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She sobbed and flailed her head back and forth. Every fiber in her body was strained to the limit and her sinews struck out in bold relief on her naked body.

Jerry bent over her tear-stained face. He grabbed a thick swath of her golden blonde tresses, twisting her hair in his long, hairy fingers. Puffing her head up, he placed his mouth against her lips and snaked his tongue into her mouth, kissing her wetly, against her will. She felt like spitting his tongue out, but she knew that that would be a grave mistake. There was no telling what Jerry might do if she refused to kiss him. He kept twisting her hair until it felt like he was ripping her scalp right out of her head.

"Ha! Ha!" Jerry laughed demonically as he released her mouth from his unwanted French kiss, "You kiss real nice, cunt!" he taunted lewdly. He looked at her coldly, animal-like.

Doris stared into Jerry's rough-hewn face, trying desperately to discern a single trace of sympathy or human emotion in his cruel, glowering eyes. There was none. No sign of compassion, no nothing. Just dark, brooding brutality. Her skin crawled with a creepy feeling as she realized that she was in the power of two evil and sadistic men who cared not one iota about her horrible suffering!

"That's enough of this!" the Congressman snarled, throwing the whip aside. "Get out the big dildo! The big one!" he instructed Jerry in a voice tinged with evil enthusiasm. "I'm going to dildo fuck the little bitch. I don't think she appreciates getting her cunt reamed out by the whip, so I'll fuck her cunt with the big dildo and see if she likes that better!"

"What are you talking about? I don't want my pussy fucked with anything!" she protested loudly, shaking her head back and forth furiously. Doris was indignant and infuriated by the brutal treatment she was receiving at the hands of Jerry and Congressman Barth. Were the two diabolical tormentors insane? she wondered. What kind of men were they, anyway? It made no sense at all. Congressman Barth was obviously an imports and well-respected man in the community. Otherwise, he would never have been elected to office. And most important, what in the world was a dildo? Doris had no idea what a dildo was, but the mere name frightened her half to death. Her chest heaved as her heart beat rapidly in anxious, nervous anticipation of what was to come next.

"We're talking about this!" Jerry exclaimed as he held high the electric battery-operated plastic dildo. "If I know the Congressman like I think I know him, he's gonna ream out your pussy with it. I'm sure you'll find it a shocking experience." The two men broke out laughing.

Doris stared wide-eyed at the sight of the thick, cream-colored plastic dildo. The dildo was shaped like a huge, hard prick. "You're not going to put that… that dreadful thing in my pussy, are you?" Surely, they wouldn't abuse her so terribly, she thought. But, looking at their animated faces, she knew that they were planning to do just that!

Congressman Barth wasted no time. He shoved the dildo into her tight, juicy cunt. The Congressman worked the dildo into her cunt and Doris tried to stifle her cries of agony and terror as her pussy-walls stretched to accommodate the thick, plastic prick. Her cunt-walls rippled and stretched to the limit. Sharp stabs, of pain shot through her ravaged and abused pussy.

"Yeah, you are a hot cunt, Doris!" Congressman Barth exclaimed. "You're going to love this," he taunted rudely as he pressed the dildo deeper and deeper into her tight, young pussy.

Suddenly, without warning, the Congressman pushed down a button on the handle of the dildo and the plastic prick buzzed and came to life, sending a torrent of electricity pulsing through her ravaged cunt. "Aaaaaaaagggghhhhh aaaaiiieee!" she shrieked in terror as electric shocks coursed through her cunt. The vibrator shook and whirred loudly. She felt like she was being electrocuted. The wicked supercharged dildo throbbed in her cunt, which spasmed in response to the relentless wave of electric energy that stung her pussy. Her cunt-walls rippled quickly, uncontrollably. Doris had no control over her body. She shivered and shuddered. Her clit quivered.

"Stop! Please! Noooo!" she yelped anxiously.

Her voice quavered, distorted grotesquely by the torrents of electricity which streaked through her tortured cunt. Her body shook grossly. The electric shocks which racked her cunt felt like tingling, clawing fingers that tore at her rippling, spuming cunt-walls. And her clit quivered and shook, throbbing inside of its fleshy cuntal sheath.

Congressman Barth began to pump the dildo in and out of her abused pussy, smiling lewdly. He was using quick, powerful strokes to ram the dildo deeper. He had a diabolical look on his face and appeared to be loving every moment of her torment.

She braced herself, steeled her nerves, and attempted to withstand the pain which racked her naked body. She tried not to scream in agony, trying to deny the wicked, perverted men the pleasure of her horrid discomfort and anguish. But it was impossible to remain stoic and quiet when confronted with the ugly and increasingly painful reality of the brutal experience.

Unable to remain calm, Doris cried out in despair. "Aaaaaiiieeeee!"

The vibrating, shocking dildo raped into her clit, sending sparks of lightning coursing through her pussy. Her pussy-muscles felt like they were being stretched and ripped, torn apart by the wicked plastic prick that shook inside of her cunt. The hard tip of the dildo was crammed in so deeply that she felt it would soon tear right on through to her stomach! She was on the verge of blacking out. Then Congressman Barth abruptly pulled the dildo out of her cunt.

"Thank God!" she muttered, relieved that the man was finished raping her pussy with the electric dildo. Now, she hoped and prayed, they had had their fill of her. Surely, she thought, surely, they would let her go. She would gladly reassure them that she had no intentions of identifying the nasty Congressman Barth. She only wanted to go home, and try to forget the horrible way that she had been raped and abused!


"I haven't finished with you yet, sweetheart. Since you didn't enjoy getting dildo-fucked, perhaps you'd like to get fucked by my nice, bit cock. What do you say to that, Doris?"

"Don't you dare, you bastard?" she yelled. "I hate you!" She cried and struggled in her bonds, painfully chafing her wrists raw where the ropes bit into her tender flesh.

"My, my. You sure are a foolish little girl, Doris," the Congressman said as he unbuckled his trousers and pulled off his suit jacket. "I'm going to fuck your pussy whether you like it or not, bitch!"

He dropped his undershorts and stood before the helpless, bound girl, his half-hard cock wagging in front of him. The man began to stroke his cock. Doris watched nervously as she saw his cock begin to grow, getting thicker and stronger.

"Yeah, I'm going to fuck you silly, cunt. That's what I planned to do in the park today. Unfortunately, you ran away before I got a chance to fuck you!"

He knelt between her splayed thighs and licked his lips. Then, without another word, he slid down and led his prick toward her cunt.

She flinched and trembled, biting her lip and trying to stifle her tears. Congressman Barth grunted and slipped his prick between her glistening cuntlips. She felt sick to her stomach as she felt his bloated cock sliding into her tight cunt. Doris knew that she could not stop him from raping her. She was in the man's power, bound and dominated – helpless and at his mercy. She could only lie there and accept the fucking.

Her wrists had been rubbed raw from struggling against the ropes. And, her pussy ached from getting reamed out by the electric dildo. Every muscle in her body hurt. She shuddered as Congressman Barth settled in between her creamy young thighs and started to move his tips, burrowing his cock into her tight cunt.