She couldn't move with them. They set the pace and they directed her movements. She couldn't do as she liked. She loved it. She loved the two rods stretching her cunt and ass.

She screamed and thrashed as her first explosion threatened to tear her body apart. She heard Billy grunt and then his hot cum was pouring into her ass. A moment later she heard Danny's loud grunt and then both their cocks were spewing out the white seed.

"Oh God," she said. "Oh God!"

She had experienced orgasm before but never like this. It was powerful. It rocked her entire body. It left her completely exhausted. It was too good to believe!

They stayed inside her for a long while. Then Marilyn started coming back to the ground again. Both boys withdrew their cocks, dripping with cum.

"You're fucking good," Billy said, clapping her on her rounded ass. "Fucking good."

She was tired. God, she was tired. She watched Billy and Danny start to get dressed and she knew it was time to leave.

"What about me?" the old man said.


Marilyn had almost forgotten the old man. He still stood in one comer with his hand wrapped around his cock and he looked at her with the same leering grin. Danny buckled his trousers and looked at Billy.

"Why not?" Danny asked.

"Sure," Billy said. "Hell, Marilyn won't mind." Marilyn didn't understand what they were talking about. She looked at one boy and then the other. She couldn't understand the expression on their faces.

"Why don't we see what the old man can do?" Billy asked.

"Hell," Danny said. "I don't want to see. I'd rather have a beer."

The old man grinned as he started taking off his clothes.

"You two go up to the front office," he said. "There's a few cold beers in the icebox."

Danny shrugged. "Why not, Billy. Seems like a nice trade. Marilyn for a couple of beers."

"Sure," Billy agreed.

Suddenly Marilyn understood. They were trading her to the old man. Well she wouldn't have it. Marilyn got out of the bed quickly and reached for her clothes. Danny stepped on her skirt. "No," he said.

"Please," Marilyn said. "Don't leave me here with him."

"We made a trade," Danny said. "You won't mind. You like cocks and he's got a cock. It's a little decrepit, but it is a cock."

"Please," Marilyn said again.

She didn't want to look at the corner where the old man stood. She had already ought a glimpse of him standing there. He was naked and his skinny, hairless body looked vulgar. His hard jutting cock almost made her sick to her stomach.

"Let's get that beer," Danny said.

Danny reached down and picked up her skirt and blouse. He also picked up her bra. He laughed at her pained expression. Marilyn understood finally that they had used her and they were done with her. They were willing to let the old man have the leftovers. Perhaps they thought it funny.

"You'll get these back," Danny said. "When we're ready to leave."

"I won't do it," she said. "I won't let him touch me."

"Maybe," Danny shrugged. "I guess that's up to the old man. Think you can handle her, old man?"

The old man grinned and wrapped his skinny fingers around his cock.

"I can handle her," he said. "I can handle her just fine."

Marilyn couldn't believe it was happening, but Billy and Danny were leaving. Marilyn started toward the door but the old man cut her off. She saw Danny pull the door closed behind him. He was still smiling at her.

"Now, little lady," the old man said. "I'm going to teach you."

"You leave me alone," she said.

The old man was quicker than she would have ever thought he could be. He stepped close and whirled her around. He pushed her arm up behind her back until it hurt.

"A little judo trick," he said. "Now come with me."

She had no choice. He pushed her into the bathroom. He held her as he reached across and turned on the hot water.

"I want you to scrub yourself clean," he said. "I don't want those boys smell on you when I learn you to be a woman."

"I won't," she said. "I won't."

"I'm not a violent man," he said. He pressed her arm up until she cried in pain. "Now are you going to do as I say."

"Yes," she moaned.

He released her immediately.

"Get into the shower," he said.

She did as she was told. It wasn't what she expected. He actually bathed her very gently. She shuddered each time he touched her but he didn't seem to care.

He cleaned her carefully and dried her when he was finished. She didn't have to do anything, but she still did not like the touch of his hands on her skin.

He pulled her back into the bedroom and made her stretch out on the bed. His prick had gotten limp but she knew that it would only be minutes before it was hard again.

She decided not to struggle. He made her sick and she wasn't going to like it, but she decided to let him fuck her and get it over with. She had felt his strength and she was afraid he might hurt her if she resisted.

"I know what you're thinking," he said, as he got into the bed beside her. "You're thinking that you're going to let me but you're not going to enjoy it."

"That's right," she said. "I'H be the worst fuck that you've ever had."

"You're wrong," he said. "You're going to enjoy it. A lot."