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She knew that he was the one who was wrong. She wasn't going to enjoy it. She hated the feel of his hands. She spread her legs slightly and looked at him with an expression of pure hate.

"Go ahead," she said. "Just do it and get it over with. Hurry up."

"Not so fast," he said. "I told you I was going to make a woman out of you and I am. I'm going to make you feel a lot better than those boys made you."

"You make me sick," she said.

Marilyn was determined she wasn't going to show any sign of passion to this dirty old man. She steeled herself as she felt his fingers brush her titties.

"You have beautiful titties," he said. "So round and soft."

He was good with his hands. There could be no doubting that. He did things with her titties that no boy had ever done. In just a minute he had both her nipples hard and her tits swollen.

"See there," he said. "I know what I'm doing."

"You still make me sick," she said.

He laughed. He lowered his head to her left titty and his tongue flicked her hard nipple. It was a delicious feeling. She shivered. He moved his head to her right nipple and did the same with it.

"You have beautiful titties," he repeated. "And I bet you've never had them sucked. Not by a real man."

She wanted to laugh at him. She wanted to tell him that his skinny body and wrinkles did not belong to a real man. But there was no doubting that he was doing something to her.

Even as tired as she was and after two orgasms, he was still doing something to her.

With his hands he held her titties together and placed his face in the crevice. He began to lick the flesh of her titties. Both at once. He made her feel tingly again.

"Oh," she said. "Ummm."

He looked at her and smiled.

"You like that," he said. "I know you do. But I haven't even started yet. I'm going to eat your sweet pussy, baby."

Marilyn shivered as his hot tongue started down her body. Of course, she knew what he meant. There had been the usual bawdy talk among the girls. Getting your pussy eaten was supposed to be something that only happened to girls who made dirty movies. Good girls weren't supposed to let things like that happen to them. But then Marilyn wasn't a good girl anymore.

She felt his tongue between her legs and she opened wider. He pushed his tongue through her curly blonde pubic hairs to her cunt. It was no longer an old man sucking her cunt as she felt his tongue touch her sensitive pussy.

"Oh my God," she groaned.

He played with the outside of her pussy for a few minutes, just long enough to get her hot pussy juices flowing again. Then he pushed his tongue deep inside her and began moving it in and out of her like a cock.

"Ummmm," she moaned. "Ummmmm!"

He continued to push his tongue into her until she was squirming hotly. Then he flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue and she nearly went out of her mind. She screamed and her ass bucked. "Oh Jesus," she said. "Oh Jesus!"

He pulled her clit between his lips and began to chew on it. It was sweet. Her every nerve tingled and she was being driven slowly wild with desire.

He seemed to sense her need and he began to eat her with a frantic urgency. It was enough to build up the heat of her climax.

"I'm coming," she screamed. "I'm coming! Oh Jesus, I'm cominggggg!"

He didn't pull his mouth away from her as she'd expected. Instead she heard the soft sucking sounds as he swallowed her juices.

He pulled away when she quit trembling and now she expected him to fuck her. She didn't really mind as much as she had before. He may have been a dirty old man but he knew how to make a girl happy.

But he still had other things in mind.

Instead of climbing on top of her he pulled at her hair and made her sit up. He leaned back on his elbows. He grinned at her.

"Now you do it for me," he said.

She looked down at his hard cock with a deep disgust. She shook her head.

"No," she said. "I couldn't do that. I've never done anything like that."

"I want you to drink my cum," he said.

She looked at him in horror. She kept telling herself that she wouldn't, but she wasn't leaving the bed and he was making no move to force her to his desires. It was like he expected it and he knew she wouldn't turn him down.

"Do it," he said. "The boys might be back soon."

She shook her head again. This time he gently took hold of her head and pressed her face to his cock. She licked the tip of his cock and tasted his strong, salty cum.

"Open your mouth," he said. "Take me in."

She still didn't want to but she found herself opening her mouth and taking his rubbery cock in between her lips. He pressed against her teeth but she was afraid to open them.

"Open your teeth," he said. "Take me in your throat. Pretend I'm a sucker."

She closed her eyes. She had to get her courage back before she could open her teeth and accept his cock into the moist cavern of her mouth.

He grunted as her hot mouth closed around his cock. He started directing her and she took more and more of the hot sword into her throat.

She finally felt his large cock-head pushing against the back of her throat. His balls rubbed against her chin.

"Ahhhhh," the old man groaned. "Ahhhhh, that's it, baby!"

She dropped her hands to cup his nuts and began to like it.

She didn't understand why, at first, all she understood was that for some reason she suddenly liked sucking his cock, and she wanted it to be good for him. He didn't have to direct her actions any longer.

She withdrew his spear from her throat and she moved her lips over the knob in quick, light kisses. He groaned. She started licking him up and down, covering the entire length of his cock with her saliva.

"Jesus," he moaned. "Now you're getting into it, baby. Now you're doing me good!"

"Just tell me," she said. "Just tell me what you want me to do."

"Just what you're doing, baby," he groaned. Again she opened her mouth over his large knob and worked him into her throat. He was going crazy as her lips and tongue worked on his throbbing shaft.

He jerked as she drew him deep into her throat once again. She felt his heavy knob pushing again at the back of her throat. She was not the greatest at sucking cocks, but she was enthusiastic and learning fast.

"Oh fuck, baby," he groaned. "Oh fuck, I'm going to shoot off."

She released his cock quickly, giving him a look of distaste. She loved sucking his cock but she was afraid to take his jism into her mouth. He pulled her head back to his cock.

"You have to finish me," he said.

She once more jerked her head away and started backing off the bed.

"Please," she said. "I don't think I can."

"You can," the old man said. "You're a natural cock sucker. Now finish me!"

Something inside her wanted to, but she was just too afraid. She tried to get off the bed and the old man caught her.

"All right," he said. "I wanted to come gentle but we can also do it the hard way."

He took hold of her hair and bent her to her knees beside the bed. He bent her head back until it started hurting her.

"Now you open your mouth," he said. "Wide!" She was in too much pain to refuse. She opened her mouth wide and he savagely plunged his cock back into her mouth. He relaxed his hold against her head.

"Now do what I tell you," he said. "I'm going to fuck your mouth! Just let me do what I want and don't fight. You might get hurt if you fight!"

She saw that he was too far gone and he meant what he said. He started fucking her mouth in deep, violent strokes. She tasted a little more of his salty jism.

"Shit," he groaned. "I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm going to blow my waddddddd!"

She choked on his first spurt and the largest part of his cum escaped the corners of her mouth. But she had to swallow some of it. She found the taste wasn't bad and she wished that she'd finished him the easy way instead of having him fuck her mouth.