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Less than a year ago, three mortals had travelled into the heart of the world. One had died, one had been recaptured and the third.... the third had disappeared. All three, in their own way, had discovered the greatest secret of Z'ha'dum, the one the Shadows reserved for the most trusted of their race. The Priests of the Fallen Midnight, the Heart Guards, and the Pale and Silent King. Not even the most trusted of the Drakh knew.

At the heart of Z'ha'dum, rested the Eldest. The First of the First Ones. The Father of All Darkness. The first living being in all the galaxy to reach sentience.

The name he chooses to use is Lorien, and he is not alone.

"You do understand, don't you?"

"Of course I do. I had.... how long.... to think about it?"

"A year or so by your standards has passed in the world outside. A little longer in here, I believe. It has been said by many that time does not work in the same way on this world as it does on others. They may be right."

"Time doesn't work the same way on a Monday morning as it does on a Friday night. I've had long enough."

"This part of it will soon be over. I had.... hoped there would be some understanding by now, but it seems I was wrong. A pity. It is a terrible thing when your children fight. I had hoped for something.... more than this."

"I'll do what I can."

"I was not talking about you. I very much doubt you will be a disappointment to anyone."

"Tell that to my father."

"You know where I will send you?"

"I know. I know who I'll meet when I get there, and what to say to him. And after that...."

"After that.... you will be on your own."

"I'll cope. How long will it take me to get there?"

"Ah, time again. Not long, I believe, although whether by my standards or yours I cannot be sure. Very little in this galaxy is certain in any way."

"Yes, whatever. I guess this is goodbye, then."

"Yes, it is. It has been.... interesting having you here. You have a most unusual outlook on things."

"You need to get out more if you think I'm interesting. It's been nice knowing you. We'll meet again, yes?"

"Oh, yes. Of that, I am very sure."

There was a blaze of light, and she was gone. The Eldest sighed and continued his long and lonely walk. Someone was waiting for him. One of those above had come to consult with him. He knew why.

"It is a terrible thing when your children fight," he repeated to himself.

The Shadow was there, on the precipice. It was larger by far than was usual, and the dappled grey and purple on its head bespoke its rank. Lorien rose through the mists of earth and air and appeared beside the Shadow. He did not always come when a pilgrim arrived here, but tradition was tradition, and times were changing swiftly.

Besides, this was the Pale and Silent King, and few ignored such a meeting.

Lorien pondered the origins of the name, and thought of the irony. Few understood the meaning now, and yet it was maintained anyway. For a race which thrived on change, the Shadows could be very traditional.

<They are coming,> the Pale and Silent King said. Lorien only nodded once. <They are coming, Eldest.>

"As they did once before. I remember the fighting well."

<This time will be the last.>

"You have survived before. You have been driven from this world countless times in the past, and always you returned."

<We returned for you, Eldest. Such was our bargain, in the dawn of ages, that we would guard you in your place of retreat. We will not be able to return this time. This time.... we will be lost.>

"All things change."

<Not our duty. Never our duty. We were to be their teachers, their guides. We were to show them the stars.>

"And yet they have made it to the stars on their own. Without you."

<No, Eldest. Their every action was because of us. Waking or sleeping, we were there.>

"And the Vorlons. They were there also."

<Yes. The Vorlons were there also. As they will be here. Their minds and their voices are coming here.>

"You have defence systems. You have ships. You can defend this world."

<No, Eldest. We shall lose. We shall be defeated. But we will die with pride. We will defend your home to the last, and in our deaths, all of them shall see the stars. Maybe even some of them will understand.>

"Even when you are all gone, you seek to manipulate them. As you say, you are lost. Why fight? What can this gain? The Vorlons will understand this too. A day will come when I will talk to the Vorlon Lights Cardinal in their ancient home and he will say the same things you have said. Their time is done. You chose to stay when the others left. All of you chose to stay. You must have known you could not stay forever. You must have known a time would come when you were not needed. That is change, after all."

<Some things do not change. Our duty does not change, and nor do you, Eldest.>

"A time will come when I myself must leave. Not now, no, but soon. I will join you all beyond the Rim, and see what lies beyond."

<We will die for you, Eldest. We have always lived for you, and now we will die for you.>

"That is not necessary."

<It is our duty. It is.... what is.>

"And you will be the last."

<As you were the First. Fare well, Eldest. We go to our deaths.>

Lorien sighed. Unnecessary. It was all so unnecessary. He had to remain here. He had to watch. The time was not yet right for him to leave. The Shadows believed that if he ever left Z'ha'dum, the entire planet would be destroyed. So did the Vorlons for that matter.

He looked up, and with eyes that were not in his head but in his soul, he looked through kilometres of rock, of city, of air, of sky, of star.

And he saw the ships appear in the skies above Z'ha'dum.

And he saw the Shadows make ready for them.

* * *

There was always that one, single moment of hesitation in battle, an instant when both sides stopped and thought. Such moments brought about either victory or defeat, and it was a wise leader who knew how to use them.

Both fleets moved, casually, slowly, circling around each other. The Shadow warships hovered above their ancestral home, the place of their duty, the place where their Pale and Silent King waited. They knew their duty. All of them knew their duty. And some of them knew only revenge.

You did not let us show you heaven.

So we will show you hell.

The Dark Stars hummed, the trapped souls within them focussing their minds and efforts at the commands of far distant masters. Through their eyes the Vorlons watched, and through their mouths the Vorlons sent their reply.

We will show them heaven. And we will show them hell. You are not needed.

Still the battle did not start. The Alliance ships continued to jump into view, taking up their positions, each ship according to their precise orders. Defence, shock attack, reserves. The whole plan had been evaluated, calculated, prepared.

The war was over. Now.

And still the battle did not start. Neither side moved. The Alliance could not know that the Shadows were arguing amongst themselves. The Vorlons did, and, sensing some final deception on the part of their ancient enemies, waited.

A message was sent to the Dark Star 1, flagship of the fleet, to General John 'Shadowkiller' Sheridan himself.

A reply was sent, and from the dead world of Z'ha'dum, there came a shuttle.

The Vorlons still waited.